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View Full Version : How to collect Gold Dragons (all possible combinations)

12-03-15, 07:24 PM
I have read many questions on how to collect the Gold Dragons, if we have 1 or 2 of them in the Treasure Terrace, on different levels.
So, i made some maths to help everyone to take the best decision for the right collection of the Gold :)

As far as we know:

Level 1 - Level 3 Gold Dragons produce 1 Gold per day
Level 4 - Level 6 Gold Dragons produce 2 Gold per day
Level 7 - Level 9 Gold Dragons produce 4 Gold per day
Level 10 - Level 15 Gold Dragons produce 5 Gold per day

Every Treasure Terrace can hold up to 5 Gold (except the very old ones, which hold 10 Gold) and 2 Gold Dragons.

When we collect our Gold Dragons the calculation time resets.
For every next collection we have to add 1 minute to the expected time, just to be sure that everything will be fine and we won't lose any Gold.
Keep in mind that the calculation time also resets every time we move a Gold Dragon to another Treasure Terrace or we evolve a Gold Dragon or we restore the Gold Dragon from the Evolution Temple.

So, here are the time collecting scenarios for 1 or 2 Gold Dragons in the Treasure Terrace in all the possible combinations...

When we have 1 Gold Dragon in the Treasure Terrace and the Gold Dragon is on:

a) Level 1 - Level 3, then produces 1 Gold every 24 Hours (1 Gold per day), which means:

24.00' (1 Day) = 1G
48.00' (2 Days) = 2G
72.00' (3 Days) = 3G
96.00' (4 Days) = 4G
120.00' (5 Days) = 5G
144.00' (6 Days) = 5G

b) Level 4 - Level 6, then produces 1 Gold every 12 Hours (2 Gold per day), which means:

12.00' (1/2 Day) = 1G
24.00' (1 Day) = 2G
36.00' (1 1/2 Days) = 3G
48.00' (2 Days) = 4G
60.00' (2 1/2 Days) = 5G
72.00' (3 Days) = 5G

c) Level 7 - Level 9, then produces 1 Gold every 6 Hours (4 Gold per day), which means:

06.00' = 1G
12.00' = 2G
18.00' = 3G
24.00' (1 Day) = 4G
[B]30.00' (1 Day + 6 Hours) = 5G
36.00' (1 1/2 Days) = 5G

d) Level 10 - Level 15, then produces 1 Gold every 04 Hours and 48 Minutes (5 Gold per day), which means:

04.48' = 1G
09.36' = 2G
14.24' = 3G
19.12' = 4G
[B]24.00' (1 Day) = 5G
28.48' (1 Day + 04 Hours and 48 Minutes) = 5G

When we have 2 Gold Dragons in the Treasure Terrace and:

a) Both the Gold Dragons are on Level 1 - Level 3, then produce 1 Gold every 12 Hours (2 Gold per day), which means:

12.00' (1/2 Day) = 1G
24.00' (1 Day) = 2G
36.00' (1 1/2 Days) = 3G
48.00' (2 Days) = 4G
[B]60.00' (2 1/2 Days) = 5G
72.00' (3 Days) = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]

b) One Gold Dragon is on Level 1 - Level 3 and the second Gold Dragon is on Level 4 - Level 6, then produce 1 Gold every 8 Hours (3 Gold per day), which means:

08.00' = 1G
16.00' = 2G
24.00' (1 Day) = 3G
32.00' (1 Day + 8 Hours) = 4G
[B]40.00' (1 Day + 16 Hours) = 5G
48.00' (2 Days) = 5G

c) One Gold Dragon is on Level 1 - Level 3 and the second Gold Dragon is on Level 7 - Level 9, then produce 1 Gold every 04 Hours and 48 Minutes (5 Gold per day), which means:

04.48' = 1G
09.36' = 2G
14.24' = 3G
19.12' = 4G
[B]24.00' (1 Day) = 5G
28.48' (1 Day + 04 Hours and 48 Minutes) = 5G

d) One Gold Dragon is on Level 1 - Level 3 and the second Gold Dragon is on Level 10 - Level 15, then produce 1 Gold every 04 Hours (6 Gold per day), which means:

04.00' = 1G
08.00' = 2G
12.00' = 3G
16.00' = 4G
[B]20.00' = 5G
24.00' (1 Day) = 5G

e) Both the Gold Dragons are on Level 4 - Level 6, then produce 1 Gold every 6 Hours (4 Gold per day), which means:

06.00' = 1G
12.00' = 2G
18.00' = 3G
24.00' (1 Day) = 4G
30.00' (1 Day + 6 Hours) = 5G
36.00' (1 1/2 Days) = 5G

f) One Gold Dragon is on Level 4 - Level 6 and the second Gold Dragon is on Level 7 - Level 9, then produce 1 Gold every 04 Hours (6 Gold per day), which means:

04.00' = 1G
08.00' = 2G
12.00' = 3G
16.00' = 4G
[B]20.00' = 5G
24.00' (1 Day) = 5G

g) One Gold Dragon is on Level 4 - Level 6 and the second Gold Dragon is on Level 10 - Level 15, then produce 1 Gold every 03 Hours, 25 Minutes and 43 Seconds (7 Gold per day), which means:

03.25'.43" = 1G
06.51'.26" = 2G
10.17'.09" = 3G
13.42'.52" = 4G
[B]17.08'.35" = 5G
20.34'.18" = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]
24.00'.00" (1 Day) = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]

h) Both the Gold Dragons are on Level 7 - Level 9, then produce 1 Gold every 3 Hours (8 Gold per day), which means:

03.00' = 1G
06.00' = 2G
09.00' = 3G
12.00' = 4G
[B]15.00' = 5G
18.00' = 5G
21.00' = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]
24.00' (1 Day) = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]

i) One Gold Dragon is on Level 7 - Level 9 and the second Gold Dragon is on Level 10 - Level 15, then produce 1 Gold every 02 Hours and 40 Minutes (9 Gold per day), which means:

02.40' = 1G
05.20' = 2G
08.00' = 3G
10.40' = 4G
[B]13.20' = 5G
16.00' = 5G
18.40' = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]
21.20' = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]
24.00' (1 Day) = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]

j) Both the Gold Dragons are on Level 10 - Level 15, then produce 1 Gold every 2 Hours and 24 Minutes (10 Gold per day), which means:

02.24' = 1G
04.48' = 2G
07.12' = 3G
09.36' = 4G
[B]12.00' = 5G
14.24' = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]
16.48' = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]
19.12' = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]
21.36' = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]
24.00' (1 Day) = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]

So, now that we know all the collecting times for all the possible combinations, we can make our collecting plans that fit to our life the best!

For example, if we have 2 Gold Dragons on Level 10 - Level 15 in one Treasure Terrace and we want to gain all the Gold, without the loss of the habitat's limit, we have to collect every 12 Hours (+1 minute the next time).

