View Full Version : Blinking Corner

10-25-15, 12:00 PM
When I tried to put up wall decorations it didn't allow me too just for the corner of my restaurant. Today I went in and the decorations I had tried to put up were up but they blink! Both sides of the wall do it at different times! It is just the two corner walls...and since I've lived with a human who needs EXPLICIT instructions for every minute* thing - there is only one corner in the game, I hope we here all agree on that! I play on an iPad mini, version 9.1 - my game automatically updates, I just updated the iOS to the latest.
Please advise :) thank you!

*as in "my newt" not minute as in the time...engrish..so much fun..

10-26-15, 10:55 AM
Sorry to hear that! Please write into support@storm8.com. One of our agents will assist you.