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kooky panda
10-13-15, 02:34 PM
13 Hours
http://forums.storm8.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25115&d=1445031617 (http://forums.storm8.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25115&d=1445031617)

http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y416/kookypanda99/BA7E6E55-7B87-4D09-9DED-E73EB1F49A8B_zps7n5btulm.png (http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/kookypanda99/media/BA7E6E55-7B87-4D09-9DED-E73EB1F49A8B_zps7n5btulm.png.html)

Look into the Fall night sky and you might catch a glimpse in the moonlight of this gliding creature. Keep still and this cutie might take a moment to rest on your head! Bring home the Sugarskull Glider tonight in Fantasy Forest Story (https://www.facebook.com/fantasyforestapp)!

10-13-15, 02:40 PM
Cute! And seems like we're getting a new habitat!

10-13-15, 02:41 PM
Love the habitat <3

10-13-15, 02:41 PM
Oooh!! My guess is dark and water. For the habitat, I'm not too sure, fire, dark and nature maybe?

10-13-15, 02:42 PM
Looks like Dark & Fire are part of the new habitat but the animal looks to have water and maybe nature. Going to have to do some thinking about this one.

10-13-15, 02:43 PM
Pretty pretty... I can't wait to see that habitat!

10-13-15, 03:13 PM
Ah, now this looks exciting!
I too was wondering about the elements. Could it be that perhaps....... ......we're getting a NEW permanent element???
Wow, wouldn't that be a great twist... :P
Very intriguing! I also wonder if it will become available through a Storybook or not.
I was considering possibly speeding a bit for the Ghostrich, but I think I'll sit tight on my gems a bit, so as to be able to afford the special habitat...

10-13-15, 03:21 PM
I was anticipating a new habitat and have watched my gems closely in case I wanted to buy it. This one does not have that 'oh I have to have it' feel, but we will see.

10-13-15, 04:00 PM
OMG I USED TO HAVE SUGAR GLIDERS AS PETS!!! This animal is so special to me!!! I can't wait to have him in my forest!!!!

10-13-15, 05:20 PM
like the habitat more than the animal LOL

10-13-15, 10:06 PM
WOW!!! I love the habitat. I hope it's a storybook and not a trio.
I liked last years Halloween habitat better, though I don't have it as I was not playing then.
Need to save up on gems and collect any free ones thrown at me from in game features.
So need to win that tournament and hatch egg in time, without spending any gems...:)

10-14-15, 12:45 AM
The base of the habitat looks very much like a Fire Field and the purpleish trees resemble those of the Swan Lake. Based on that, two of the elements may be fire and dark. It's the animal that has me completely puzzled. The whiteish colours suggest water, if anything. The other colours don't give me any clues. The whiteish, yet 'bling-bling', look COULD also indicate it's a gem-something animal. Gem-dark would be most expected then, as there are already two gem-water animals. But..... this animal hardly has a "Legendary" look to it, so I would be very surprised if it were to be that...

I'm guessing there's going to be a new Storybook and that this is the first animal (note that the Sidekicker was announced in a similar way without so much as a hint of it being part of a Storybook). The habitat would then most likely be a three-element one and the expected sale price will be 200 gems. I *HOPE* the sale price is only going to be 100 gems as otherwise I'll have preciously few gems left after buying the habitat. Placing it is another issue. I presently have NO runes but I have accumulated 12 bombs. As long as the precise steps of the Storybook (if any) are not yet known, I want to keep around 10 bombs in reserve. I did just yesterday finish the construction of a Grand Dark Cove but I don't really want to have to 'sacrifice' that one; as that would feel like a very negative move. I'd rather temporarily sell a farm then.
Having raised my Barn Owl to level 14, I now have "only" 68K food left. That's no problem though, as by Friday's update it should be largely restored and whatever else would be needed during the duration of the Storybook can then still easily be accumulated during the duration of the Storybook.
Now... let's build up as much food as possible and then we'll see what Friday's update precisely brings.

10-14-15, 02:17 AM
It is very tough to tell which elements the sugar glider has! This may very well be a new Storybook since we are due to have one. Hmm... The more I look at the habitat, the less I like it. Too much of a voodoo, black magic vibe. So I won't be spending any gems on that one!

10-16-15, 11:32 AM
A trio starting with Earth/Nature after the Ghostrich leaves. Now that is just mean. :o

10-16-15, 11:33 AM
A trio starting with Earth/Nature after the Ghostrich leaves. Now that is just mean. :o

Fitting that the goal is called "Sweet Misery" because I have a feeling that's EXACTLY what it will be.

10-16-15, 11:35 AM
Omg a trio I can't even. But they all look amazing!!!
And I got the glider 13 hours timer

10-16-15, 11:39 AM
What terrible news is this: I had *so* much hoped we WOULD get a new storybook and that we would NOT get a new trio for a loooong time and here we go again, and... Again earth-nature. I'm sure the next animal will require earth-fire and there we go again: 3 weeks of horror.
Now I understand the horror habitat..

D*mn just when I hoped I could back to nature-dark breedings after a horrible week of Plantlers fails and now we have to continue that barren combination again.
Not happy! :(

10-16-15, 11:41 AM
A trio starting with Earth/Nature after the Ghostrich leaves. Now that is just mean. :o

Lol, isn't it just?

Fitting that the goal is called "Sweet Misery" because I have a feeling that's EXACTLY what it will be.

Yup. I don't get on well with trios :( it seems too soon since the doggy disaster!

10-16-15, 11:42 AM
It is very tough to tell which elements the sugar glider has! This may very well be a new Storybook since we are due to have one. Hmm... The more I look at the habitat, the less I like it. Too much of a voodoo, black magic vibe. So I won't be spending any gems on that one!
It's not based on voodoo/black magic, but on Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), which is really neat holiday. But ouch another breeding trio :/

10-16-15, 11:43 AM
Oh man, I was also really hoping for another storybook. Partly because I often have much better luck finishing those and partly to hopefully have a break now and then to hatch some of my autumn critters. The next two animal shadows look like they might be so cool. I really really hope I'll have good luck breeding them!

First try was a 10 hour bamboon, not a plantlers, but not something I need. (I've gotten all the earth/nature animals by now) Good luck everyone!

10-16-15, 11:43 AM
After seeing the new habitat I figured this was going to be the start of a new trio. I think the design won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I actually love the Dia de los Muertos festival theme going on here. I'm looking forward to seeing what the pony from the trio looks like! :)

Good luck to everyone who decides to try for these!

10-16-15, 11:43 AM
I'm not happy either. Trios are the WORST. After the service animal fail of the last round, I'm sure this will just be more of the same for me. I ended up giving up about halfway through the service trio because I couldn't even breed one, let alone end up getting all three.

Just put my panda and rhino back in after speeding the last hour of the latest Plantlers fail and wow, got a 10 hour timer. I will be shocked if I manage to get these three.

10-16-15, 11:47 AM
Fitting that the goal is called "Sweet Misery" because I have a feeling that's EXACTLY what it will be.

Nooooooo if i gonna see one more Plantler I'm gonna shoot it! -.- :'(
Why earth nature again?!?!?!?!?!?!
And why a trio to breed I wanted to try for the two darkness/nature some more :(

10-16-15, 11:51 AM
I have tried continuously for trio breeding sets but have had no luck since Matripony. The service dogs, recently, are a case in point. Continuous breeding tries produced ziltch. I hate breeding trios - even more than I hate limited creatures. Breeding seems to have shut down for me completely. I cannot complete storybook lines that require breeding a specific animal, I cannot breed trios and I cannot breed limited creatures. Even common animals needed for storybook goals fail - giving me superrares with long incubation/hatch time. Spin the wheel has given me a forest of haunted tree decorations.

I made the error of "buying" an animal. I wonder if that mistake shunted me off into a "breeding penalty box". That, or I have been around too long and it is time to move on to a different game.


10-16-15, 11:51 AM
Another Trio!!! So soon . I wish it could have been a storybook. Even though I am little low on the food I still could have managed that but trio, a trio. TL you know how to rub it in .
" Sweet Misery" .. Will only be sweet if we get any!!!
Here's to another army of plantlers and armordillos and what not!!!

10-16-15, 11:53 AM
Nooooooo if i gonna see one more Plantler I'm gonna shoot it! -.- :'(
Why earth nature again?!?!?!?!?!?!
And why a trio to breed I wanted to try for the two darkness/nature some more :(
To encourage players to spend gems. Maybe decide which you would want more in your forest?