But, maybe someone can't collect every 12 Hours. So, according to the above timings can choose another scenario that is better for her/him.

For example, an alternative ideal scenario would be:

First collection in the morning after the sleep time and then we wait for the second collection after 09.36' (+1 minute for sure).
Second collection in the evening (when the correct time comes) and then we wait for the third collection after 04.48' (+1 minute for sure).
Third collection at night (when the correct time comes) and then we wait for the next collection (the first of the day) after 09.36' (+1 minute for sure), while in the meantime we go to sleep.

This is a perfect 24 Hours schedule (+3 minutes for every new day), but real life has nothing to do with ideal scenarios, so everyone can program something different for herself/himself ;)

Happy collecting Gold to everyone! :D

12-03-15, 07:27 PM
Absolutely brilliant!

Kooky, this needs to be a "sticky"!

12-03-15, 07:39 PM
I have double or triple checked my calculations and i hope i haven't done any mistake.
Especially the "g" case with 2 Gold Dragons was a bit "peculiar".
So, If you find any error (i hope not), please inform me to correct it :)

12-03-15, 07:59 PM
I haven't checked everything, but it looks exactly what I was thinking. The even number total gold are OK to collect every 12 hours, it is the odd numbers that won't work, and that is exactly what you have - e.g. the 7 gold scenario - 12 hours would be a problem. My aim is to ensure even totals as soon as possible!

kooky panda
12-03-15, 08:00 PM
We have too many stickies, but I will put a link in the game guide. (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?41090-Dragon-Story-Game-Guide)

Here is a summary:

The amount of Gold your receive from the Treasure Terrace depends on the number of Dragons you have in the habitat and their level. Level 10 or above Dragons earn 1 Gold every 2.4 hours.

To receive the maximum amount of Gold per day, collect every ~12 hours.


Partial Gold:

The Treasure Terrace doesn't save incomplete pieces of Gold (i.e. quarter or half Gold). When you collect, the accumulation timer will start again.

12-03-15, 08:24 PM
I haven't checked everything, but it looks exactly what I was thinking. The even number total gold are OK to collect every 12 hours, it is the odd numbers that won't work, and that is exactly what you have - e.g. the 7 gold scenario - 12 hours would be a problem. My aim is to ensure even totals as soon as possible!
For the 7 Gold Scenario you can choose the next even number than the expected time. It's not a big deal if you lose some seconds or maybe 1 minute.
In this scenario, you can reduce your sleeping time to less than 6 hours and 50 minutes and collect the 5 Gold every morning :p :D (just kidding).
Unfortunately, 12 hours isn't the best solution for every scenario and everyone has to find the best one according to her/his needs.

We have too many stickies, but I will put a link in the game guide. (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?41090-Dragon-Story-Game-Guide)
Kooky, make whatever you think is the best. I wasn't expecting for a sticky thread. I just made this one to help the forum buddies to solve the possible complexity of their Gold Dragons' collection ;)

12-10-15, 04:12 PM
MyLord7, I've been collecting from two habitats, twice a day, for about 5 days now with the dragons producing four gold a day each and I don't need the 1 minute increment each time BUT having said that, I would need to if they were producing five gold a day.

Luckily, with four gold a day, the little "Collect" icon pops up as soon as the habitat has reached 4 gold, so I set my alarm for 10 (am and pm) and the alarm goes off at the start of that minute - the icon pops up a few seconds later and I collect, all still within that 60 second timeframe. So next time it all happens at 10:00 again.

I can see that if the dragons were producing 5 gold each, the "Collect" icon would have popped up on a previous gold drop to the habitat and I would have no indication that the 5th gold had been delivered, so would have to wait until 10:01 to be sure - which then means the timer is reset a minute later and so it goes on. With 5 gold a day you can't select the habitat to see if the 5th is there, because that would collect whatever was there at the time because the "Collect" icon is there.

I'm almost tempted to leave them at 4 gold a day each because collecting is easier! LOL

My poor Cartographer is still only producing 1 Map a day so there is no "Collect" icon at all, but because there is no "Collect" icon I can select the habitat and watch the Map count go to "+1" and then collect immediately. So again, on the hour.

12-10-15, 07:08 PM
All my 3 Gold Dragons are on level 10 in 3 different habitats and unfortunately the "collect" icon appears when the second gold bar has to be collected. So soon and doesn't help at all!
So, i was considering that it's the standard procedure (the icon to pop up on the second gold bar) for the Gold Dragons on whatever level they are.
But, it seems that the procedure is different and it depends on the level or/and the amount of dragons in the habitat.
So, you gave food for thought and it's pretty interesting to get known when the icon appears on all different scenarios, because it really makes the collecting extremely easier in situations like yours.

Of course, the ideal scenario for all of us (the players) would be if the icon was mentioning the exact number of gold bars at every time we enter the game, e.g. "Collect 3" or "Collect 4" etc. which is easy to be made by the programmers of the game, but i don't think TL has the will to develop it. TL wants the players to make mistakes and lose some of the gold, not to be earned everything on time!

12-10-15, 07:19 PM
It IS interesting, because I know when I had ONE gold dragon on level 7 producing four gold bars a day, the "Collect" icon used to appear after 12 hours, which would, I can only assume, be at the two gold bar mark, so I had to do the + 1 minute thing then.

I am actually quite puzzled that now the icon appears at the 4 gold bar mark, because based on the coin habitats, I was thinking it was a percentage.

It is interesting that 4 is double 2 and I have 2 dragons in the habitat. So where I had 1 dragon, at 2 gold bars, I got the icon, now I have 2 dragons at 2 gold bars each, giving 4 total, I get the icon at 4 gold bars. Of course 2/5 and 4 /10 are both 40%, but the habitats no longer hold 10, although the total for both dragons per day would be 10. I have NO idea of the formula variables to display that darn icon!

12-10-15, 07:49 PM
Then, i think i was wrong about what happening with my epic Gold Dragons and i jump to the conclusion that the standard procedure is the icon to pop up every exactly 12 hours without depending on the level or/and the amount of dragons in the habitat or any percentage etc.
So, now that i have read your posts, i will better observe my Gold Dragons to see what happens with them and the icon too and i will come back to inform you :)

12-10-15, 08:14 PM
Well, no, you may be right re the 12 hours. It is still 12 hours. I was collecting only once a day when I only had one, and the icon would pop up at the 12 hour mark. Now I Collect every 12 hours, and the icon pops up at the collection time which happens to be 12 hours.

I was thinking it was like the coin habitats, which seems to be a percentage. The 12 hours makes sense, but I didn't pay any attention as I was levelling them up to determine if there was any differences.

12-10-15, 08:22 PM
Maybe I should leave the map dragon and see when I get an icon for him.

