View Full Version : Best way to spend Gold?

11-06-15, 08:10 AM
I'm somewhat new to the game (used to play a couple of years ago, restarting now), what's the general consensus on what's worth and what's not worth spending gold on?

I don't have any interest in buying dragons outright. The second nest seems tempting, is it worth it? The Hex Hill habitat currently on sale also seems tempting, as the habitats that hold 4 dragons are more space-efficient.

11-06-15, 08:25 AM
The second nest is extremely useful (to me at least), other than that I'd save up to buy gold producing dragons. Maybe speed up breeding or battle arenas to help with tournaments and dragon tales but I wouldn't spend it on anything big until you have multiple gold dragons

11-06-15, 08:41 AM
The second nest is really useful. I bought it a couple of months ago and I wasn't sure at all if it's worth it. But now I totally recommend it. First of all it's really helpful in events. Let's take the World event as an example. You'll get points for breeding dragons and two nests will give you a lot more points. Or the Dragon Tales event expects you to breed something, but your nest is still busy hatching an egg. A second nest is so handy.

I never spent any gold on habitats. From what I've seen most habitats you buy with gold hold 4 dragons and about 10.000 coins which is great, but I'm not close to having space problems, so I don't really need them. If you think one habitat looks especially good then go for it (preferably when they're on sale), but I don't think they're necessary in any way (well, at least as long as you haven't reached the habitat limit :D).

Buying dragons doesn't seem tempting to me either. You can breed every buyable dragon (not the Gold Type Dragons and the Cartographer Dragon, though!). Sure, it takes time, but spending ~ 1.200 gold for a dragon is a lot :s Honestly I would only do it for a Diamond Dragon or a Gold Type Dragon.
Talking about the Gold Type Dragons - This type of dragon gives you up to five gold a day. I really like the idea, but I'm still not sure if it's actually worth it to pay ~ 1.800 gold for it. I mean it takes quite some time to get this gold back. I would only recommend to buy it when it's on sale.

All in all you should definitely keep a bit of gold "in case of emergency", like when you need help with an event or you need to use the Ultimate Attack on a dragon.

Oh, I don't even know if you actually buy your gold or if you save it up. Might make a bit of a difference. I was only thinking about saving it up.

11-06-15, 08:51 AM
I think you already have the right idea, and I agree with Zyfazix. Having 2 nests really helps in this game. I was very happy when I got my second nest but I personally still ran into a lot of problems of needing a third nest. I eventually purchased a third and I'm satisfied with that. 4 dragon habitats are critical once you get hundreds of dragons. If you happen to have the gold they are worth investing in. If you're no where near the habitat limit then it is not as pressing and you can wait. Like Zyfazix said saving up to buy gold producing dragons can really change the game for you. I have two and I'm saving as much gold as I can toward the next sale so I can purchase a few more.

11-06-15, 09:10 AM
Forget the habitats for now unless you are losing sleep that you must have it!

Buy second nest first then save save save for gold producing dragons. End of November is the black Friday sales....... hopefully some of these gold producing dragons will be on sale.

Once you have a few gold producing dragons. You will be able to buy the habitats on sale when they come out. This game is all about patience. Welcome to dragon story mate!

11-06-15, 11:58 AM
+1 on the second nest, I have got 3 nests now, don't regret that

11-06-15, 12:18 PM
A second nest is totally worth the investment. Bought mine, hesitantly, when I only had 500 gold saved and never regretted it. Other than that, I only use gold for tournaments, have bought two limited time dragons (after failing to breed them), and one gold producing dragon while it was on sale. Now saving for BF.

11-06-15, 02:26 PM
My first big purchase was to buy two more nests to help the community during those events. Now the best purchase I make is to wait until gold producing dragons are 600 gold and I buy as many as I can at that level. They pay for themselves quickly.

11-06-15, 02:27 PM
+1 on the second nest, I have got 3 nests now, don't regret that

The 4th one costs to much or I would have done that already. I don't think it is worth it.

11-06-15, 04:32 PM
+1 on the second nest, I have got 3 nests now, don't regret that

Ditto! Extra nests are definitely needed, although I've resisted the second breeding roost to date - without an extra evolution temple I don't need to be breeding more.

I will spend real money on Value Packs when they have a past dragon that is unbreedable, provided I like the dragon, because it is the only way us newer players can get dragons from the past.

I also spent gold on the Diamond Temple, but I wouldn't worry about that until you are about level 80 necessarily.

What you spend gold on kinda depends on your primary long term game objective. I want, like many people, one of every dragon available. I have also decided I want one of every habitat (ultimately).

You could save up your gold to buy gold producing dragons when (hopefully) they are on sale on the Black Friday weekend. Some long term players have all 10, meaning 50 gold a day collected allowing them to pretty much spend gold on anything they like.

11-07-15, 09:23 AM
The second nest definitely seems worth it, I have basically 250 gold saved up at the moment so that will probably be my first purchase :)

The Gold dragons also seem very useful, not sure if I'll be able to afford them outside of the Black Friday sale though.

Fortunately I happened to breed a Diamond dragon during the recent Dragon Tales event (Magic x Scarecrow), super happy to already have one.

Thanks to everyone who suggested answers!