View Full Version : sell sell sell

11-13-15, 08:33 AM
it just me or is it hard to earn money. It seems like nothing sells. I have 3 doors to get more ppl in but it doesnt look like more costumers come in. I put more cash registers. It seemed to have gotten stuck at 10000000. It felt like 2 months before hit 11000000. I have so many counters full of food that I had to put away most of my decorations just to have tables & counters. So annoying.

11-13-15, 09:52 AM
Are you still cooking food? I would stop cooking (except for goal cooking) and let some of your food rundown so you can make money off of it.

11-13-15, 11:55 AM
Here's old thread that helped me sell food quicker and expand sooner, it's from Restaurant Story but still helped on Bakery Story too. It's a more efficient seating layout, gets customers in and out fastest to sell max plates a day.


Usually though if I'm mastering recipes and have too much food on counters since yield is higher on BS than RS, I will stop baking for a bit and let it sell down. Sometimes I only bake during goals.

Also once you sell down your food if you want to make more profit, try baking dishes that gives 10 coins or more per plate there is quite a few. Here's my three favorite though.

Red Velvet Cake (24 Hr) 12 coins per plate
Hot Apple Cider (16 Hr) 10 coins per plate
Earl Grey Tea (24 Hr) 10 coins per plate

11-13-15, 12:41 PM
it just me or is it hard to earn money. It seems like nothing sells. I have 3 doors to get more ppl in but it doesnt look like more costumers come in. I put more cash registers. It seemed to have gotten stuck at 10000000. It felt like 2 months before hit 11000000. I have so many counters full of food that I had to put away most of my decorations just to have tables & counters. So annoying.

and just to be clear, extra doors means customers go in & out faster (assuming you also limit their seating choices, as in the thread pcabral03 directed you to), meaning you have more customers over time, but you can still only have the same number of customers at any given point. you may have known that already, but in case you didn't.

11-13-15, 02:45 PM
I try baking to warn the gems for the halloween seasonal boxes & deco. So I am very stocked up. I guess once they get rid of the box I can let it rest but I will look at the links to see how I can sell faster. If there was a way to upload a pic on the mobile sight I would but it doesn't give me that option.

11-13-15, 08:31 PM
I try baking to warn the gems for the halloween seasonal boxes & deco. So I am very stocked up. I guess once they get rid of the box I can let it rest but I will look at the links to see how I can sell faster. If there was a way to upload a pic on the mobile sight I would but it doesn't give me that option.

Here is a pic of my bakery, I have closed t-design with 20 seats and only one door. I used to have have multiple doors and tables in pens/feeding stations but I compared and I still sold quicker with this layout. Oh and it's easy to post pics on mobile site. Download photo bucket app on your phone, select photo you want to share and select "copy link to clipboard" and save as "IMG" then when you're posting on forum just paste. Kinda like when you copy and paste. It posts a URL address but shows as a picture. Sounds hard but it's easy :)

http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah122/pcabral031/bakery_story-2015-11-14-03-52-59_zpspozzjytg.png (http://s1379.photobucket.com/user/pcabral031/media/bakery_story-2015-11-14-03-52-59_zpspozzjytg.png.html)