12-10-15, 08:30 PM
Well, it seems that my first post was the correct one and not my last conclusion.
I had an internet issue for 5-10' minutes and i didn't manage to check my dragons on time, but when i finally entered the game the collect icon has already appeared and the reset time for me was 9.41' earlier.
On 9.36' minutes the gold bars in epic form gold dragons become 2 and so i assume the icon popped up just then, when i couldn't enter the game, because when i posted earlier there was no icon.
So, as i already posted, the icon appears when the gold bars go to 2 and this situation makes things more complex and we have to figure out what parameter influences the icon.
I will also verify it tomorrow just to be 100% sure.

12-10-15, 08:40 PM
But I'm getting the icon at 4? Well, 4 per habitat, 2 per dragon, but the drop isn't per dragon, it is one bar every so many hours/minutes/seconds. I am SO confused! LOL

12-10-15, 09:13 PM
But I'm getting the icon at 4? Well, 4 per habitat, 2 per dragon, but the drop isn't per dragon, it is one bar every so many hours/minutes/seconds. I am SO confused! LOL
Hmmm... I think you just gave the answer.
It seems that the icon appears every time a dragon gives the first 2 gold bars.
You said that when you had ONE gold dragon on level 7 producing four gold bars a day, the "Collect" icon used to appear after 12 hours. On exactly 12 hours your dragon would have given you 2 gold bars.
Now you have 2 gold dragons in the habitat, which produce 2 gold bars every 12 hours and the icon also appears every 12 hours, but of course then the total amount of gold bars is double, which means 4.
So, i think that without a doubt the level of the dragon is the parameter that influences the icon and when comes the time to give 2 gold bars the icon pops up.
Apparently, when we have 1 dragon per habitat the icon pop ups on the second gold bar and when we have 2 dragons per habitat the icon pop ups on the fourth gold bar.
So, i assume that if you evolve one of your dragons you will be in the (i) case of the first post and the icon will appear every 10.40' after the reset time of the collection and if you evolve both the dragons of one of your habitat you will be in the (j) case and the icon will pop up every 09.36' after the reset time of the collection.

12-10-15, 09:31 PM
I'm not planning on evolving again for a while, but I will pay careful attention when I do and report back. Just I am feeding up a couple of other dragons first.

12-11-15, 12:23 AM
I know that even when I had my two Lvl 7 Gold Dragons in one habitat (they're now each in their individual one), the "Collect" icon showed up when there was two gold available, and it still is that way.

12-11-15, 01:33 AM
Hi Ragtagtwins. Mine is definitely 4. I was surprised, given when it used to show up with only one dragon, but it is very convenient.

How odd that we have different experiences on this.

12-11-15, 01:38 AM

Here is a screen grab where you can see the +3 and I have selected the habitat. No "Collect" icon.

12-11-15, 03:31 AM

Here is a screen grab where you can see the +3 and I have selected the habitat. No "Collect" icon.

Yes I use this method to check where my golds are in giving max gold because I missed timed collection yesterday and have lost continuity of collection for now in my head anyway .... Checking this on the habitat before the collect activates does not lose accumulated gold, well it hasn't so far .....

12-11-15, 10:15 AM
I know that even when I had my two Lvl 7 Gold Dragons in one habitat (they're now each in their individual one), the "Collect" icon showed up when there was two gold available, and it still is that way.


Here is a screen grab where you can see the +3 and I have selected the habitat. No "Collect" icon.
It's really very odd, cause we have 2 different results in the same situation.
On ragtagtwins's island the icon appears when the habitat has 2 gold bars to be collected and on Deede99's island the icon appears when each of the dragon produces 2 gold bars, which means 4 gold bars in the habitat.
So, we need more testimonies to clarify what's the normal and what's the exception.

12-12-15, 02:36 AM
Well, MyLord7, here is something else to add to the puzzle. Cartographer is still only on one map a day, I just don't have a free evolution temple slot. So last night I didn't collect the map as a bit of a comparison test. Tonight, guess what? A "Collect" icon popped up on the habitat as soon as the second map was dropped. So just like Ragtagtwins' gold habitats.

The two Treasure Terraces continue as I described above! I will be buying a third TT this week, will be interesting to see if anything changes.

12-13-15, 04:03 PM
With being able to use the icons as the trigger, I have managed to stay within that minute for quite some time. Just today I've moved into the next minute. Lose a few seconds each day. I'm now waiting to see how the third habitat behaves.

12-13-15, 05:18 PM
I haven't bought fruition and cartographer and so i can't share any experience of them, but i expect the procedure to be the same too.
Me and 2 of my friends that i have asked, we have 3-4 Gold Dragons in different habitats and the icon always appears as soon as the second gold is dropping.
Ragtagtwins also stated the same procedure with 2 Gold Dragons in a habitat.
Actually, until now, it's only you that you have faced a different scenario (icon in the 4th gold when there are 2 Gold Dragons on Level 7 in 1 habitat), but we can't jump to any conclusion with only 3-4 statements until now.
We need more people to post their experience about the collect icon :)

12-13-15, 09:03 PM
I think Fruition is just like coins, simply less quantity! Cartographer is a units per day dragon, just like the Gold type, so I'd expect the same experience.

Odd that mine are different. I'm not complaining, I like the way they are, it is perfect for me at the moment, works brilliantly. But odd nonetheless.

12-14-15, 10:33 AM
Ok I notice some stuffs when I have just 1 gold forbidden7 which farm 4gold per 24hrs....every 12hrs there be a collect icon...

I find it helpful because I do not need to worry about reset Timing just collect when the icon prompt which nets me 2gold...

I started putting 2gold dragons in habitat ...my habitat does not show the icon anymore... Forbidden7 n North Star3... I dun bother to record my timing to collect I just collect when I can...

I should get 2gold every time I hit the icon assuming every 12hrs or more... I can now see my gold habitat (when 2 gold dragons in it) collect 2 gold but no icon.... Once I start to evolve my North Star... The icon appear... Hit it n collect 2 gold (which I have not seen it once I place North Star with forbidden)

12-14-15, 06:48 PM
Well, i just bought Northstar Dragon on my second account where i already have only one gold habitat with an Epic Rose Gold Dragon. I will put the Northstar in the same habitat and i will make some tests by evolving it slowly and see what's happening with the icon in all the 4 possible combinations. Then, i will report the results :)

I started putting 2gold dragons in habitat ...my habitat does not show the icon anymore... Forbidden7 n North Star3... I dun bother to record my timing to collect I just collect when I can...

I should get 2gold every time I hit the icon assuming every 12hrs or more... I can now see my gold habitat (when 2 gold dragons in it) collect 2 gold but no icon.... Once I start to evolve my North Star... The icon appear... Hit it n collect 2 gold (which I have not seen it once I place North Star with forbidden)
When you have 2 gold dragons on level 7 and Level 3 in one habitat, the second gold drops exactly 09.36' after the reset time and not after 12 hours.
So, according to the above reports, in your situation the icon appears either after 09.36' when the habitat has 2 golds or after 19.12' when the habitat has 4 golds.
If you have time to observe it, it will help us to better understand the procedure :)

12-14-15, 07:44 PM
Sorry I did not explain clearly....lets take an example timing 7am... Forbidden7 on habitat... So 4gold in 24hrs...