10-16-15, 11:54 AM
Nooooooo if i gonna see one more Plantler I'm gonna shoot it! -.- :'(
Why earth nature again?!?!?!?!?!?!
And why a trio to breed I wanted to try for the two darkness/nature some more :(

Venison can be tasty. Smoked venison jerky is great! Venison sausage is yummy. I wish I could start eating my Plantlers fails. At least something could come of them....

10-16-15, 11:58 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing what the pony from the trio looks like!

The pop up never came up on my game, I didn't know there was a pony! I love all the ponies in this game! Hopefully I don't fail this time as well.

10-16-15, 11:58 AM
Fitting that the goal is called "Sweet Misery" because I have a feeling that's EXACTLY what it will be.

Nooooooooooooooooo!!!! Misery is very fitting indeed! Why, S8? After the out-of-service trio fiasco I had better get at least one of these.

10-16-15, 12:11 PM
Hey, has anyone else noticed that the habitat is already available in the shop but for coins and not gems

10-16-15, 12:22 PM
Hey, has anyone else noticed that the habitat is already available in the shop but for coins and not gems

Yeah, this happens when we get trios.

10-16-15, 12:26 PM
Yeah, this happens when we get trios.

Aw that's good news then, at least i can hold off and not rush to buy it. See how the breeding goes first

10-16-15, 12:26 PM
I just got a new 13 hour egg so I am assuming this is the sugar skull glider? I don't know how to take screen shots (on iPad )

10-16-15, 12:29 PM
I just got a new 13 hour egg so I am assuming this is the sugar skull glider? I don't know how to take screen shots (on iPad )

Congrats! Yes, that's it. I visited to take a look. :)

10-16-15, 12:32 PM
I speeded a little to see if I could get it right away but no such luck. Then I did a couple of dark-nature breedings and got Frightingale! That's good at least. But I'm starting to think I should just skip this trio altogether. It's too soon and there are no good fails for me for earth-nature.

10-16-15, 12:57 PM
Why, why, why! After trying for the Ghostrich for days and days, why another earth/nature animal. I've had all the plantler and amoridillo bar-b-que to last a life time. LOL The last trio was a joke! Have not won more than one animal since the planet trio, I bought the Caturn. Hum, maybe that's why I haven't been able to breed these trio's. Sorry TL I'm not going to buy any more trio animals. I will just have to take my chance's.

10-16-15, 12:57 PM
Ok, I'm over the initial shock, which doesn't mean I like the idea of a trio.
There's one bit of good news about it: at least 'nature' is one of the components, so that means that the Quartz Quetzalcoatl will be a 'fixed' breeding mate, at least for all attempts for the first animal. Also, the silhouette of the third animal looks like it might be a beautiful dragon, which looks desirable. And... even though I really *wanted* to get back to nature-dark breeding, at least the animals that I do not have of that combination are seemingly permanent animals so there's no hurry in absolutely having to go for them now.
I think I'll play TL's game one more time along. By definition the outcomes can't get worse than those of the Service Trio from Hell, as in that one in some 52 attempts spun over a continuous three weeks period I did not get a single service animal. So, whatever the outcome of this trio will be, shall at worst be equally bad as the service trio was.
I guess I'll jump through TL's hoops again of doing straight QQ + Earth or Earth-Nature breedings, at least until this Tuesday. Then we'll see what the breeding combination is for the second animal. That moment shall probably be decisive as to what I plan on doing for the rest of the trio duration. If I don't like the outcomes, I'll start putting in 4-element shots mixing dark into the mix so that at least there's SOME chance that I'll get an interesting fail as outcome.

This time round I shall NOT bother writing stuff like: "I hope I get one of these animals quickly..." because I already KNOW that such will NOT happen. I shall also BY NO MEANS buy the habitat yet in the hope that it lures out the animals, and I shall most definitely not keep track of the entire list of breeding attempts for this animal in this thread. Instead, I shall only keep track of the breeding outcomes in my current QQ personal breeding log that I'm maintaining anyway (for those interested, it can be found here: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?73663-Personal-Breeding-Logs&p=1176789&viewfull=1#post1176789 ).
Should I by some godwonder manage to actually breed any of these animals, I'll just mention it here like that...
There. Can you guys and gals see just how "excited" I am about this trio?
It feels like having to cross the Sahara barefooted without water or so. Oh joy of joys. Yippeeyayaayy, we've got a new trio, yes that most definitely was exactly the FFS update we all wanted... :(

<sigh> I'll start mining off the bomb stock now and I'll also start using up the food from the 135K food stock that I had accumulated again.

10-16-15, 12:58 PM
What terrible news is this: I had *so* much hoped we WOULD get a new storybook and that we would NOT get a new trio for a loooong time and here we go again, and... Again earth-nature. I'm sure the next animal will require earth-fire and there we go again: 3 weeks of horror.
Now I understand the horror habitat..

D*mn just when I hoped I could back to nature-dark breedings after a horrible week of Plantlers fails and now we have to continue that barren combination again.
Not happy! :(

I agree. I had no luck with that Service Trio (got the first dog, and that was it, after that, just Plantlers). Isn't fitting that first we bred Planthers and now Plantlers, like there's no tomorrow? Horror, indeed :(

10-16-15, 01:04 PM
This is the egg.25111

10-16-15, 01:05 PM
omg ! i thought taking a break with breeding ! now again back to lots of fails :( without getting one of them :mad:
well must get used now. but this time i will be less disappointed if i don't get them

10-16-15, 01:19 PM
It took me ages to breed the first animal in the last trio. So long, in fact, that by the time I got the second animal, I barely had time to try for the third, and so missed out. Only time I haven't completed the breeding trios. Very happy that my first try this time got me a 13 hour timer. Can't believe it. Hope my luck holds out when the second and third animals come along.

10-16-15, 01:51 PM
Ugh. Here we go again.



10-16-15, 01:57 PM
Noooooo! A trio!

My second account got it first try.

My primary has a 20 hr lunar moth breeding and I don't plan to speed it. That's good for me as I finally bred something new!

I would be all for a trio if it involved nature and dark. But after a week of nonstop fails trying for ghost rich I'm not very excited.

10-16-15, 01:59 PM
Btw - the habitat takes 15 hours to build.

10-16-15, 02:40 PM
Got this with quartz Quetzalcoatl and rock rhino on 4th attempt. Breeding time 13 hrs. Good luck everyone.

edit(KP) added to post 1

10-16-15, 03:44 PM
Well, I just had my first shot at it with the Quartz Quetzalcoatl and the Rock Rhino and for a teeny-weeny split second thought I had gotten it on the first try as I was focused on the magic number '13', but, of course the timer was reading '13:59:59'. Just great, not only a fail, but the longest possible one on top of that (yes: 'longest', as any gem-nature outcome would NOT be considered a fail).....
....and so it begins....

10-16-15, 04:10 PM
Good luck everyone. I sped my first Plantlers fail, got another, and then 13 hrs! I used my trusty Panda and Rhino. They've pulled through for me lately.


10-16-15, 04:31 PM
Got this with quartz Quetzalcoatl and rock rhino on 4th attempt. Breeding time 13 hrs. Good luck everyone.

edit(KP) added to post 1

Hello this egg is beautiful, Congratulations Cardinalpsy.

My first attempt with Trebra / quartz Quetzalcoatl is 10 hours

10-16-15, 04:53 PM
I dont do very well at breeding trios. The only sucess I've had is with the cosmics. Well here goes I'll give it a try as I always do...Good luck all....may we all have breeding success.

10-16-15, 05:56 PM
I don't really mind that we have a new trio as I'm very excited about the glider and the horse but I was really hoping this was a new 3 element habitat :( I reallllllyyyyy want a new Halloween themed habitat! Either that or rerelease last years habitat for a short time

10-16-15, 06:47 PM
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Desperately trying for Glacial Griffin..... 100+ rainguin fails and a rockodile fail
Trying for Tirick or Treent and Frightengale and Aurora Pegasus ......... 120+ planther fails
Now tying for Sugarskull Glider........ a plantlers fail on the first try...... and previusly for ghostrich...... 10+ platlers fail. Nothing new for MORE THAN A FREAKING STUPID MONTH!!!!!!!! Not to mention the blasted service dogs fails and all sorts of fails for months.


i know I'm being rude and somewhat exaggerating, but its near the truth. Please gift me gems or t least let me get ONE good thing or I'm so quitting

10-16-15, 07:04 PM
I wonder why the breeding combos are always earth-fire and earth-nature? Why not water-nature or fire-nature? Or earth-water (Apparently dark and lighting r too long to breed and are with much longer fails)

10-16-15, 07:07 PM
Seriously?... Another Trio!:( October Headaches are coming!:( Even worse, Earth-Nature combination! How about some new combinations!

