View Full Version : Black Friday 2015

11-26-15, 08:42 PM
Thought I'd start a thread to post our goodies on. Last year they started early about 4 HRS. Maybe this year if not at reset. Either way I'll be awake if it's early I'll post pics.

11-26-15, 09:40 PM
ill be awake too im waiting up until reset to see. i wish it came early :(

theres 3 and half hours to go....

11-26-15, 11:11 PM
I have 60 dollars to spend and am getting another $50 google play card in the mail. I just HAD to be responsible and save money to buy xmas gifts. Kids!

I dont know what ill spend on, but considering they start off simple for black friday and give better things later, one never knows. I will buy just enough gems on RS, for my last expansion and even if i dont want anything here or on bakery, will split the money there to stock up on gems. With maybe a few going over to RS2, since they have appliances on sale.

Im kicking myself for using my saved gems on some silly goals for a recipe that doesnt even give money! If they REALLY bring back something nice here, ill probably use all my funds for fashion.

Im reading, eating, browsing the net, just watching a Rocky movie even though id seen it a million times before, cleaning, whatever to stay awake. Lame but I dont care!

11-27-15, 01:04 AM
I canNOT believe that these cheapos dont have gems on sale. But OH MY GOSH, the Fairy Tale Display is there!!!! But really, NOOOOO 40 percent off sale? Right AFTER the 30 percent off sale ended? What if gems dont go on sale again before the sale does, I would be royally screwed.

I knew something was fishy when I didnt see the normal pop up telling us the things would be on sale.

11-27-15, 01:12 AM
Same here nice item's but all fairy tale theme. Maybe they do something different each day. Here's to hoping as always but probably not. And first time I've never seen any GEM sale at all on BF. *shrugs*. Yes I do have gems saved but kinda strange. As it is now I'm not interested in these items. I'll sleep on it.

11-27-15, 01:12 AM
I canNOT believe that these cheapos dont have gems on sale. But OH MY GOSH, the Fairy Tale Display is there!!!! But really, NOOOOO 40 percent off sale? Right AFTER the 30 percent off sale ended? What if gems dont go on sale again before the sale does, I would be royally screwed.

I knew something was fishy when I didnt see the normal pop up telling us the things would be on sale.

Wow love the fairy stuff, really happy about that.
But ye whats with no gem sale? I have gems saved but thats not the point.
I only didnt buy gems yesterday coz i thought there was 1 today.
S8 you have really sunk to a new low.
And where im happy about the fairy stuff, wish there was more variety like othr years.

11-27-15, 01:14 AM
I see only 5 floor items:
fairy plant - 12 gems
fairy statue - 26 gems
fairy fountain - 30 gems
fairy tale display - 39 gems
fairy tale spring - 53 gems

11-27-15, 01:18 AM
Wow love the fairy stuff, really happy about that.
But ye whats with no gem sale? I have gems saved but thats not the point.
I only didnt buy gems yesterday coz i thought there was 1 today.
S8 you have really sunk to a new low.
And where im happy about the fairy stuff, wish there was more variety like othr years.

Same here. I had a 30 percent off sale for the past 3 days. I didnt buy any. This is making me think of the valentines items being on sale and no gem sales. I have some saved on my other games, but only 11 on my main one. All of this excitement for nothing.

When they compare they money they made last year, to this one, I hope whomever made the decision to put only a few items on sale, with no gem sale is fired. On their birthday!

11-27-15, 01:27 AM
Where is the Black Friday Sale? Gem sale and LTOs and items. I'm not interested in the fairytale stuff at all.

Come on storm 8! Bring back old LTOs! Would like to see some old Christmas wallpapers that you can't get any more back on sale too.

It's not too late Storm 8 to put this right. We have money and gems to spend... So give us our sale!!!

11-27-15, 01:29 AM
Same here. I had a 30 percent off sale for the past 3 days. I didnt buy any. This is making me think of the valentines items being on sale and no gem sales. I have some saved on my other games, but only 11 on my main one. All of this excitement for nothing.

When they compare they money they made last year, to this one, I hope whomever made the decision to put only a few items on sale, with no gem sale is fired. On their birthday!

Seriously mind boggling long as you and I have played and to see NO 40% off gem sale on BF. S8 must not be taking those Hawaii vacays any more..lol

11-27-15, 01:34 AM
We make suggestion threads a mile long. They ask for then only give 5 items yes I do belive 3 of these were suggested. But why not more than 5 please??

11-27-15, 01:40 AM
For anyone not interested in having a fairy tale theme in their shop this sale offers absolutely nothing at all. There are so many more items and themes they could have given us. Complete let down!