Collect icon ALWAYS appear at 7pm(collect it nets 2gold n reset the timer)
The next day 7am, Collect icon appear (collect it nets 2gold n reset timer) n so on... (Of coz maybe I collect 7.02 or 7.15am but I really never count or put an alarm as Long as collect icon appear.)

I sometimes collect the next day 7am since habitat allows 5gold max n I can reset the timer to 7am. ( yes I know if I wait maybe 15mins more I can get 4gold but I will collect 3gold, but doing this I can collect 2gold again at 7pm once collect icon appear.) doing this for days with no problem...

Now northstar3 n forbbiden7 in habitat .. 7am, I should see the collect icon at 7pm. But no there is NO collect icon but if I click on habitat it shows collect 2gold.

9pm once I evolve northstar3, gold habitat have collect icon because forbidden7 is lonely... I click collect icon recieve 2gold...

Today I do this test again... Wait till 9am North Star still evolve... N yes 9am collect icon appear click on it recieve 2gold

So if north star3 n forbidden7 is in the same habitat... Example 7am, during 7pm there will not be a collect icon although there is 2gold due for me to collect...

I try n do north star7 so at least with forbidden7 there should be collecting icon every 12 hours because of 4 gold.

Once north star is back from evolve.. I will let him sit around habitat with forbidden7, when 7am reach if there is no collect icon I will throw north star4 in stable to see if that works...

Hopefully I explain clearly

12-14-15, 09:02 PM
1) When we have 1 Dragon in the habitat, the Collect Icon appears every time the second gold drops in the habitat.
2) When we have 2 Dragons in the habitat there are 2 proven theories until now:
a. The Collect Icon appears every time the second gold drops in the habitat.
b. The Collect Icon appears every time the fourth gold drops in the habitat (2 golds from each dragon).
According to this:

Sorry I did not explain clearly....lets take an example timing 7am... Forbidden7 on habitat... So 4gold in 24hrs...

Collect icon ALWAYS appear at 7pm(collect it nets 2gold n reset the timer)
The next day 7am, Collect icon appear (collect it nets 2gold n reset timer) n so on... (Of coz maybe I collect 7.02 or 7.15am but I really never count or put an alarm as Long as collect icon appear.)

I sometimes collect the next day 7am since habitat allows 5gold max n I can reset the timer to 7am. ( yes I know if I wait maybe 15mins more I can get 4gold but I will collect 3gold, but doing this I can collect 2gold again at 7pm once collect icon appear.) doing this for days with no problem...
You confirm the "1" of the above which seems to happen to everyone.

Now northstar3 n forbbiden7 in habitat .. 7am, I should see the collect icon at 7pm. But no there is NO collect icon but if I click on habitat it shows collect 2gold.
It seems that you belong to the "2a" of the above theories, like DeeDe99.
According to the "2c" table in the first post of the thread, when you have 2 gold dragons (on levels 3 and 7) in one habitat, the second gold drops exactly 09.36' after the reset time.
You say that you checked after 12 hours and you found the 2 golds in the habitat (correct!!!), but there was no collect icon, which means that, as in Deede99's situation, it probably will appear when the fourth gold drops the habitat, exactly 19.12' after the reset time.

9pm once I evolve northstar3, gold habitat have collect icon because forbidden7 is lonely... I click collect icon recieve 2gold...

Today I do this test again... Wait till 9am North Star still evolve... N yes 9am collect icon appear click on it recieve 2gold

So if north star3 n forbidden7 is in the same habitat... Example 7am, during 7pm there will not be a collect icon although there is 2gold due for me to collect...

I try n do north star7 so at least with forbidden7 there should be collecting icon every 12 hours because of 4 gold.

Once north star is back from evolve.. I will let him sit around habitat with forbidden7, when 7am reach if there is no collect icon I will throw north star4 in stable to see if that works...

Hopefully I explain clearly
When you started evolving the Northstar Dragon, the reset time and the whole parameters changed.
To make a new test, you have to finish the evolution, put the Northstar back to the habitat and collect the gold to reset the time.
Then you will belong to the "2f" table category of the first post in the thread with 2 gold dragons (on levels 4 and 7) in one habitat.
In this situation, the second gold drops after 8 hours and the fourth gold after 16 hours.
If, after 8 hours there is no Collect Icon, then it will probably appears after 16 hours.

I hope i explained it clearly this time too :)

12-14-15, 09:14 PM

Very clear explain lol better than me, so it is because of north star lol.... That is not reading my collect icon...

I think no more testing after north star evolve lvl him to 7 n evolve... Tom 7am just pick up my 2gold n wait till North Star finish if it does just continue to collect my desire time n Rainse n repeat since both are lvl7 lol might lost a gold but it is hard to collect at times when we need to be working or social at times :)

Ty for well explain

12-15-15, 01:59 AM
First of all, highly appreciated that Mylord7, you started this post. :D

Okay, so now, after going through all of this thread. I can say, I belong to DeeDe99's scenario.
I have 2 TT, one with Lvl 10 dragon & other with 2 dragons (both Lvl 7). I have observed my epic dragon more than others. My epic dragon shows "Collect Gold" after 3 golds. Now I know its actually shows up on 4th one. I collect it after 24 hours +1 everyday so I can get 5 bars.

On the other TT, two dragons (both Lvl 7), I've just recently evolved one of them to lvl 7 so I haven't noticed their behavior. I will report back in 1 day :)

12-15-15, 07:06 AM

Very clear explain lol better than me, so it is because of north star lol.... That is not reading my collect icon...
Yes, you can put the blame to the Northstar for not seeing the Collect Icon anymore and sell her just for revenge :p lol

I think no more testing after north star evolve lvl him to 7 n evolve... Tom 7am just pick up my 2gold n wait till North Star finish if it does just continue to collect my desire time n Rainse n repeat since both are lvl7 lol might lost a gold but it is hard to collect at times when we need to be working or social at times :)

Ty for well explain
Yes, i know exactly how it is, because real life comes always first :)
If you prefer to collect every 12 hours, then the best 2 scenarios are:
a. Both of the Dragons on Level 7 - Level 9 in one habitat and then in exactly 12 hours you will collect 4 golds, without losing any gold.
b. Both of the Dragons on Level 10 in one habitat and then in exactly 12 hours you will collect the maximum 5 golds.

Your collecting guide must be the first post of the thread and then adjust it to your real needs :)

First of all, highly appreciated that Mylord7, you started this post. :D

Okay, so now, after going through all of this thread. I can say, I belong to DeeDe99's scenario.
First of all, you are welcome for your kind words! :)
I am not sure that you belong to DeeDe99's scenario and i will explain it right away the next quotation.

