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View Full Version : 5th Mill or Pear Trees?

11-11-15, 07:25 PM
Okay, I now have over 200,000 coins, so I can buy the 5th and final Feed Mill (and with all the pets I have now I think I'm going to need it very soon), but I also have nearly enough (just about another 25,000 to go) for 5 pear trees. So, should I...

1. buy the 5th Feed Mill now and ignore any orders that require pears?
2. hold out for the 5 Pear Trees and start over again to save up for the Mill?
3. delay any decision until I see what the next event requires and if it will force me to buy a lot to complete deliveries?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

11-15-15, 06:18 AM
I will hold off buying anything until after Black Friday in case there is a sale. You also dont want to spend all your coins with Christmas around the corner. There may be an event and some festive decorations for sale. These items are seasonal so its worth buying them while they are available.

As for which to buy first, I will buy the pear trees over the feed mill. The lack of 5th feed mill will only affect your pets at worst. You need not feed all your pets. Make do with your existing 4 feed mills and feed as many pets as you can. But the lack of pear trees affect your (1) delivery orders, (2) train orders and (3) progress in events which need deliveries.

This is just my suggestion. Choose according to your game style. Hope this helps.

11-15-15, 04:21 PM
I'll take your advice and hold off on buying anything, probably until after New Year's, if TL and S8 present us with event after event to close out the year...or until I have twice the amount I need for the five pear trees, in which case it would be almost stupid not to buy them already.