View Full Version : Speculations - Updates for this week (10/19 - 10/23)

10-20-15, 12:28 PM
So... noon came and went, and there's no new storybook or something else, other than the new animal for the trio. I'm wondering if anyone of the regular players have any idea of what can come next, and what we should be expecting.

I have to apologize for those who may have opened this thread just to realize I have no idea what's coming, or any speculation, for that matter. I really just want to know your insights, and have a rough idea of what to do about my animals (whom to raise, whom to hatch - still have 4 eggs waiting, all from the Spin the Wheel, in the storage).

I'm thinking, if there's nothing else other than the Sweet Misery Trio, I'll probably use the food I'm gathering to raise some of my faves (Glacial Griffin among them) to epic, and the new guys (Reckless Roc and Demonkey), as well, since they earn a lot of coins by hour.

What do you think we should expect for Friday? Any thoughts?

10-20-15, 12:47 PM
We are virtually certain to have an 18 round tournament starting Friday. and we will get a chance to breed the last of the Skull trio. I have expected a Storybook Adventure for the last 3 updates. I am planning for one to start Friday that lasts for 10 days. It's too early for a World Event and last year there was one for Halloween. S8 typically does not repeat a World Event based on a Holiday in the same game two years in a row. We already had one Goal line breeding for an animal for this month, so I wouldn't expect that either. We are breeding a trio so another one can't really start.

So, I am expecting an 18-round tournament and the start of a 10 day Storybook Adventure with the next release (10/23/15).

10-20-15, 12:58 PM
Echo that.
I have the EXACT same expectations as ninasidstorm8 wrote above. I'm preparing for a Halloween themed Storybook. At this moment I'm keeping a bit of a tab on my food stock. It's around 100K now. I'm using some of it for raising some new animals to a maximum level of 10 but that's it. Bomb-wise I also want to have around 10 or so by Friday.

kooky panda
10-20-15, 01:38 PM
I have set up a master speculations thread here. (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?85662-Speculations-on-Updates-Discussion-Thread)