I have 2 TT, one with Lvl 10 dragon & other with 2 dragons (both Lvl 7). I have observed my epic dragon more than others. My epic dragon shows "Collect Gold" after 3 golds. Now I know its actually shows up on 4th one. I collect it after 24 hours +1 everyday so I can get 5 bars.
In the epic form the fourth gold drops 19.12' after the reset time, but it isn't easy to observe it, cause obviously it's sleeping time then.
If you can see the 3 golds in your habitat, without has appeared the Collect Icon, then we assume it finally appears when the fourth gold drops to the habitat.
But, it is out of the general norm of the 2 golds per Dragon for the Collect Icon to appear and it's absolutely new scenario!
On DeeDe99's scenario the Collect Icon appears on fourth gold when she has 2 Dragons in the habitat and it's a kind of normal, because then the Dragons have produced 2 golds each of them.
You are the first that you are mentioning a delayed (after the 2 golds) appearance of the icon when we have one Dragon in one habitat.
I think TL is trying to drive us crazy... :p

On the other TT, two dragons (both Lvl 7), I've just recently evolved one of them to lvl 7 so I haven't noticed their behavior. I will report back in 1 day :)
If they behave as the epic Dragon on the other TT, then the Collect Icon is expected to appear with the fourth gold, exactly 12 hours after the reset time, as on DeeDe99's scenario.
We are waiting for your report :)

Conclusion until now:
1) When we have 1 Dragon in the habitat, there are 2 proven theories until now:
a. The Collect Icon appears every time the second gold drops in the habitat (general norm)
b. The Collect Icon appears every time the fourth? gold drops in the habitat [fimofa's scenario]
2) When we have 2 Dragons in the habitat there are 2 proven theories until now:
a. The Collect Icon appears every time the second gold drops in the habitat (general norm)
b. The Collect Icon appears every time the fourth gold drops in the habitat (2 golds from each dragon) [DeeDe99' scenario]

12-16-15, 05:28 AM
MyLord7, just an update before I forget the details.

Just to recap, prior to Northstar, I had four level 7s on two habitats, collecting every 12 hours at 10 o'clock.

Northstar arrived and I had the evolution temple already occupied, so was a bit late getting it up to level 4. Anyway, at level 4 it is 2 gold a day, meaning 1 gold bar every 12 hours as Northstar is alone on the (new) third habitat. I've left the others untouched, apart from collecting as normal.

This morning as it approached 10 o'clock I decided to speed up Northstar's final hour or two on the evolution temple so that I could have them all on the 10 o'clock roster, so to speak.

I clicked the finish button but left Northstar in situ until I had collected the other two habitats, then I placed Northstar in the habitat and, just to be sure, hit the collect button there too, to ensure the timer was reset. All that happened within 30 seconds.

Now, tonight I collected from the other two habitats as normal at 10 pm. It is now 11:22 pm and there has been no gold from Northstar at all, despite the fact it is now nearly 13.5 hours since returning to the habitat at the rate of 2 gold bars per day.

Furthermore, on Northstar's first day I did not get a gold bar after the first 24 hours either - it turned up later, but I didn't note how much later, I figured it didn't matter because evolution was looming that would reset Northstar's timer anyway. Now I wish I had noted it down, as I would have something to compare.

I managed to align the other two habitats, bought at different times, without an issue. I'm not sure why this one is proving difficult.

I predict that I will wake up in the morning and a gold bar will have arrived overnight, but it is late. Northstar was to go back into the evolution temple in about 20 minutes, but now I will wait, as I am curious to see if any gold arrives.

12-16-15, 06:32 AM
Thanks a lot Dee for your report. It's very odd that your dragon didn't reset correctly yesterday.
I have also noticed something odd with mine too and perhaps it is just a coincidence or something is going on with this specific dragon.

As far as i know till now, every change in a Treasure Terrace resets the Collection Time.
During the last days i was evolving Northstar all the time, without interruption. When the evolution of every stage was complete, i was placing him back to the habitat, i was feeding him and again immediately back to the evolution temple for the next stage.
Yesterday evening the evolution to Epic has completed and i placed him back to the habitat, but i didn't press the collect button, cause i thought it was automatically reset by the change.
After about 3 hours i noticed that had appeared the Collect Icon, which means that the habitat had at least 2 golds that time, but it wasn't normal, cause on Epic Level needs 09.36' hours for the second gold.
In the previous days, Northstar didn't remain in the habitat only than some seconds till goes back to the Evolution Temple.
So, i don't know what happened. I also don't know, when the evolution time has completed and the Gold Dragon remains in the Evolution Temple, if this time counts as collecting time.
Anyway, i haven't collected him since yesterday, although the Icon appeared and i will do it later today, while i collect my other 3 Gold Dragons to be synchronised.
So, i will see tomorrow evening if he has the same behaviour as the other three and i hope TL didn't change the behaviour of this Gold Dragon.

12-16-15, 03:19 PM
The only thing I can possibly put it down to is feeding, although I am sure I've fed my other four without that action resetting the timer. With four of them, you'd think I'd notice, wouldn't you?

The very first one I got, White Gold, I remember having problems with that too the first few days. When I got the other three in the Black Friday sales, no problems at all.

Gold arrived between 4 am and 8:30 am (I had insomnia last night, so I know there was no gold at 4 am).

I will put Northstar in for evolution to level 7 today and see what happens afterwards.

Edit: Changed my mind - I collected all five dragons at 10 am this morning. I'll keep Northstar off the evolution temple until after 10 pm tonight to see if the collecting this morning as synched everything up.

12-16-15, 05:35 PM
Mylord7 you might be right North Star evolving to 4~ Epic might still counts as collection...

I sent North Star evolve once it is done n evolve him again yesterday... There is an 1 extra gold later while north star is being evolve to 7...

Testing now appears like this for my habitat...

2 gold dragons7 collect icon appears only appears at 12hrs since there is 4gold.

I felt north star while evolving can still be farming gold (weird thing I collect 1gold at 9pm+ I am prepare to lose gold btw to reset my desire timing) morning wake up 7am with 2x dragon7 collect icon pop up at 7am lol

To be precise... Yesterday forbidden7 no collect icon at 7pm (I just collect 2gold), North Star is back at evolve now north star7 at around 9pm... 9pm+ just 1 gold appear without icon weird.... I collect it anyway since I am gonna to reset the timing when I wake up...

Morning 7am collect icon appear, I press it 4gold with forbbiden7 n northstar7. I felt north star or forbidden did not reset from 9pm last night lol

12-18-15, 01:34 AM
This discussion is going weird :D I was planning to purchase north star today "if" I had any gold sale. No sale in my account so bye bye North Star for now. Secondly, Last day, couldn't notice my second TT as I promised because of my internet connection. I'll do that today :)

My epic white gold (alone in TT) shows no collect sign with 3 gold bars. I collect from him at 1:25 pm +1 minute because that's my suitable collection time. I'll check again just to confirm this case.

