View Full Version : There's always no one shopping in my shop :(

12-14-15, 04:33 AM
As I've mentioned in the topic, how can I attract more customers? Thanks

12-14-15, 04:34 AM
This is a photo of my shop

12-14-15, 04:36 AM
Cannot upload photo sorry

12-14-15, 02:16 PM
I just added you as a neighbor. Make sure your shop is always full. I noticed that your shop was empty. Try & neighbor as many members as well.

12-17-15, 04:48 PM
Try to upgrade your shop as much as possible, it moves you to the top of your neighbors list. Get as many neighbors as you can, write on the wall of every farm you visit & pop lots of hearts. Make sure to keep putting stuff in your shop, when you do it puts you in the newspaper again. If you just let it sit in your shop, it won't go in newspaper, when you add something it goes in newspaper again & more people visit. Also make sure you have the quick add on in your settings so people who visit can easily add you to their list. Sell things that people really need like parts every once in awhile and more people will add you.

12-21-15, 10:07 AM
I just invited you to be my neighbor. it seems like i'm always looking for produce; flax especially, carrots, hot peppers. I Can't get enough of them to keep my machines going. Also chocolate squares are hard to find. But you have a nice size farm. Just keep your machines working & harvest frequently, and keep your farm animals working. That way you can keep items in your shop. Happy Farming!!!

01-05-16, 11:05 PM
I like to price my items at least 20-30 coins below market price. I seem to get a lot of people buying from me that way. For example, I plant enough spinach to yield me like 30-40. I always see people selling them for around 350 coins, but I price mine at 301. I've made SO MUCH money just selling the spinach.

Also, just keep adding friends. The more people you're friends with, the more likely someone will buy from you.