View Full Version : Too much pop ups!

11-29-15, 01:25 AM
I'm getting a bit fed up with all the pop ups showing up when I open the game:
just now:
- pop up messages
- pop up ad bingo-game (oh no, that was before, now it's slots)
- pop up black friday-gem sale
- pop up value-pack
- pop up please rate
All at once. And the pop up ad for playing bingo pops up after as well, even while playing.

That's a bit too much...! It gets very annoying when you open the game several times every hour. Now and again a reminder is nice, but not continuously and not that many at once!

And on top of that: the ad to play other games is extra annoying cause it's there every single time and pops up in between, even when I'm visiting neighbours.... Why?? It makes me DON'T want to play...

Please, not that many pop ups at once, anymore, 3 is certainly max!

11-29-15, 04:42 PM
I agree, Zelda!

I get 2 Black Friday popups...one for buildings & another for animals.

I also get the game popup after I've been in CS for awhile. It's very irritating being interrupted like that.

12-07-15, 12:07 PM
The newest popup doesn't even have an X to close. You have to click install, and it is a game I've already installed! It was tolerable when it was a game promoted by a goal and popups stopped after the game was installed and/or goal completed. This is ridiculous.

12-07-15, 12:18 PM
The newest popup doesn't even have an X to close. You have to click install, and it is a game I've already installed! It was tolerable when it was a game promoted by a goal and popups stopped after the game was installed and/or goal completed. This is ridiculous.

If there isn't 'X' to close the window try tapping in a different corner of the window or tap somewhere outside the window in your kingdom.

I had that problem with the game install popup but when I tapped the lower left corner, the window disappeared.

12-08-15, 12:22 AM
The newest popup doesn't even have an X to close. You have to click install, and it is a game I've already installed! It was tolerable when it was a game promoted by a goal and popups stopped after the game was installed and/or goal completed. This is ridiculous.

If there isn't 'X' to close the window try tapping in a different corner of the window or tap somewhere outside the window in your kingdom.

I had that problem with the game install popup but when I tapped the lower left corner, the window disappeared.

I have that new annoying pop-up as well:

it's a 2-in1: in the first pop-up there's no X indeed, but when you click outside another pop-up shows up, that you can cancel. However, it means 2 pop-ups in one, double annoying, three times (or more) when you already play that game....!