12-18-15, 06:07 PM
I'm going to leave my Northstar and not collect tonight to see when the collect icon shows up. After that I will evolve to 7 and compare again. Present needs to get evolved first, so Northstar needs to wait. I took screens shots yesterday, but they show nothing new, so will wait. Meant to leave that habitat last night but was on auto-pilot so collected as usual.

Definitely feeding resets the timer: same thing happened to Cartographer yesterday. Fed him without thinking, timer was reset.

12-19-15, 05:12 PM
So the results to date are:

The Collect icons all appeared at the same time for the following configurations:

2 X level 7 per habitat X 2 habitats
1 X level 6 per habitat X 1 habitat (Did not collect last night to ensure 2 gold would be there this morning)
1 Cartographer on 1 map per day (I did not collect yesterday from Cartographer as part of the comparison)

The Collect icon appeared on all 4 habitats when the gold bar/map count was 2 per dragon, irrespective of the formula to actually drop the gold bars.


The gold bars don't drop "per dragon" because at 4 bars a day per dragon, 1 gold bar is dropped every 3 hours, meaning it is a combined total. By that I mean, if I take all habitats to zero by collecting at 10 am, the first gold bar is dropped at 1 pm, meaning half a bar per dragon. Even though the habitat never stores fractional bars. As we know from MyLord7's initial post, 1 bar is dropped every 3 hours, giving the total of 8 for the day for the habitat. Yet the Collect icon seems to appear per dragon, at the point when each dragon has produced 2 bars.

At least, that's how it is working on my island!

Northstar will FINALLY hit the evolution temple tonight to go to level 7. But given when I got White Gold I only had one dragon on the habitat and that was the same - the Collect icon appeared after 2 golds had been dropped, which with only one dragon is annoying as I had to ignore it for 12 hours as I only collected every 24 hours then! With 2 dragons on a habitat at level 7 it works perfectly as I collect every 12 hours now.

Here is a shot showing 1 gold bar for two dragons three hours after the earlier collection.


12-20-15, 10:04 AM
It's pretty obvious that in your case the Collect Icon appears after 2 gold bars have been produced by each dragon.
So, in a habitat with a single Dragon appears after the second gold bar and in a habitat with 2 Dragons appears after the fourth gold bar (2 per Dragon).
According to the above, can you please explain me how this happened?

The Collect icons all appeared at the same time for the following configurations:

2 X level 7 per habitat X 2 habitats
1 X level 6 per habitat X 1 habitat

The Collect icon appeared on all 3 habitats when the gold bar/map count was 2 per dragon, irrespective of the formula to actually drop the gold bars.
The "2 X level 7 per habitat" needs 12 hours to reach the 4 gold bars (2 per dragon) and the "1 X level 6 per habitat" needs 24 hours to reach the 2 gold bars.
After only 12 hours there will be only 1 gold bar in the "1 X level 6 per habitat" and there will be no Collect Icon.
Unless if the dragon was already on level 7 and you made a mistake on your previous post :confused:

12-20-15, 12:25 PM
No, I left the level 6 dragon and only collected after 24 hours, so there would be 2 gold bars. So Cartographer I left for 48 hours, NorthStar for 24. Does that make sense?

I have edited the other post to make it clearer.

12-20-15, 07:35 PM
Now, i hear you loud and clear! :D

12-26-15, 08:16 AM
Hi again,
Sorry, Mylord7, I was wrong. My epic white gold (alone in TT) shows collect icon on 2nd Gold bar :p My other TT (with midas7 & stainglass7) shows collect icon on 4th Gold bar (like DeeDe99) I collect 4 bars at 1:00 am then 1:00pm exact. :D

12-26-15, 10:08 AM
Thans for the correction :)

So, the conclusion until now:
1) When we have 1 Dragon in the habitat:
The Collect Icon appears every time the second gold drops in the habitat
2) When we have 2 Dragons in the habitat there are 2 proven theories until now:
a. The Collect Icon appears every time the second gold drops in the habitat (?general norm? - i am not sure anymore and it's needed confirmation)
b. The Collect Icon appears every time the fourth gold drops in the habitat (2 golds from each dragon) [DeeDe99's, fimofa's and mylord7' scenario]

By the way, i made some tests on my second account where i have 2 Dragons in one TT.
The first dragon was already on Level 10 and i was testing during the evolution of the second dragon, in combinations 10 + 3 levels, 10 + 6 Levels, 10 + 9 Levels and 10 + 10 Levels.
All the time the Collection Icon appeared when the second gold bar was dropping in the habitat.
So, perhaps it works in your way, on fourth gold bar, when both of the dragons are on lower level than the 10th :confused:

12-26-15, 05:25 PM
Maybe, MyLord7. I am not planing on taking any of mine to level 10 in the immediate future, but then I can also be relied upon to change my mind on a whim! My plan was to acquire more TTs so they could be on individual habitats and I could reduce my collection to once per day, however I might take NorthStar up to 10 as that dragon is already alone. Mind you, that wouldn't tell us anything as I wouldn't expect the icon timing to change from the current for that single dragon - it is the TTs with two dragons we are interested in -although I could swap them around for a day just to test.

Maybe in a week, I will do this. At the moment, I am building a food bank, plus I popped Infinity in the Evolution Temple this morning so it won't be free for a while!

12-28-15, 10:06 AM
I came back to correct myself. On my second account, where i have the 2 level 10 Dragons in one habitat, the Collect Icon appears with the fourth gold bar in the habitat, exactly after 09.36'.
Perhaps, during the evolution time it wasn't the perfect period for tests and it was needed more time in between the evolutions for the collection to be stable and clear.
So, i start to believe that the fourth gold bar, when we have two gold dragons in one habitat, is the general norm and there is no Collect Icon after the second gold bar in this situation.

12-29-15, 12:59 AM
So we all agree now it seems? That is good.

It is still a departure from the coin habitats, which display a Collect icon at 30% of the unboosted coin capacity. 4 gold bars is not 30% of 5.

This may be a hangover from when the habitats held 10 gold bars or 1 dragon or whatever the various variations were. 30% of 5 is 1.5 bars, which wouldn't work at all. 2 bars is 40% of 5, so it seems it is per dragon, perhaps. With 1 dragon on a habitat, I can see 40% being selected by the developers as a workable replacement value for the standard 30%.

It works for me, I'm happy!

12-31-15, 12:30 PM
I think you should take them to level 10 to get the full 5 gold per day. I have two level 10 dragons per habitat and 1 level 10 in another by himself. With this method I get a full 5 gold per day per dragon.