Attempt 1: Hedgehog
Attempt 2: Plantlers
Attempt 3: 14 Hrs. - Grassquatch or Hedgehog

10-16-15, 07:13 PM
Not happy at all with this new trio! Never got the Ghostrich, just 10 dang planters
Just tried Earth/Nature again... Guess what? Another dang Planters!! Arrrgh!
I hate this breeding combo; I never get the new breeds! Smh
Good luck everyone!!!

10-16-15, 07:57 PM
Fitting that the goal is called "Sweet Misery" because I have a feeling that's EXACTLY what it will be.

That's what I thought when I saw it, too.

10-16-15, 07:57 PM
This is no longer fun.

10-16-15, 08:00 PM
Glad I never put out & hatched the lovely autumn creatures we just got, space being so limited as it is, and it taking so long to expand. Hoping I have better luck with this trio, than with Ghostrich. At least I only got 3 Grassquatch fails, the 4th 14-hour was a hedgehog. Ugh!

10-16-15, 08:20 PM
Very cool theme; is there any reason why this couldn't be a storybook tale? Especially after all the limited breeding we have had and the serviceless trio mess. Even if you try 100 times, there is no guarantee. I don't mind spending some gems, but I don't like spitting into the wind. If I didn't like this theme so much, I wouldn't be so disappointed. But not enough to spend my food or rent money on a game.

10-16-15, 10:28 PM
I never get these trios and sugar skulls mean a lot to me. If I don't get this, it will be too heartbreaking to continue with this game. How dare they.

10-16-15, 10:40 PM
And here we go again!!! This time round I am going to keep a record of my breedings

#1. QUARTZY + Rock Rhino= Plantler
#2. Rock Rhino + Pandaffodil = plantler

10-17-15, 12:55 AM
I just sped the remainder of the first 14 hours Hedgehog fail away and got my first Plantlers of this breeding streak. I've got a funny feeling there's plenty more where those fails came from...:(
Why couldn't they have chosen nature-dark, nature-electric or even water-dark, dark-electric, nature-water or something else that hasn't been over-exhausted to the point where there really is nothing good to be had anymore. This is so "numbifying"....

This is how it goes: around the end of the service trio from hell I bought my Quartz Quetzalcoatl and thought "ok when the service hell is over and done with I'm going to do chain breeding of it with the Pandaffofil", but no, then came the world event and doing such breeding would have been bad for the acorns count. Then we got the "She-ent" of which it wasn't 100% clear if it would be limited or not, so nature-dark it was, next up the Frightingale, a cool animal that I'd really like to go for, then a LIMITED Ghostrich with a different combination, semi forcing us to go for that instead; only to result in a week of ALL earth-nature outcomes EXCEPT for the ultra rares and the Ghostrich (IOW: the exact inverse outcome of what was desired), then when one is fully numb and is looking out for something cool new in a different way like a Storybook (which IS a feature I greatly enjoy) we again have to breed earth-nature and for no less than 3 weeks on top of that...:(
What's next? Probably somewhere along the lines they'll even mix in other limited animals with DIFFERENT elemental combinations, preferably three desirable rereleased animals from last year, all with mutually exclusive breeding combinations or so. Nice prospect. For now, I'm sure tomorrow I'll awake to yet another Groundhog Day and then another and another and another - wait, I think we all know how that movie goes....

10-17-15, 01:32 AM
I really wanted something nice and cool to happen in the game and as there's no Storybook now and as my fourth Gold Lion cleared the flower, I decided to do a "prestige animal raising". The animal of choice was the Ra, which I had at level 10. That animal has such a pretty epic form, so even if I already have an epic Anubis, I used 110K food of my food stock for it. It's in the flower now and tomorrow this time it'll be one of the most gorgeous epics in the forest. In due time I want to raise all of my Egypt animals to epic level, so this action perfectly fitted MY OWN agenda. I'm down to 34K food now again, so I'll be working on replenishing it. As I don't expect anything new in the forest for days (or longer) to come, this seemed like a justified action...

10-17-15, 01:53 AM
I know this has nothing to do with the Sweet Misery Trio.
But has anyone got an featured game called CLUE BINGO.
I got the pop up yesterday around the time the ghostrich was about to expire. Have been trying to download it but not happening. Then on another TL game got a pop up for CLUEDO BINGO. Downloaded that.... It is I think the same game but in FFS did not get credit for installing it(meaning no 30 gems :( ) but am seeing goals for both in my Goals .

10-17-15, 02:39 AM
This is so mindnumbing already... Fail after fail after fail. I'm 99.99999... percent sure I won't get even one animal from this trio either. My account seems to be one of those blocked from getting any trio animals anymore after I bought the Tubacan. I hate these trios!!! This is way too soon after the hellhounds! Took every bit of fun out of the game again. :( But I guess we can expect a new trio every month or so from now on... Makes me feel like quitting the game again because all of these "rare" trio animals are simply impossible for me to breed.

10-17-15, 02:53 AM
It's too bad. Cause I really like the look of these new creatures. But these "breed events" suck!!!!!! I have only gotten 1 type from the Valentine event, none of of the musical ones, and none of the service dogs.... That's not from lack of trying. That's after weeks of fails on every event. I have a feeling things are gonna be the same in this event. Makes me made cause I really want these. It's to bad that there isn't some kind of "help" getting these limited "breeding event" creatures cause most the time you won't get them unless you buy them. Really hate that aspect of storm 8 games. I would spend money on in app purchases if it didn't feel like storm8 is making it the only way to get the creatures. I hate being pressured into anything and when I feel pressured to do something "or else" I will always go with the "or else" just to show that I won't give into bullying.
Hahahahahahaha storm8 is a "gem trap" laying "gem bully"!

I'm sure this post violates some forum law and will be taken down soon. That's usually how it works. Ahhahahhaha

10-17-15, 02:55 AM
Evolution is 15 hours

10-17-15, 03:57 AM
What I would love to see is for TL to retire some of the common animals like the Plantlers, Fairy Ferret, & Planter. Then when the new trios come out make them permanent for say a year and then do the same thing.

10-17-15, 07:29 AM
Good luck everyone. I sped my first Plantlers fail, got another, and then 13 hrs! I used my trusty Panda and Rhino. They've pulled through for me lately.


Oh very good Hawksmoor, Congratulations to Sugarskull Glider :D

10-17-15, 07:31 AM
My first attempt with Trebra / quartz Quetzalcoatl is Bamboon
2. Plantlers
3. Bamboon :( :(

10-17-15, 07:40 AM
Keeping track of my fails and successes.

Ancient Sloth X Plantlers: Plantlers

Ancient Sloth X Crystal Unicorn: Plantlers


10-17-15, 07:41 AM
My first attempt with Trebra / quartz Quetzalcoatl is Bamboon
2. Plantlers
3. Bamboon :( :(

I ain't got one bamboon

10-17-15, 08:14 AM

No surprises here. Part of me wonders why I should even bother to keep track.

10-17-15, 08:15 AM
Woo hoo, think I got it. As long as it's the only 13 hour combo!

10-17-15, 08:16 AM
And here we go again!!! This time round I am going to keep a record of my breedings

#1. QUARTZY + Rock Rhino= Plantler
#2. Rock Rhino + Pandaffodil = plantler
#3. Bamboon +Twilight Troll= Plantler or Racmoon ...

10-17-15, 08:20 AM
#3. Bamboon +Twilight Troll= Plantler or Racmoon ...

I got mine with rock rhino and pandaffodil, think on my 3rd maybe 4th attempt. Hope that helps

10-17-15, 08:27 AM
Woo hoo, think I got it. As long as it's the only 13 hour combo!

Congrats :)

So far for me a Planther and a 14 hour timer. I got excited for a second thinking it was 13 hours :p

10-17-15, 08:59 AM
Congrats :)

So far for me a Planther and a 14 hour timer. I got excited for a second thinking it was 13 hours :p

So was I when I got the 14 hour timer earlier on, that was short lived excitement lol, at least I have it now, just got to wait for it to hatch, hopefully be able to get the other 2 when they are released!

