View Full Version : Trade wagon.

01-11-16, 04:17 PM
I am doing great in this game but there is two questions I have. The first is the Trade Wagon. It says to get the camp, I need to complete Sovereighn quests. It shows I have 5 of the 99 tokens needed. What are the Sovereign quests. Also, how do I add neighbors. None of my friends play and I need neighbors. Thanks for all help!!!🤓

01-11-16, 04:37 PM
Trade tickets are from events called Monster hunts that happen regularly. You can see the last event here: http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?86148-Castle-Story-11-05-Update-Monster-Hunt-Season-3

For neighbours, go to the Add Me forum: http://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?110-Castle-Story-Add-Me

01-12-16, 12:34 AM
Is there a pattern to the frequency of Monster Hunts? Any guesses when we will get the next one? :-)

Thank you! :-)

01-12-16, 12:45 AM
July, September, November so far. Could be a new one soon going by this pattern. :)