Here's what I do: I collect in the morning, say at 6 AM from all dragons in all habitats. Then, I set a timer on my phone for 12 hours. Let's say by the time I collected and set the timer, it was 6:02 AM. My timer will go off at 6:02 PM. I'll collect ONLY from those dragons that are sharing a habitat (2 to a terrace). The single dragon is not collected from at this time. I set my timer again when done. Say it was 6:04 PM. My timer goes off the next morning at 6:04, I collect from ALL dragons in all habitats. Following this schedule, I get 5 gold per double-occupied habit at each collection period (2x day) and I get 5 gold from the single-occupied habitat during the morning collection period (1x day). This has worked really well for me for months.

01-01-16, 05:29 PM
It is still a departure from the coin habitats, which display a Collect icon at 30% of the unboosted coin capacity. 4 gold bars is not 30% of 5.

This may be a hangover from when the habitats held 10 gold bars or 1 dragon or whatever the various variations were. 30% of 5 is 1.5 bars, which wouldn't work at all. 2 bars is 40% of 5, so it seems it is per dragon, perhaps. With 1 dragon on a habitat, I can see 40% being selected by the developers as a workable replacement value for the standard 30%.

It works for me, I'm happy!
Why are you thinking so complicated? The things are pretty clear for me now.
Of course it is per dragon and the Collect Icon appears when a dragon produces 2 gold bars.
It has nothing to do with percentage or anything else.
Keep in mind that when we have 2 dragons in a habitat, we don't collect gold bars only in even numbers (2,4) but also in odd numbers (1,3,5).
So, this means that every dragon produces 1/2 of the gold bar in every scheduled time.
To make it clear, when for example we have to collect 1 gold bar, this means that every dragon has produced 1/2 gold bar, because it can't be produced 1 gold bar from the one dragon and nothing from the other dragon.
The same happens with the 3 gold bars, when every dragon has produced 1 1/2 gold bar, because it can't be produced 1 gold bar from the one dragon and 2 gold bars from the other dragon etc.
This way, the Collect Icon appears on the 4th gold bar, because at that time each dragon has produced 2 gold bars, which obviously is the general rule for the Gold Terraces.

I think you should take them to level 10 to get the full 5 gold per day. I have two level 10 dragons per habitat and 1 level 10 in another by himself. With this method I get a full 5 gold per day per dragon.

Here's what I do: I collect in the morning, say at 6 AM from all dragons in all habitats. Then, I set a timer on my phone for 12 hours. Let's say by the time I collected and set the timer, it was 6:02 AM. My timer will go off at 6:02 PM. I'll collect ONLY from those dragons that are sharing a habitat (2 to a terrace). The single dragon is not collected from at this time. I set my timer again when done. Say it was 6:04 PM. My timer goes off the next morning at 6:04, I collect from ALL dragons in all habitats. Following this schedule, I get 5 gold per double-occupied habit at each collection period (2x day) and I get 5 gold from the single-occupied habitat during the morning collection period (1x day). This has worked really well for me for months.
This is the ideal scenario for everyone which can afford to evolve all the Gold Dragons to epic level :)

01-01-16, 05:37 PM
I thought it was pretty simple really, not at all complicated! But I am a CPA, we think like that! I'm also IT, so naturally I was comparing the business rules!

;) :cool:

01-01-16, 05:59 PM
This revealing statement explains everything! :D
Once i was studying law. So, what i am doing here with all these numbers and calculating even fragments of gold bars? I thing i am a split personality! :p lol

01-01-16, 06:31 PM
I thought it might...... LOL

I decided against Law - to much rote learning of precedent cases!

01-26-16, 09:57 PM
I think you should take them to level 10 to get the full 5 gold per day. I have two level 10 dragons per habitat and 1 level 10 in another by himself. With this method I get a full 5 gold per day per dragon.

Here's what I do: I collect in the morning, say at 6 AM from all dragons in all habitats. Then, I set a timer on my phone for 12 hours. Let's say by the time I collected and set the timer, it was 6:02 AM. My timer will go off at 6:02 PM. I'll collect ONLY from those dragons that are sharing a habitat (2 to a terrace). The single dragon is not collected from at this time. I set my timer again when done. Say it was 6:04 PM. My timer goes off the next morning at 6:04, I collect from ALL dragons in all habitats. Following this schedule, I get 5 gold per double-occupied habit at each collection period (2x day) and I get 5 gold from the single-occupied habitat during the morning collection period (1x day). This has worked really well for me for months.

Thx that just cleared it up for me I was rather confused as I've been losing gold on my epic dragon. I'll take my others epic now

06-19-16, 06:23 AM
I have 4 gold producing dragons, but only 2 habitats for them due to lack of coins. I should be getting 9 gold per day from each habitat but that's not what's happening! I know each habitat can only hold a max of 5, so I check them frequently but mostly only have 0 or 1 to collect every 2 or 3 hours, nowhere near 18 per day. At what rate does gold accrue? Does collecting frequently lessen the amount produced? That doesn't make sense to me. Advice please!!! I want my gold!!!

06-19-16, 06:33 AM
1 dragon makes 1 gold bar in 4.8 hours if the dragon is level 10. if you collect the gold say 8 hours after your 1st collect you will only get 1 gold and the other 3.2 hours of making gold will end and start over.. So you wasted 3.2 hours of that day you gotta be right on top of it, to max the most out of the gold dragons best thing to do is save coins get more habitats so you can collect every 24 hours and 1 min.. the gold dragons are cool and awesome looking but they're things your never play with or touch it's like the couch in the living room you never sit on

06-19-16, 07:36 AM
Somewhere there is a thread where people have discussed all the different variations of collecting golds. I can't find it though.

Burrymillz made the easiest suggestion: buying 2 more Treasure Terraces and collect once a day. But that's a lot of coins for many players. Or like other players, you can a set a timer to remind to collect every 12 hours and 1 minute to maximize the golds from 2 Terraces.

06-19-16, 11:12 AM
You can check here, it's really helpful !

06-19-16, 11:32 AM
You can check here, it's really helpful !

Thanks for the advice, especially the link! I thought it worked the same way collecting coins works, so i've been losing my gold! I collected 2 gold, 1 from each terrace at 8:00 am this morning, so I already screwed up today. I'm on a lot, planting crops every 10 minutes to get ready to start the latest Tales. So now I need to wait until the collect icons pop up, 12 hours, then set an alarm for 12 hours and 1 second? I have 1 level 10 and 1 level 7 on each terrace. I was working towards leveling them all to 10, but felt I needed to conserve food for Tales. I'm working on getting enough coins for 2 new terraces, but it's going slowly!