11-27-15, 01:49 AM
Blah more black friday disappointment.

11-27-15, 01:57 AM
One great display ive always wanted doesnt take away the befuddlement of this non sale.
Non sale indeed!
I could of dealt with the lack of items, but no gem sale?????? Thats whats bothered me the most.
I checked, and i have enough gems for the items i want anyway but id have bought more and got maybe duplicates or had a box opening frenzy!
4 years of loyalty and 1 day has just made me question do i even wanna bother playing anymore!
Trecking through and remaining positive week after week with lack of content, thinking well atleast i may get new exciting displays when the sales come!
1 day at 40% off you really couldnt give us 1 day??
Then if you want to do that, atleast give us 30%
Oh well, guess i can go shopping tomorrow in real shops with real sales!!

11-27-15, 02:10 AM
Bleh! Where's the Aquarius fountain everyone is begging for? I don't get why a fairy tale theme sale at all, anyone? Although there's still some stuff that I like and gonna get it. It's funny how there's no 40% gem sale.

11-27-15, 03:01 AM
i love this stuff! thank you s8 for this stuff i asked for. i always wanted these things so bad but its a shame no sale i cant even buy more gems to buy stuff :(

11-27-15, 04:27 AM
BS also got 5 ITEMS... Double disappoint!! Seriously?!

11-27-15, 04:27 AM
I love the 2 fairytale displays but that's all? I was hoping for the Eiffel tower I missed the first time or other winter/holiday items :( Also was hoping for avatar items too. I'd love to make a fairytale theme in spring but now I wanted something different: (

11-27-15, 04:28 AM
I've been playing for so many years and I'm at loss for words. Normally, there's so many long wished for items that it takes hours to choose what to spend gems on. This is pathetic. And where are the old catalogs!? Ugh. Open box items!?

11-27-15, 04:48 AM
What a joke this Black Friday is on us! Would have loved the mall Santa, pucker up display, or the old Halloween display in the graveyard. We haven't had goals in years and no new LTOs in months (all year?) I was just holding onto fs for today's sales and it looks like I will be deleting game this weekend. It is really sad as I have been playing for 3 years. Black Friday could have been a huge money maker for storm 8 but I guess they don't want our money. I think Campus Life is a much better game then FS anyway and they have daily goals and such. I am sad to lose an old friend though. I wonder how much longer rs and bs have before they're thrown under the bus like FS was.

11-27-15, 08:41 AM
So far,
Fairy Plant
Fairy Statute
Fairy Fountain
Fairy Tale Display

11-27-15, 08:53 AM
I just wished everything with gems was on sale. Like every item is 5 gems off.

11-27-15, 08:57 AM
Wow only two replies on the thread about Black Friday?

11-27-15, 08:57 AM
Any pics ? :)

Thanks in advance.

11-27-15, 09:11 AM
Wow only two replies on the thread about Black Friday?

I guess everyone is as underwhelmed and disappointed as I am.

11-27-15, 09:17 AM
A letdown but not shocking after the disappointing year we've had with Storm8.

Had a gem sale on FS but not the 40% of previous years. No gem sale at all on BS or RS.

I got the fountain and the fairy tale display because I've been wanting them. The plant and the statue are too small for the price.

The offerings at BS and RS were equally meager. :-(

I hope we see more items rolled out over the weekend.

11-27-15, 10:33 AM
Maybe their hoping we spend our saved gems. Then later more items with a gem sales.

Maybe Isis can merge the 2 threads.

11-27-15, 10:35 AM
So far,
Fairy Plant
Fairy Statute
Fairy Fountain
Fairy Tale Display

Also Fairytale Spring. 53 gems. I can't see this one. Can anyone post a pic of it?

So odd to only have a single theme for BF. 5 items....

11-27-15, 10:59 AM
Maybe their hoping we spend our saved gems. Then later more items with a gem sales.

Maybe Isis can merge the 2 threads.

Maybe. I was so ready to get the Aquarius fountain when I login to the game. Scroll through everything and nada. So disappointed! :(

Hey Isis, can you please merge this thread too?

11-27-15, 11:13 AM
This game is heading heavily towards boredom .
Black Friday sale is a joke, cause there is no other word for it
If TL team had taken a swift glimpse on the players Wishlist, it would have at least released the Aquarius fountain, which is on that list for years now, without any response to our wishes though
I was expecting this to happen, so it is hard to say I am disappointed. I would be actually very surprised if it was otherwise.