10-17-15, 09:34 AM
I ain't got one bamboon

I would like to present you give Bamboon, but unfortunately you cannot. Good luck in the breeding :D

10-17-15, 11:48 AM
Omg I wasn't even trying for the sugar glider and I think I got it. I got a turquoise looking egg that has white lines going crisscross like Lacey or a doily looking.

10-17-15, 11:54 AM
Congrats to everyone who got the glider already!

I wanted to keep complete track again (with the Dalmatian I reached 59 failed attempts!) but since I sped at the beginning last night I'm not exactly sure how many Plantlers I got. :p The other ones were: 1 Grassquatch, 1 Hedgehog, 2 Bamboons. I think I got around 5 Plantlers, so let's say 9 attempts last night. Here's the record since then:

10) Plantlers
11) Plantlers
12) Plantlers

Switch to 4-element attempts with Emerald Dragon:

13) Gargolem (yuck!)
14) Bamboon
15) Racmoon

Back to straight earth-nature:
16) Plantlers
17) Bamboon
18) Sugarskull Glider!!! :)

10-17-15, 11:57 AM
Omg I wasn't even trying for the sugar glider and I think I got it. I got a turquoise looking egg that has white lines going crisscross like Lacey or a doily looking.

How do u added pictures I just figured out how to take the pics in the game now I can't figure out how to post the pics to the forum.

10-17-15, 12:03 PM
I just seen that the picture is in the first post and it's the one I have. I don't like my iPod sometimes it doesn't show everything on a website.

10-17-15, 01:02 PM
I really wanted something nice and cool to happen in the game and as there's no Storybook now and as my fourth Gold Lion cleared the flower, I decided to do a "prestige animal raising". The animal of choice was the Ra, which I had at level 10. That animal has such a pretty epic form, so even if I already have an epic Anubis, I used 110K food of my food stock for it. It's in the flower now and tomorrow this time it'll be one of the most gorgeous epics in the forest. In due time I want to raise all of my Egypt animals to epic level, so this action perfectly fitted MY OWN agenda. I'm down to 34K food now again, so I'll be working on replenishing it. As I don't expect anything new in the forest for days (or longer) to come, this seemed like a justified action...

Ogreve, what's your strategy to "hoard" all that food, while still feeding your animals and raising them? I'm already down to 6K, after raising the Barn Owl to level 10, and would like to gather as much food as possible, as fast as possible (without spending gems, hehe).

And you know, if there isn't a storybook after this, I think I'll follow, at least for a while, my own agenda, too. My Glacial Griffin has been waiting for months to pass level 13, and I think I'll focus on that :)

These trios are a pain in the *neck*, honestly, lol. I don't know if I'm going to keep on trying, I'm on my third or fourth plantler!

10-17-15, 01:04 PM
I know this has nothing to do with the Sweet Misery Trio.
But has anyone got an featured game called CLUE BINGO.
I got the pop up yesterday around the time the ghostrich was about to expire. Have been trying to download it but not happening. Then on another TL game got a pop up for CLUEDO BINGO. Downloaded that.... It is I think the same game but in FFS did not get credit for installing it(meaning no 30 gems :( ) but am seeing goals for both in my Goals .

Hi 31aug2002, I got the same pop up window, and installed the Clue Bingo, and it worked here. Even if you close the FFS app, and open it again,a after installing Clue Bingo, it doesn't work? I got 30 gems from installing it and 15 for reaching level 7. If it doesn't work, you should definitely complain!

10-17-15, 03:19 PM
OMG, I just got a 13 hour timer on my first try with rock rhino and pandaffodil! I can't believe it! Can someone please tell me if this is the only 13 hour timer available with this combo? I hope so because I rarely get any of the animals on the first try! Fingers crossed!

10-17-15, 04:24 PM
Ogreve, what's your strategy to "hoard" all that food, while still feeding your animals and raising them? I'm already down to 6K, after raising the Barn Owl to level 10, and would like to gather as much food as possible, as fast as possible (without spending gems, hehe).

And you know, if there isn't a storybook after this, I think I'll follow, at least for a while, my own agenda, too. My Glacial Griffin has been waiting for months to pass level 13, and I think I'll focus on that :)

These trios are a pain in the *neck*, honestly, lol. I don't know if I'm going to keep on trying, I'm on my third or fourth plantler!

It depends on how much money your forest makes per hour. By now my forest just about makes me enough in order to allow me to do back to back growing of Charm Cherries. I normally get up around 7:45 a.m. and tend to go to sleep around 0:00-1:00. I have enabled push notifications and configured them to be of the kind that I need to confirm (so they won't slip past my attention). When the notification appears, I harvest and start a new planting. This allows me to do an effective maximum of some 13-15 repetitions per day (the theoretical max is higher but it's not always possible to directly act upon it). Suppose I can make 13 repetitions like this per day, that then comes down to 300 X 6 X 13 = 23,400 food during the daytime. For the overnight planting, it depends on how much money I have and if I'm on a tight schedule for something that requires food. If there's enough cash and if I want to replenish the food quickly, I plant Nexus Nuts, giving me a total of 4,800 food overnight. If, however, the cash amount is low, I plant Spell Melons which gives 1,350 food overnight but is much cheaper.

When your forest doesn't make enough money for such a strategy yet, it's more difficult, or rather, "more intense". When I was raising my "fighter A-team" I did back-to-back Power Pears growing. It's very cheap and gives you a theoretical maximum of 2400 food per hour (the actual amount is somewhat lower of course, as the harvesting and planting takes time too). This process can drive you crazy as you have to repeat it every 3 minutes. It's of course not something you can do all day long. I work with computers and there were times then that I could unobtrusively connect the phone to a power source, leave it on (i.e. no screen saver kicking in less than 5 minutes) at all times. I used to position the phone such that the farms were within visual range. Then, when from the corner of your eye you see the apples appear, harvest them and replant.

The Power Pears approach is great for moments when you can do this, but it's very intense and must of course not be done if it seriously distracts you from work, etc.

As for feeding my animals: I tend to quickly bring everything to level 7. Duplicates often stay at that level. Unique animals tend to get raised to level 10. From those, selected animals are brought to epic level, which is a thing I don't do all that often as it's expensive to do so. Especially since TL started with the annoying high costs for raising several animals, it has become a thing that is only done every now and then. Raising a super rare at the normal super rare costs takes about 96K food (IIRC), whereas the costs of an ultra rare are somewhere around 146K food; 110K of which is for going from level 10 to 15. It's really annoying that TL applies these food costs to a lot of new super rare and rare animals that are released now. There are a lot of animals that I want to get to epic level but that will have to wait, simply because it's too expensive to do so.
I do want to have all of my Egypt animals at epic level. The Anubis and Ra have now been taken care of, but the Bastet is at level 11 and the Sobek at level 10. That's a lot of food to bring the both of them to epic level. I also want to make the Goblin Gobbler and Spark Shark epic. Both are now at level 10.
There are a lot more animals that I would like to bring to epic level, but it's a slow process and I normally only "randomly" raise animals if my food stock is higher than 150K food, which is a nice reserve for when something like a Storybook comes by.

10-17-15, 04:26 PM
My first attempt with Trebra / Quartz Quetzalcoatl is Bamboon
2. Plantlers
3. Bamboon
4. Plantlers :( :( :(

10-17-15, 04:27 PM
OMG, I just got a 13 hour timer on my first try with rock rhino and pandaffodil! I can't believe it! Can someone please tell me if this is the only 13 hour timer available with this combo? I hope so because I rarely get any of the animals on the first try! Fingers crossed!

Yup! That should be it! Congratulations and welcome to the forum! ^_^

10-17-15, 06:03 PM
Got 'em! Just wish I could get the Frightingale!.

10-17-15, 06:59 PM
Breeding the Ghostrich & Sugarskull Glider has been a strange experience. I didn't start breeding the Ghostrich until after the Tuesday update. My first 5 attempts were all Plantlers and my last attempt was a 14 hour timer which turned out to be a Hedgehog. My first three attempts at the Sugarskull Glider have been 14 hour timers, making if four14-hour timers in a row, of course the longest possible fail. I am not sure about the fourth one yet but the first three are 2 Hedgehog s and a Grassquarch.

If it goes like the other trios, I will need to breed at least one of each of the Earth/Nature combinations and at least two of the other Rares before getting the Sugarskull Glider, so I guess I need a Bamboon or two. I would sure like to get this one early and use it to try for another Unicorn. I could throw in Electric /Dark and go for Dark/Electric/Nature/Skull elements to try for a Unicorn and only have Dark/ Electric, Dark/Nature and Electric/Nature as fails. It’s nice to dream.