06-23-16, 08:45 AM
Thank you so much for that link!! I thought I bookmarked it when the GPDs were on sale and someone posted it but couldn't find it later. Totally splurged and got my first 3 GPDs and spent nearly all my coins buying each separate habitats. Have 2 not leveled up yet due to needing food for Tales but I do try to collect every 24 hours and 1 or 2 minutes. My problem is forgetting to reset my alarm and since I take care of my mom I can't always go straight to the game when my alarm goes off so I can't use the old time to set the next time. I know I will lose gold here and there but it still adds up to more than I would have without them. Working on building my coins back up now. :p

kooky panda
06-23-16, 09:21 AM
You can check here, it's really helpful !

Merging this thread with the above thread.

06-23-16, 10:32 AM
Ever since learning the timing for double dragon habitats (every 2h:24m), I collect at 8:00 AM (usually holding 3 or 4 bars from sleep time) and then get back to collect 1 every 2 hours & 24 minutes (give or take a minute or two) :)

06-29-16, 11:42 AM
I have a L9 Midas, and according to the chart, if I collect at 1 Day + 6 Hours, I should get 5 gold. The last two times I've done that (at L7 and L9, and 1 Day + 7ish Hours), I've only collected 4 gold. Am I missing something?

10-04-16, 09:15 AM
Can someone please clear up a mystery, I started playing a few months ago. In the Market, it states all the Gold-type dragons only give 1 gold a day. So I haven't been interested in collecting any, since it would take almost 4 years just to get my investment back. How is it you folks here are getting 4-5 golds daily per dragon? Did you all get them years ago?

10-04-16, 10:10 AM
Can someone please clear up a mystery, I started playing a few months ago. In the Market, it states all the Gold-type dragons only give 1 gold a day. So I haven't been interested in collecting any, since it would take almost 4 years just to get my investment back. How is it you folks here are getting 4-5 golds daily per dragon? Did you all get them years ago?

The amount of gold you get from them increases with their level:

Level 1 - Level 3 = 1 gold per day
Level 4 - Level 6 = 2 gold per day
Level 7 - Level 9 = 4 gold per day
Level 10 - Level 15 = 5 gold per day

Some tips to keep in mind:

There are 12 gold producing dragons (as I call them GPDs) but you can only have 6 habitats
Each habitat only holds 5 gold maximum so you have to collect at least 2 times a day to get the full 10 per day
There's no real value in leveling them above 10 since that's when they hit their max for gold production
GPD's produce 1 bar roughly every 2 1/2 hours

I have all 12 and they were the very best investment I ever made in the game :)

10-21-16, 02:43 PM
Will there be a sale any time soon on gold producing dragons?

10-21-16, 03:26 PM
FYI, I just noticed that, because of the new Gold Horizon Dragon, S8 raised the limits and now we can have 7 Gold Terraces, to fit all the 13 GPD dragons.

Will there be a sale any time soon on gold producing dragons?
Don't expect any official announcement. Usually, we have sales on special days, like Cyber Monday and we know about them when they start.

10-21-16, 04:21 PM
Awesome job, @mylord7! This'll surely help a lot of players! :)

10-27-16, 09:02 AM
Just a helpful hint (well, that has helped me anyways!)... I keep a non-gold producing habitat in the vicinity of my gold producing habitats. Whenever I collect from my habitats, I change the name of one of my dragons in the nearby habitat to reflect that time. So, if I collected my gold at 9am on Monday, that dragons name would then be "Mon @ 0900"... 12 hours later when I collected again, his name would then change to "Mon @ 2101" and so on... Makes it very easy to keep track of whether I should actually collect my gold or not!

01-25-17, 06:23 AM
I'm confused by this. The two dragon parts. So the first post says

"When we have 2 Gold Dragons in the Treasure Terrace and:

a) Both the Gold Dragons are on Level 1 - Level 3, then produce 1 Gold every 12 Hours (2 Gold per day), which means:

12.00' (1/2 Day) = 1G
24.00' (1 Day) = 2G
36.00' (1 1/2 Days) = 3G
48.00' (2 Days) = 4G
60.00' (2 1/2 Days) = 5G
72.00' (3 Days) = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]"

And I don't understand how that works. If a level 1-3 dragon gives one gold every 24 hours, then shouldn't there be no gold there until 24 hours, just like when there is one dragon in there? Then at 24 hours 2 should appear? Why does the habitat even it out, instead of taking each dragon individually?

02-21-17, 07:15 AM
I'm confused by this. The two dragon parts. So the first post says

"When we have 2 Gold Dragons in the Treasure Terrace and:

a) Both the Gold Dragons are on Level 1 - Level 3, then produce 1 Gold every 12 Hours (2 Gold per day), which means:

12.00' (1/2 Day) = 1G
24.00' (1 Day) = 2G
36.00' (1 1/2 Days) = 3G
48.00' (2 Days) = 4G
60.00' (2 1/2 Days) = 5G
72.00' (3 Days) = 5G [Because of the habitat's Maximum Limit]"

And I don't understand how that works. If a level 1-3 dragon gives one gold every 24 hours, then shouldn't there be no gold there until 24 hours, just like when there is one dragon in there? Then at 24 hours 2 should appear? Why does the habitat even it out, instead of taking each dragon individually?
The answer is very simple.
A level 1-3 Dragon gives 1 Gold every 24 hours, which means 1/2 Gold every 12 hours, but the habitat never stores fractional bars of Gold and we collect the Gold in integral form.
So, when there is only one level 1-3 Dragon in the habitat you will always collect 1 Gold every 24 hours.
But, when there are two level 1-3 Dragons in the habitat, every 12 hours you will have 1/2 Gold from each one of them, which means 1 Gold per total to collect!
I hope this makes it clear to you :)

Just a helpful hint (well, that has helped me anyways!)... I keep a non-gold producing habitat in the vicinity of my gold producing habitats. Whenever I collect from my habitats, I change the name of one of my dragons in the nearby habitat to reflect that time. So, if I collected my gold at 9am on Monday, that dragons name would then be "Mon @ 0900"... 12 hours later when I collected again, his name would then change to "Mon @ 2101" and so on... Makes it very easy to keep track of whether I should actually collect my gold or not!
Indeed, very helpful hint. Thank you for sharing with us :)

02-21-17, 03:04 PM
Just a helpful hint (well, that has helped me anyways!)... I keep a non-gold producing habitat in the vicinity of my gold producing habitats. Whenever I collect from my habitats, I change the name of one of my dragons in the nearby habitat to reflect that time. So, if I collected my gold at 9am on Monday, that dragons name would then be "Mon @ 0900"... 12 hours later when I collected again, his name would then change to "Mon @ 2101" and so on... Makes it very easy to keep track of whether I should actually collect my gold or not!

OMG! That is brilliant! I used to have a Note that I update with times but sometimes even bringing that up will crash out my DS game. So now I can do everything from the one DS game! I guess the only caveat is that I have to open the game to check what time to collect, and sometimes it doesn't open very easily (crash on load) ... but I guess you can't have everything. I have a Jester and Crown Jewel dragon nearby that would be perfect for this.