11-27-15, 11:14 AM
Also Fairytale Spring. 53 gems. I can't see this one. Can anyone post a pic of it?

So odd to only have a single theme for BF. 5 items....

Picture on this thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?81323-Fashion-Story-Update-5-5-2015/page9&highlight=fairytale+spring). :)

11-27-15, 11:21 AM
S8 is trying ****ing the original story games, so nothing surprises me anymore with this lack of interest in the biggest sale day for the games.

11-27-15, 11:23 AM
I'm not even surprised. I can't even say I'm that disappointed because my expectations were so low. Does anyone have pictures of these items? I feel like some of them smaller things are overpriced.

11-27-15, 11:27 AM
There is another thread below where people have been posting about bf.
Maybe thats why less here.
I was so excited to see much loved items on sale.
But whats the point in offering awesome gem items with no gem sale? Not even 30% for me.
I was gonna buy the largest pack, had put money in my account ready. But now im just gona use my saved gems for the fairy items and will buy boots tomorrow instead!
I would of liked to get duplicates of everything but hey im not being forced to buy gems with no sale!
That is low for black friday sale.
In fact buying large packs of gems at full price is not a sale at all, its robbery!!

11-27-15, 12:04 PM
Same I was surprised they offered cute items some I been wanting all year but I'm so bored of this I didn't even jump in excitement! That's a sign!!! Lol and no 40%off gem sale!? Mmm too bad, there goes your last chance of making any profit this year from me :) anyways hope you have more stuff to offer and give a last minute sale or cyber Monday sale idk! Anyways hope y'all had a nice thanks giving ;) (For those American folks lol)

11-27-15, 12:39 PM
I've merged both Black Friday lists.

11-27-15, 12:40 PM
Bakery Story and Restaraunt Story of received low rollout a as well. Hopefully, S8 will bring out more items as we go along.

11-27-15, 01:47 PM
This is not TeamLava, this is S8. They clearly are not following the old TeamLava plans (the ones we all loved and looked forward to!).
My guess is there will not be any further items. In 4 days, these items expire, end of BF "sale". I spent money during the last 2 BF sales, it is the only time I spend money on this game. I guess they don't like getting our money anymore.

On the positive side for me, I have been slowly saving up gems in case BF had anything I liked, and got 2 fairy tale displays. I realize a lot of players are not interested in fairy tale stuff though, and I'm very sorry to those players. For your sakes, I hope there are indeed more items released in 4 days, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

11-27-15, 03:56 PM
this is not teamlava, this is s8. They clearly are not following the old teamlava plans (the ones we all loved and looked forward to!).
My guess is there will not be any further items. In 4 days, these items expire, end of bf "sale". I spent money during the last 2 bf sales, it is the only time i spend money on this game. I guess they don't like getting our money anymore.

On the positive side for me, i have been slowly saving up gems in case bf had anything i liked, and got 2 fairy tale displays. I realize a lot of players are not interested in fairy tale stuff though, and i'm very sorry to those players. For your sakes, i hope there are indeed more items released in 4 days, but i wouldn't hold my breath if i were you.
true i used to love teamlava

11-27-15, 07:58 PM
I keep trying not to think about it. But it's just sad my favorite game to play even though I don't play as much now days had the worse BF ever. It was always the one day with 40% off gems and at least 10 to 12 displays. I was so wishing for AQUARIUS fountian this year thinking it was a serious possabilty. Along with that the snowy red LTO from last Christmas. There's almost always an old Christmas display brought back. I didn't get it last year because it was the last update for Christmas and I was tapped out by then. :( I wanted 2 of these lovely displays to bring into my Christmas decor this year. As of now I feel bah humbug about decorating. I'm normally well under way if not finished haven't even started yet this year.

EDIT: Not only that but the thread Isis put together with suggestions only that got sent over and this THIS is all they could come up with 5 items. Bah!

2nd EDIT: Nothing would please me more than to be (eating crow) at midnight game reset to have more item's available along with a gem sale.

11-27-15, 09:56 PM
Wow...worst BF sale ever... I didn't expect much at all this year, seeing as how this game is dying down quite a bit, but what's with all the fairy stuff? What about people that don't like all this fairy stuff? We've made suggestion threads before, which seems like they got completely ignored.

For example:


11-27-15, 11:34 PM
Was not at all happy with this years Black Friday sale. Wish they would give us old Christmas items, wallpaper and would love some of the old Christmas flooring. Maybe one day, I can only hope!

11-28-15, 02:14 AM
I've merged both Black Friday lists.