10-17-15, 08:50 PM
It depends on how much money your forest makes per hour. By now my forest just about makes me enough in order to allow me to do back to back growing of Charm Cherries. I normally get up around 7:45 a.m. and tend to go to sleep around 0:00-1:00. I have enabled push notifications and configured them to be of the kind that I need to confirm (so they won't slip past my attention). When the notification appears, I harvest and start a new planting. This allows me to do an effective maximum of some 13-15 repetitions per day (the theoretical max is higher but it's not always possible to directly act upon it). Suppose I can make 13 repetitions like this per day, that then comes down to 300 X 6 X 13 = 23,400 food during the daytime. For the overnight planting, it depends on how much money I have and if I'm on a tight schedule for something that requires food. If there's enough cash and if I want to replenish the food quickly, I plant Nexus Nuts, giving me a total of 4,800 food overnight. If, however, the cash amount is low, I plant Spell Melons which gives 1,350 food overnight but is much cheaper.

When your forest doesn't make enough money for such a strategy yet, it's more difficult, or rather, "more intense". When I was raising my "fighter A-team" I did back-to-back Power Pears growing. It's very cheap and gives you a theoretical maximum of 2400 food per hour (the actual amount is somewhat lower of course, as the harvesting and planting takes time too). This process can drive you crazy as you have to repeat it every 3 minutes. It's of course not something you can do all day long. I work with computers and there were times then that I could unobtrusively connect the phone to a power source, leave it on (i.e. no screen saver kicking in less than 5 minutes) at all times. I used to position the phone such that the farms were within visual range. Then, when from the corner of your eye you see the apples appear, harvest them and replant.

The Power Pears approach is great for moments when you can do this, but it's very intense and must of course not be done if it seriously distracts you from work, etc.

As for feeding my animals: I tend to quickly bring everything to level 7. Duplicates often stay at that level. Unique animals tend to get raised to level 10. From those, selected animals are brought to epic level, which is a thing I don't do all that often as it's expensive to do so. Especially since TL started with the annoying high costs for raising several animals, it has become a thing that is only done every now and then. Raising a super rare at the normal super rare costs takes about 96K food (IIRC), whereas the costs of an ultra rare are somewhere around 146K food; 110K of which is for going from level 10 to 15. It's really annoying that TL applies these food costs to a lot of new super rare and rare animals that are released now. There are a lot of animals that I want to get to epic level but that will have to wait, simply because it's too expensive to do so.
I do want to have all of my Egypt animals at epic level. The Anubis and Ra have now been taken care of, but the Bastet is at level 11 and the Sobek at level 10. That's a lot of food to bring the both of them to epic level. I also want to make the Goblin Gobbler and Spark Shark epic. Both are now at level 10.
There are a lot more animals that I would like to bring to epic level, but it's a slow process and I normally only "randomly" raise animals if my food stock is higher than 150K food, which is a nice reserve for when something like a Storybook comes by.

Oh! Thank you, thank you, ogreve! I'm going to save the screenshots for your strategy ;)

I almost never use the charm cherries, they're quite expensive; but I guess in "special occasions" (i.e. to raise an animal fast!), they're quite handy.

I did try to do the constant Power Pear harvesting, but it gets really tiring, lol, and you can only do that for so long, without letting it get in the way of real life... So, yeah, I'll plant some Nexus Nuts overnight and try to boost my food supply with your tips.

I try to keep some of my duplicates at level 4, just in case there's that challenge "breed this or that animal" and feed it "x times" (like what happened to the Iciclaw), but you can only have so many duplicates, anyway... So, the only ones I'm keeping are the rare or super rares (like the Hummingburn, which I got twice in the last spin the wheel).

And I agree with you, we have to pick and chose what to bring to the epic level... it gets too expensive and tiring to gather all that food :/

Again, thank you! You're our official consultant here, lol!!

10-17-15, 09:38 PM
My first attempt with Trebra / Quartz Quetzalcoatl is Bamboon
2. Plantlers
3. Bamboon
4. Plantlers :( :( :(

I get Sugar Skull Glider, oh how I am so happy

25142 25146

10-18-15, 12:59 AM
Quite shockingly, I got this first try and it is now in the flower. It remains to be seen if I get any of the others - I have yet to ever successfully breed a complete trio, despite trying for every single one!

10-18-15, 01:22 AM
Yay I just got a 13 hour timer :)

10-18-15, 01:51 AM
Does anyone know when the next animal will become available and what the combo will be?

10-18-15, 03:49 AM
Oh! Thank you, thank you, ogreve! I'm going to save the screenshots for your strategy ;)

I almost never use the charm cherries, they're quite expensive; but I guess in "special occasions" (i.e. to raise an animal fast!), they're quite handy.

I did try to do the constant Power Pear harvesting, but it gets really tiring, lol, and you can only do that for so long, without letting it get in the way of real life... So, yeah, I'll plant some Nexus Nuts overnight and try to boost my food supply with your tips.

I try to keep some of my duplicates at level 4, just in case there's that challenge "breed this or that animal" and feed it "x times" (like what happened to the Iciclaw), but you can only have so many duplicates, anyway... So, the only ones I'm keeping are the rare or super rares (like the Hummingburn, which I got twice in the last spin the wheel).

And I agree with you, we have to pick and chose what to bring to the epic level... it gets too expensive and tiring to gather all that food :/

Again, thank you! You're our official consultant here, lol!!

LOL, you're welcome! :)

As for keeping low level duplicates: I decided not to do that as the low level animals have low earnings, meaning that I don't make enough money to be able to do the back to back Charm Cherries growing process... And... There are too many "potential quest requirement candidate animals", as basically each of the normal breedable rares could be chosen next. Therefore I decided to take my chances by not keeping such low level duplicates and then when a specific animal is needed try to breed it then. It's a gamble but so far I've been pretty lucky in managing to pull it off when needed :P

10-18-15, 04:19 AM
I got the sugar glider! Second time tried with pandaffodil and rock rhino. I know it's not related to this, but does anyone know if you can get the treasure toucan if u already have the money badger? I read somewhere that u couldn't. Xx

10-18-15, 04:28 AM
I really love this sugarskull glider I hope I can get it!my id is dollyumi

10-18-15, 05:10 AM
I know this has nothing to do with the Sweet Misery Trio.
But has anyone got an featured game called CLUE BINGO.
I got the pop up yesterday around the time the ghostrich was about to expire. Have been trying to download it but not happening. Then on another TL game got a pop up for CLUEDO BINGO. Downloaded that.... It is I think the same game but in FFS did not get credit for installing it(meaning no 30 gems :( ) but am seeing goals for both in my Goals .

I have done the same thing and gotten no rewards either. The only reAson I played the game was to find additional ways to get jems. I bought gems for the first time to finish something last week and used a few. Well I had over 75 left and somehow. Now I'm down to just 38. I haven't used themfor anything but they are gone. This always happens to me when I build up gems they just sl

10-18-15, 05:30 AM
It depends on how much money your forest makes per hour. By now my forest just about makes me enough in order to allow me to do back to back growing of Charm Cherries. I normally get up around 7:45 a.m. and tend to go to sleep around 0:00-1:00. I have enabled push notifications and configured them to be of the kind that I need to confirm (so they won't slip past my attention). When the notification appears, I harvest and start a new planting. This allows me to do an effective maximum of some 13-15 repetitions per day (the theoretical max is higher but it's not always possible to directly act upon it). Suppose I can make 13 repetitions like this per day, that then comes down to 300 X 6 X 13 = 23,400 food during the daytime. For the overnight planting, it depends on how much money I have and if I'm on a tight schedule for something that requires food. If there's enough cash and if I want to replenish the food quickly, I plant Nexus Nuts, giving me a total of 4,800 food overnight. If, however, the cash amount is low, I plant Spell Melons which gives 1,350 food overnight but is much cheaper.

When your forest doesn't make enough money for such a strategy yet, it's more difficult, or rather, "more intense". When I was raising my "fighter A-team" I did back-to-back Power Pears growing. It's very cheap and gives you a theoretical maximum of 2400 food per hour (the actual amount is somewhat lower of course, as the harvesting and planting takes time too). This process can drive you crazy as you have to repeat it every 3 minutes. It's of course not something you can do all day long. I work with computers and there were times then that I could unobtrusively connect the phone to a power source, leave it on (i.e. no screen saver kicking in less than 5 minutes) at all times. I used to position the phone such that the farms were within visual range. Then, when from the corner of your eye you see the apples appear, harvest them and replant.

