View Full Version : IOS vs Android

12-08-15, 11:34 AM
Thinking maybe I should post this in suggestions & feedback, but I noticed TL doesn't seem to be very active in responding there. I am so happy TL has made this available to android users since it seems so massively glitchy on IOS. I was playing on I pad but uninstalled several times due to constant force closing. Now I have no problems since I started playing on my android tab....however what I do have a problem with is the BIG difference in gem spending. Example...IOS, while waiting for an ingredient to restock when it reaches 30 seconds left you can collect it for free vs Android it still costs the same amount of gems to instantly restock. IOS....to instantly restock lets say potatoes or whatever maybe 6 gems on Android 18. Also on IOS you get 24 hour goals but not on Android. Why such huge differences?