Thank you Isis! :)

EDIT: Not only that but the thread Isis put together with suggestions only that got sent over and this THIS is all they could come up with 5 items. Bah!

2nd EDIT: Nothing would please me more than to be (eating crow) at midnight game reset to have more item's available along with a gem sale.

I guess they did read the suggestion thread, BUT only the first page. XD

Not sure about you guys, but I didn't receive any gem sale across all my story games today. Totally none! =.=" Oh, and it's still the same 5 items.

11-28-15, 03:05 AM
Thank you Isis! :)

I guess they did read the suggestion thread, BUT only the first page. XD

Not sure about you guys, but I didn't receive any gem sale across all my story games today. Totally none! =.=" Oh, and it's still the same 5 items.

No sale or new items here either.
Iv made peace with not getting duplicates, but like jojopeanut im not in an excited hurry to decorate this year.
Very sad and disappointed

11-28-15, 04:33 AM
I just hate that, the same fairy plant ! I got from the Fairy tale chest is just of 12 Gems !!!!

11-28-15, 07:27 AM
I'm happy to get the fairy tale display, but I agree that this sale is lackluster. In fact, I planned to buy gems this weekend for the 40% sale. There aren't really any items on which to spend the gems I do have. There are so many things I want, but they're just not offered. I don't understand it.

In the beginning of 2015, there were many items offered and I spent a ton on the game. Then items I already had were being offered and I wasn't buying much. I expected to buy a lot this time of year (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day), and I'm just not. My wallet is happy but I'm pretty sad about this game which I've loved for years.

11-28-15, 11:15 AM
i havent got one sale not even the usual 30% one. i really need one before this stuff goes away i dont want to have to pay full price for gems ugh

11-28-15, 01:11 PM
I only got 20% in Bakery, is that even normal. :confused:

If S8 doesn't redeem themselves by Christmas, I'm afraid that nearly 4 years of gameplay are going to move on.

Thank you Isis! :)

I guess they did read the suggestion thread, BUT only the first page. XD

Not sure about you guys, but I didn't receive any gem sale across all my story games today. Totally none! =.=" Oh, and it's still the same 5 items.

11-28-15, 01:40 PM
I only got 20% in Bakery, is that even normal. :confused:

If S8 doesn't redeem themselves by Christmas, I'm afraid that nearly 4 years of gameplay are going to move on.

20% off is normal. Sometimes I get that on my smaller accounts, every once in a while on the larger ones. But 30% is what I get most of the time. So some players felt like it was a good thing, because I don't think they get weekly gem sales. I do, so it was a tremendous let down.

I did see treasure dragons will be on sale for 800 gold. Depending on my mood I "may" consider getting a small gold package to buy Midas. Otherwise I'll be content buying 2 and getting Midas if I'm still even playing. For the first time I felt like I won't be playing next year.

I think the new people in charge are horrible. I know I'm not alone in thinking that.

11-28-15, 01:41 PM
And I still haven't gotten a stupid sale!

11-28-15, 01:54 PM
But for only 1 game ? My other games don't have any sales on gems and gold, just BS got a 20% sale.

& I think 800 for the gold dragons is way too much, it should be 500-600 but that's just me. We're in the same boat, I'm starting to really think this 'might' the last year in certain games.

S8 is sending the games to the their graves.

20% off is normal. Sometimes I get that on my smaller accounts, every once in a while on the larger ones. But 30% is what I get most of the time. So some players felt like it was a good thing, because I don't think they get weekly gem sales. I do, so it was a tremendous let down.

I did see treasure dragons will be on sale for 800 gold. Depending on my mood I "may" consider getting a small gold package to buy Midas. Otherwise I'll be content buying 2 and getting Midas if I'm still even playing. For the first time I felt like I won't be playing next year.

I think the new people in charge are horrible. I know I'm not alone in thinking that.

11-28-15, 02:37 PM
The only day a year i ever get a gem sale is BF but this year i didnt even get that. I still just don't understand why some players are singled out and never get a gem sale and some people get them every week or even more. Its really just so unfair.

11-28-15, 04:57 PM
But for only 1 game ? My other games don't have any sales on gems and gold, just BS got a 20% sale.

& I think 800 for the gold dragons is way too much, it should be 500-600 but that's just me. We're in the same boat, I'm starting to really think this 'might' the last year in certain games.

S8 is sending the games to the their graves.

Fantasy Forest is having one.