The Power Pears approach is great for moments when you can do this, but it's very intense and must of course not be done if it seriously distracts you from work, etc.

As for feeding my animals: I tend to quickly bring everything to level 7. Duplicates often stay at that level. Unique animals tend to get raised to level 10. From those, selected animals are brought to epic level, which is a thing I don't do all that often as it's expensive to do so. Especially since TL started with the annoying high costs for raising several animals, it has become a thing that is only done every now and then. Raising a super rare at the normal super rare costs takes about 96K food (IIRC), whereas the costs of an ultra rare are somewhere around 146K food; 110K of which is for going from level 10 to 15. It's really annoying that TL applies these food costs to a lot of new super rare and rare animals that are released now. There are a lot of animals that I want to get to epic level but that will have to wait, simply because it's too expensive to do so.
I do want to have all of my Egypt animals at epic level. The Anubis and Ra have now been taken care of, but the Bastet is at level 11 and the Sobek at level 10. That's a lot of food to bring the both of them to epic level. I also want to make the Goblin Gobbler and Spark Shark epic. Both are now at level 10.
There are a lot more animals that I would like to bring to epic level, but it's a slow process and I normally only "randomly" raise animals if my food stock is higher than 150K food, which is a nice reserve for when something like a Storybook comes by.

Very insightful. Thank you so much. I think you had once laid out your plan in another thread. And I have been trying to follow it as much as possible.
Right now I have 5 grand farms and one big farm. I am trying to do charm cherries as much as possible and do nexus nuts whenever I hav have spare coins. My only problem is that my forest is not making enough money /hr to sustain this . So every few hrs I have to go back to cheaper crops.
My top priority now is to raise both Treent and trick o Treent to epic. Also I want to raise Egypt and autumn to same lvl.
My only service animal the K9 , the QAURTZY , and Wild Wondercat are also on the list.

10-18-15, 06:58 AM
And here we go again!!! This time round I am going to keep a record of my breedings

#1. QUARTZY + Rock Rhino= Plantler
#2. Rock Rhino + Pandaffodil = plantler

#3. Bamboon +Twilight Troll= Plantler or Racmoon ...
#3 was a Racmoon
#4 QAURTZY + Pandaffodil = Plantler
#5. Grassquatch + Sidekicker = Plantler or Flyerfox.... ( flyerfox will be new)
#6. Dream bat + QUARTZY = Plantler
#7. Pandaffodil + rock rhino= 14 hrs... Bamboon

10-18-15, 07:05 AM
Does anyone know when the next animal will become available and what the combo will be?

It will be available with this Tuesday's (October 20) update (2:30pm EST). Not sure what the combo will be yet but I have a feeling it will be earth/fire. Don't quote me on that, it's just my opinion ;-)

10-18-15, 07:23 AM
3 plantlers and a grassquatch. I haven't even bought the habitat yet. Don't think I'll need to to be honest, my luck with trios is so poor :(

10-18-15, 07:48 AM
Not having any luck with sugarskull glider :( Fail after fail. Trios are never fun. I wish we had a Halloween event instead. Oh well.

10-18-15, 10:31 AM
I noticed a pattern....
Almost everyone who has gotten the first animal reported having gotten it with the Pandaffodil and the Rock Rhino. I thought ah what the heck let's give that a go, and whadoyaknow....


10-18-15, 10:55 AM
It will be available with this Tuesday's (October 20) update (2:30pm EST). Not sure what the combo will be yet but I have a feeling it will be earth/fire. Don't quote me on that, it's just my opinion ;-)

Thanks so much, I can never keep up with all the new releases, expected events etc. How do you know when to expect such things? Eg tournaments, story books etc?

10-18-15, 11:25 AM
I noticed a pattern....
Almost everyone who has gotten the first animal reported having gotten it with the Pandaffodil and the Rock Rhino. I thought ah what the heck let's give that a go, and whadoyaknow....


I've been usung this combo since the Ghostrich was released! Ugh. This is why I absolutely would rather have a Storybook Adventure. Last trio, for the first time EVER, I missed the THREE dog animals. The only time I had missed an animal from a trio was the Catypuss. This is really, really getting on my nerves and taking away all the fun from this game.

Congrats on your Glider, ogreve!

10-18-15, 11:28 AM
I noticed a pattern....
Almost everyone who has gotten the first animal reported having gotten it with the Pandaffodil and the Rock Rhino. I thought ah what the heck let's give that a go, and whadoyaknow....


Awesome! Congrats! :D Great to see plenty of people getting this one early!

10-18-15, 12:13 PM
I noticed a pattern....
Almost everyone who has gotten the first animal reported having gotten it with the Pandaffodil and the Rock Rhino. I thought ah what the heck let's give that a go, and whadoyaknow....


Congratulations! Although I've been using that same combo and no luck for me so far. Got another 10 hours today.

10-18-15, 12:25 PM
I got a 13hr timer this morning with the Grassquatch and the Ancient Sloth. I'd been trying with the basic elements with no luck (1st for the Gostrich and the the Sugargilder)

10-18-15, 12:40 PM
I noticed a pattern....
Almost everyone who has gotten the first animal reported having gotten it with the Pandaffodil and the Rock Rhino. I thought ah what the heck let's give that a go, and whadoyaknow....


Well look at that! Congrats!

10-18-15, 01:01 PM
Woo got a 13 hour 4th try with panda and rhino x

10-18-15, 02:45 PM
Plantler, Plantler, Plantler... All I get since Gostrish are Plantlers! Oh wait! I forgot! I 've got ONE Bamboon too (that, obviously, I already have since almost start of this game...). And then... Well! Guess what? Plantlers, Plantler, Plantler... and Plantler again... -_-

And still didn't have any opportunity to try for Frightingale or Trick-or-Treant (love the english name, by the way!). All the new "Halloweenimals" of this year are really cool but if things continue like that, I'll don't get any of them. So frustrating! T_T

10-18-15, 03:13 PM
Another Halloween event with creatures and habitats like last year (which I wasn't around for) would've been great. Loved the autumn one. Little disappointed with this one. Maybe we can get the old habitat in something coming up. Did win pumpkin panda in spin (usually never win much) so I won't complain. Love that guy.

10-18-15, 04:40 PM
I dont do very well at breeding trios. The only sucess I've had is with the cosmics. Well here goes I'll give it a try as I always do...Good luck all....may we all have breeding success.
Nothing but Plantlers, Plantlers and more Plantlers oh and 1 Grassquatch to throw into the fails....Trios are so terribly FRUSTRATING :rolleyes:

10-18-15, 06:01 PM
I got it with Ancient Sloth and Bamboon.

10-18-15, 07:20 PM
I got it with Ancient Sloth and Bamboon.

Got it with the same combination!;)

10-18-15, 08:28 PM
Now with the excessive amount of updates coming every week, the only thing I could hope for is that the new animals are ugly enough for me to skip breeding so I can come back to normal breeding coz I've not had all cute regular animals yet. Not to mention gem animals.

Recently we have Demonkey which is absolutely not my taste. The Ghostrich isn't that pretty but I still gave him a try and still got one. But this trio... I can't ignore these animals. They seem to be so desirable, so the next couple of weeks will see nothing except planters... Sigh

10-18-15, 09:06 PM
My dream of breeding this one early to use for four element breeding is gone. Four straight 14 hour timers (first one being my last Ghostrich try) followed by two 10 hour timers gave me 3 Hedgehogs, a Grassquatch and 2 Bamboons. My next try will be tomorrow morning, so even if I get the Sugarskull Glider with that attempt, by time I hatch and evolve it once to use for breeding, it will be past time for the next update and the second of the trio will be available to breed. Funny thing, no Planters yet, I guess the RNG is making up for the 5 straight Plantlers I bred trying for the Ghostrich before the Sugarskull Glider was available. Looks like another long frustrating process for the trio.

Now I would like to get a Sugarskull Glider soon to start testing the Skull element in the Battleground. I have put the battleground on hold until I have this element to test with.

