View Full Version : Where is the "rarity" for the Dragons in storage ?

01-20-16, 04:12 PM
anyone noticed we don't have the rarity for the Dragons in storage anymore ?
i don't use it often but sometimes, i like to see this info before taking out a dragon out of Storage :D

01-21-16, 12:28 AM
They have also changed the way dragons are listed in the market. I used to be able to tell what dragons to breed for because the ones I did not have were listed first (after featured ones) followed by the ones I owned by rarity (common, rare, super rare and ultra). When I saw Fire, I knew those that followed were ones I owned. Now the list starts with Fire and the ones I have are mixed with the ones I don't and it's not by rarity anymore either. NOT a fan of this change, hope it's temporary.

01-21-16, 12:59 AM
This is odd.

Clark, my Storage is as you describe - no rarity displayed.

TwiWoods, my market is still the old way, with the ones I own listed at the end. As soon as I read your post I thought, "Oh, no, it was good the way it was" so went to see how I'd figure it out with the change. I'll see if it is still the same after reset, as maybe mine is late updating or something odd, but at the moment, no change to my Market (on either iOS or Android).

01-21-16, 02:03 AM
And after reset, still no change to the dragon sort order for me. But my Dawn Tree buildings are missing as per the Dawn Tree thread, but not missing for others. All very odd.

01-21-16, 08:27 AM
Could this be another "problem" regarding the difference between main and seasonal version? I only play the Halloween version and obviously it's not up to date and my market is still the same. I would check the main version, but I can't open it. Maybe someone else could take a look at it.

01-21-16, 09:54 AM
Checked again and my dragons are back in order again in the market (Featured, Unowned and Owned) - I guess they were just being naughty! :p

And for the OP - still no rarity listed for dragons in Storage (and no boost buildings)

I am on iOS version 2.3.3

01-21-16, 12:57 PM
Just to note for completeness - the boosts are back now.:D