11-28-15, 06:50 PM
I was hoping for a 50% or 40% one but didn't see it so I settled for the cheap one and bought only 24 gems :/ only enough to get the fairy display fountain so beautiful *-*

11-28-15, 08:33 PM
I'm keeping the faith that maybe they're waiting to surprise us on Cyber Monday!! I need some Xmas stuff! 👗👠🎄

11-29-15, 04:29 PM
I said I personally really loved the fairy stuff, but that I was sad for other people who were not happy with the black Friday sale.
I'm just as sad I cannot say, even politely, how I feel about the game without being censored. I still love this game. I just feel bad about the direction it has taken.

11-29-15, 05:04 PM
I feel extra sad for those that wanted mall santa maybe before Christmas they'll bring it out. I was lucky enough to win as a goal item back then. I have over 200 GEMS saved from catalog complitions. Not spent even 1 in months. Hope against hope something comes along of intrest to me.

11-29-15, 05:56 PM
i am very disappointed i waited up intel 12:00 at night because i was so exceeded for the black friday sale and all they have is FAIRY stuff NOOOO!!! every year they would always bring back everyones favorite limited displayed and so much more they are getting so lazy because of all the 2 games like bakery story 2 that they don't have time for there first :( and most loved games i am so disappointed and sad i want to cry who agrees with me :( come on bring some stuff back on syber monday PLEASE

11-29-15, 06:04 PM
i totally agree i have played this game for 3 years and it was great every black friday they brought something they are giving up on there first games and moving to part 2 games

11-29-15, 06:47 PM
I'm keeping the faith that maybe they're waiting to surprise us on Cyber Monday!! I need some Xmas stuff! 👗👠🎄
Dragon story is getting cyber monday goodies. Not sure if thats the norm over there tho.
Im hanging on to see if the xmas sales any better(or existant!) If not, with nothing to be excited about il be forced to look for other entertainment and close up my shops.
Its sad enough that people only look forward to this 1 day a year, so then to screw that up is just even sadder : (
And screwing people over with no gem sale is just low and not the sort of business i want to be involved with.

11-29-15, 07:33 PM
Dragon story is getting cyber monday goodies. Not sure if thats the norm over there tho.
Im hanging on to see if the xmas sales any better(or existant!) If not, with nothing to be excited about il be forced to look for other entertainment and close up my shops.
Its sad enough that people only look forward to this 1 day a year, so then to screw that up is just even sadder : (
And screwing people over with no gem sale is just low and not the sort of business i want to be involved with.

They always gave us goodies on cyber monday for dragon. On all the games, even if just the gem sale. I like what theyre offering so im not complaining there. Im upset that the games no longer getting downloads got nothing either. Its insulting. Pet Shop and Farm had sales and old items brought back. They have the audacity to still send out gem sales, but nothing to buy with them.

I dont check my farm everyday but still saved gems from downloads to use at this time. I was speechless when I saw nothing there.

11-30-15, 06:16 AM
No cyber Monday in any of my games, home design has not been updated in weeks and no BF there either, none in pet shop or original farm. This is beyond lame, I emailed about these games months in advance also made a thread on both forums for BF and they cannot even give us 1 dam good sale in an entire year.

This just shows there's no redeeming for the original story games which have been declining since February 2015.

Hope you're happy S8.

11-30-15, 09:04 AM
i had to buy gems at full price today no sale this whole time since friday and today is the last day for BF sales I had to and yes i regret it:(

no cyber sale here or in bs rs.. at least i got the fairy stuff i asked for thank you s8 i do appreciate it. tho u couldve made me over the moon with more stuff on sale especially to offer the Aquarius fountain for cyber monday :(

11-30-15, 10:32 AM
Wonder if they went into their offices this morning scratching their heads S8 "What went wrong?" lol

11-30-15, 10:34 AM
No cyber Monday in any of my games...

I guess this answers my question. I hadn't opened any games yet, preparing for final exams. Not sure how much I will be on the next couple of weeks because I'm administering final exams, and finishing up grading student's work. Y'all play nice. :)
My grandmother is doing better.

11-30-15, 09:05 PM
I was just thinking and hoping very much. Maybe tomorrow they'll bring a whole LOT of Christmas decor back like they did with the fall item's sale that expires at reset tonight along with the *cough* BF sale. Maybe they'll leave am in for the month or longer the fall items had like a 45 day timer on them. Please I hope.. And things I don't already have.

12-01-15, 03:55 AM
Either something good is coming today, or you guys are insulting me. A sale the day after the bf goodies expire! Really??!

12-01-15, 08:37 AM
Compared to last year, this was a complete FAILURE! Actually, it was so bad you can't even compare it to any year! My last hope is today . I'm waiting to be wildly surprised ! Lol 😘😘