10-18-15, 09:09 PM
My dream of breeding this one early to use for four element breeding is gone. Four straight 14 hour timers (first one being my last Ghostrich try) followed by two 10 hour timers gave me 3 Hedgehogs, a Grassquatch and 2 Bamboons. My next try will be tomorrow morning, so even if I get the Sugarskull Glider with that attempt, by time I hatch and evolve it once to use for breeding, it will be past time for the next update and the second of the trio will be available to breed. Funny thing, no Planters yet, I guess the RNG is making up for the 5 straight Plantlers I bred trying for the Ghostrich before the Sugarskull Glider was available. Looks like another long frustrating process for the trio.

Now I would like to get a Sugarskull Glider soon to start testing the Skull element in the Battleground. I have put the battleground on hold until I have this element to test with.

This sounds like my experience. Hope we have some good luck soon.

10-18-15, 09:31 PM
Soooooo tired of 9 hr fails:(.
And it really doesn't help any that I just got a 14hr fail.
So close, but so far. Hope I can bred the 1st animal before the 2nd one is released

10-19-15, 01:33 AM
Thank u so much TL for listening to me and giving me a Sugarskull Glider :D I was already annoyed by the many Plantlers fails.

10-19-15, 03:06 AM
Still no sugar skull for me, trio frustration has definitely set in.

10-19-15, 03:32 AM
I know this isn't relevant but does anyone know how to get crystal unicorn?

10-19-15, 04:26 AM
I know this isn't relevant but does anyone know how to get crystal unicorn?

4 element breeding, check the game guide, it has answers to questions like this. Good luck.

10-19-15, 04:30 AM
I know this isn't relevant but does anyone know how to get crystal unicorn?

Short answer: By breeding 4 distinct elements.

But....... be advised that it may take a LONG time before you succeed doing so. Despite having had dozens of shots at it, so far I've never succeeded in doing it.
Note: there is a possibility that you can get better odds at it if you breed a gem-something hybrid and/or if you breed a trio animal hybrid, if you have either of those. The reason why 'gem' MAY increase your chances at a Unicorn is that ALL gem-something outcomes are ultra-rare, so a gem hybrid fail has a very low probability (and would be a GREAT outcome in itself), yet the gem element counts for the 4-element breeding.

The reason that the 'trio element' is attractive in this respect, is that the normally non-breedable 'trio element' (for this particular event 'Skull') can give no other outcome than the element itself when the Skull animal is paired with any of the other elements that are not part of the formula for the first and second trio animal.
For example, if you breed the Sugarskull Glider with fire-electric, there are (currently!!!) no outcomes for fire-skull nor for electric-skull. The outcome for nature-skull is -IIRC- always another nature-skull animal (i.e. currently the Sugarskull Glider), or perhaps the Pandaffodil (pure nature) is a possible outcome too - not sure - maybe someone can confirm/waylay this?
This 'trick' strongly limits the amount of breeding outcomes while it still counts as a 4-element breeding.
But.... (nice how there's always a "but", eh?) even though the AMOUNT of outcomes is more limited this way, there's no guarantee that that also results in better ODDS at a Unicorn. It's what I'm desperately hoping on as this is the very first time that I've managed to breed a trio animal early and I'd love to have some shots at a Unicorn with it. There is, however, a chance that the exact odds at a Unicorn are not affected by the amount of possible breeding outcomes (e.g. it's easy for TL to have a fixed percentage as chance for breeding a Unicorn). We don't know for sure. Only TL does...

...and this brings me to what I actually went to this thread for now: as this is the first time I'm lucky enough to have gotten a trio animal early (even before the second one is released!) I'd love to have some breeding shots with it.... Now, I wonder which attempts would be best. My only gem-animal is the Quartz Quetzalcoatl which is gem-nature. The Sugarskull Glider is precisely nature-skull, so pairing these two is only a 3-element breeding (bad luck...). This could be interesting for "force-breeding" two more Sugarskull Gliders so I could buy the special habitat and at least be sure that it is completely filled, in case I don't manage to breed the other trio animals.
But... I'd rather use it for 4-element shots at something. The 'trouble' is that if I'm not mistaken, it's perhaps not so attractive for me to attempt this with the Sugarskull Glider as pairing it with anything but nature-something should result in the exact same outcomes minus the gem-hybrids as I would get if I were to pair the QQ with that same other animal, right?
Unless I'm missing something, or if people can confirm having easily bred a Unicorn using a trio animal, I think it would be wiser for me to simply continue using the QQ instead of the Sugarskull Glider for my 4-element attempts, as that way I can also get the (relevant) gem-hybrids as outcome...

10-19-15, 05:18 AM
What does TL mean? And what's best to get gem animal I don't have any of them either. And thank you for your help is there a certain 4 element of just anything? Thanks appreciate it

10-19-15, 05:26 AM
Well I spent 91 gems in speed breeding and finally got the glider. I had also decided that after hearing so many get it with panda/rhino to go that route. I think that is a pretty good deal in the long run. It also got me to the expansion I needed to place the habitat without deleting another farm. I sure wish the runes weren't so high for getting new expansions... Raise the price and lower the runes!!

10-19-15, 06:35 AM
I have yet to get the sugar glider. So far it has been plantlers....I am hoping I'll get one today before the next animal which I really want!!

10-19-15, 06:38 AM
What does TL mean? And what's best to get gem animal I don't have any of them either. And thank you for your help is there a certain 4 element of just anything? Thanks appreciate it

TL = Team Lava: the Storm 8 division that created Fantasy Forest Story and its content.
As for the 4-elements: there aren't any particular elements that give a better chance, other than the above hope/suspicion/possibility that combinations that yield fewer possible outcomes also may result in better odds at the Unicorn; a thing we don't really know, as it's possible that the odds for a Unicorn are simply fixed to a specific percentage.
As for the other gem animals: without having a Unicorn, currently the only way to get one is to buy one. I really wanted to breed one, but as I've never managed to breed a Unicorn, after a long time of having a "gemless" forest I decided to buy the Quartz Quetzalcoatl when it was launched and was on 50% discount. It was a strategic move too, so I could start breeding for other gem animals and it was done at a time that such a boost was much needed, as I did it during the last week or so of the Service Dogs trio which gave me 3 weeks of fruitless breeding fail after breeding fail and something positive was desperately needed.
Sometimes gem animals are featured in $19.99 value packs, which normally is the best price you'd be able to buy a gem animal at. But.... last year on Black Friday (which was before I started playing FFS) there was a $19.99 Crystal Unicorn sale. Perhaps this year the same happens, or hopefully the gem animals will be discounted even more, as I don't really "want" to buy another gem animal unless they're very cheap. Preferably, IF I were to buy another gem animal, it would be the Unicorn. At some point in time I would like to have at least two of them especially because of their special ability of breeding single element animals.
We'll see! Maybe some day we get our Unicorns. I'll definitely try hard for them! :)

10-19-15, 07:42 AM
Thanks for all your help! Well hopefully!! It's driving me nuts especially when I can't even raise all my animals to epic due to my lack of food

10-19-15, 07:53 AM
This sounds like my experience. Hope we have some good luck soon.

I hope so too, this morning I am back togetting a Plantlers. So now my 6 attempts for the Sugarskull Glider has given me all Earth/Nature combinations except the Sugarskull Glider and I already had them all. Good Luck to you.

10-19-15, 09:02 AM
I've lost count of how many fails I've had since this event started the other day. As my fails have been 9 or 10 hours, I get two combos a day so...this mornings was a 14 hour timer though, which is likely to be a hedgehog. I'm not lucky enough for it to be the grassquatch, the only earth/nature animal I don't yet have.

10-19-15, 10:40 AM
TL . Preferably, IF I were to buy another gem animal, it would be the Unicorn. At some point in time I would like to have at least two of them especially because of their special ability of breeding single element animals.
We'll see! Maybe some day we get our Unicorns. I'll definitely try hard for them! :)

Hi, hope this isn't a silly question but by single element animals is that just animals like skyger, pyro pony etc?

10-19-15, 10:47 AM
Hi, hope this isn't a silly question but by single element animals is that just animals like skyger, pyro pony etc?

Yes, that's right!

10-19-15, 11:43 AM
Ugh! My 16th try is another Plantlers... :p Doesn't look like I'll be getting this one.

10-19-15, 11:51 AM
Yes, that's right!

Thanks, perhaps this is a silly question again then, but other than the rarity of the unicorns, what is the appeal of having 2? As those single element animals aren't expensive or difficult to breed in the case of the skyger

10-19-15, 12:06 PM
Thanks, perhaps this is a silly question again then, but other than the rarity of the unicorns, what is the appeal of having 2? As those single element animals aren't expensive or difficult to breed in the case of the skyger

You can use two Crystal Unicorns to breed all of the Treasure animals (Treasure Toucan, Golden Retriever, Money Badger) and when breeding for the 3rd part of a trios is possible, you can use two Crystal Unicorns to breed the 3rd one since it is a single element animal.

In addition, you can use one for breeding while another one is occupied in battle.

10-19-15, 12:14 PM
You can use two Crystal Unicorns to breed all of the Treasure animals (Treasure Toucan, Golden Retriever, Money Badger) and when breeding for the 3rd part of a trios is possible, you can use two Crystal Unicorns to breed the 3rd one since it is a single element animal.

In addition, you can use one for breeding while another one is occupied in battle.

Ah ha, well that certainly adds to the appeal of having two unicorns, not that I would sell a duplicate of one of them anyway. Will definitely need to try and breed a second for some shots at treasure animals. Don't have any of them. Thanks for all your help!

10-19-15, 12:38 PM
Ah ha, well that certainly adds to the appeal of having two unicorns, not that I would sell a duplicate of one of them anyway. Will definitely need to try and breed a second for some shots at treasure animals. Don't have any of them. Thanks for all your help!

Yep, ninasidstorm8 worded perfectly what the reasons are for wanting two unicorns. ;)
But... First let's see if I can manage to get ONE of them :O

10-19-15, 01:11 PM
Yep, ninasidstorm8 worded perfectly what the reasons are for wanting two unicorns. ;)
But... First let's see if I can manage to get ONE of them :O

I got lucky and managed to get a crystal unicorn, it was just before the pearl hybrid came out so tried and tried for that with no luck. Not managed any other gem animals or treasure yet. I just took a shot at a 4 element breed with the sugar skull glider, only got 7 hours lol

10-19-15, 03:00 PM
I've been breeding for sugar glider with common rock rhino and panda. Had no luck. Just put in super rares ancient sloth and unicornicopia and got 13 hr timer.

I actually have a feeling that statistically this one may be easier to breed since there's no gem reward. And then again, maybe not.

10-19-15, 03:34 PM
I've lost count of how many fails I've had since this event started the other day. As my fails have been 9 or 10 hours, I get two combos a day so...this mornings was a 14 hour timer though, which is likely to be a hedgehog. I'm not lucky enough for it to be the grassquatch, the only earth/nature animal I don't yet have.

Just sped the last five hours and it is the Grassquatch!

And then another 14 hour timer, which is now officially a fail.

10-19-15, 04:20 PM
i want to ask : i thought that we got 5 gems when we got the sugarskull , but when my baby account hatched one (lucky baby account !) no gems reward !
i was quite sure there was gems reward in the goal but when i go back to my main account, i found that reward was only xp. was there gems in the goal ? did they changed it today ?

kooky panda
10-19-15, 04:26 PM
i want to ask : i thought that we got 5 gems when we got the sugarskull , but when my baby account hatched one (lucky baby account !) no gems reward !
i was quite sure there was gems reward in the goal but when i go back to my main account, i found that reward was only xp. was there gems in the goal ? did they changed it today ?
Sweet Misery Pt 1 goal only awards 500 Xps.

10-19-15, 04:27 PM
I saw that too when I hatched but wasn't sure if there was a gem goal or not, but I thought it was weird.

10-19-15, 04:34 PM
[QUOTE I have tried continuously for trio breeding sets but have had no luck since Matripony. The service dogs, recently, are a case in point. Continuous breeding tries produced ziltch. I hate breeding trios - even more than I hate limited creatures. Breeding seems to have shut down for me completely. I cannot complete storybook lines that require breeding a specific animal, I cannot breed trios and I cannot breed limited creatures. Even common animals needed for storybook goals fail - giving me superrares with long incubation/hatch time. Spin the wheel has given me a forest of haunted tree decorations.

I made the error of "buying" an animal. I wonder if that mistake shunted me off into a "breeding penalty box". That, or I have been around too long and it is time to move on to a different game.

I have to agree with you FigmentValley, it is the WORST and may just be the 'straw that broke the camels back' for me, we'll see.......
I am also among the majority of players who were unable to breed the service dog trio after 15 days of failures, pretty disappointing to say the least.
I have now been trying for the Sugarskull glider since day one (using gems to speed breed at times I might add) and have had no success after at least 30, I repeat, thirty attempts. Really Storm8?!?!?! Some may ask "why not just buy it in the first place?", well, that kinda defeats the whole purpose of the game doesn't it? Part of the thrill is trying a few times to breed something and then getting it.

If it helps at all, I have never "bought" an animal for these type events, so I don't think that is your problem, though I have spent plenty of money on the game, which I don't mind doing for things I may want, etc., but that should be my choice and not forced upon me.

I sincerely hope STORM8 reads these and takes a hint from its customers, because there is an ENORMOUS amount of very unhappy players that have left, or are threatening to leave, due to the absolute inability to obtain an animal and that is JUST A SHAME.


Here's hoping......

FF ID: AaAPocos

10-19-15, 04:35 PM
i'm almost sure there was 5 gems in the goal and they changed it today :mad:
i have another baby account that got the 5 gems yesterday but since i always forget to take screen cap , i can't prove it but i know that for the 1st baby account that hatched it , i had an increase of 5 gems

kooky panda
10-19-15, 04:38 PM
Hey guys, lets keep the posts to the topic of the Sugarskull Glider.

There are other threads where you can discuss and leave feedback on breeding.


10-19-15, 04:51 PM
I finally got a 13 hr egg after countless plantlers!

10-19-15, 04:58 PM
After getting plantlers and a Grassquatch using the panda and rock rhino, I decided to use my epic ancient sloth and epic Grassquatch and bingo success. I got a 13hr timer yay.

[S8] Regina
10-19-15, 05:11 PM
i want to ask : i thought that we got 5 gems when we got the sugarskull , but when my baby account hatched one (lucky baby account !) no gems reward !
i was quite sure there was gems reward in the goal but when i go back to my main account, i found that reward was only xp. was there gems in the goal ? did they changed it today ?

Sweet Misery Pt. 1 offers 500 XP and has not been changed since this quest was live. If you have questions about any of your other accounts, please let us know the Storm8 ID so that we can check it out.

There is also a goal for Demonkey that rewards 5 Gems (Flaming Fist).

10-19-15, 05:21 PM

Guys. This just happened. I can't even breathe. I've tried for over a year and I will finally have a unicorn!!!!!! Thanks to my little Sugarskull Gilder!!!! :):):):)

10-19-15, 05:30 PM

Guys. This just happened. I can't even breathe. I've tried for over a year and I will finally have a unicorn!!!!!! Thanks to my little Sugarskull Gilder!!!! :):):):)
Congrats :D

10-19-15, 05:33 PM

Guys. This just happened. I can't even breathe. I've tried for over a year and I will finally have a unicorn!!!!!! Thanks to my little Sugarskull Gilder!!!! :):):):)

Wow, that's really cool!! Now I want this Sugarskull Glider even more!

10-19-15, 06:17 PM

Guys. This just happened. I can't even breathe. I've tried for over a year and I will finally have a unicorn!!!!!! Thanks to my little Sugarskull Gilder!!!! :):):):)
Congrats Calvinxx, so exciting to get a unicorn!

10-19-15, 07:29 PM

Guys. This just happened. I can't even breathe. I've tried for over a year and I will finally have a unicorn!!!!!! Thanks to my little Sugarskull Gilder!!!! :):):):)

CONGRATS!! Sprinkle some fairy dust on us who are still searching for our lovely unicorn:)

10-19-15, 07:30 PM
I breeded back to back. I've tried every combination. I'm convinced my account is blocked perhaps because I bought Trick or Treent. I can breed nothing on this account but dupes. I think it's time for me to stop playing this game. This trio had a special significance for me and I think it's just randomly cruel. Any of the others and I wouldn't even care.

10-19-15, 07:31 PM

Guys. This just happened. I can't even breathe. I've tried for over a year and I will finally have a unicorn!!!!!! Thanks to my little Sugarskull Gilder!!!! :):):):)


10-19-15, 08:25 PM
Guys. This just happened. I can't even breathe. I've tried for over a year and I will finally have a unicorn!!!!!! Thanks to my little Sugarskull Gilder!!!! :):):):)


10-19-15, 09:05 PM
Thanks for all the congrats guys! :) I still can't believe I'll have a unicorn finally lol I will most likely speed the egg along after the update tomorrow because I will want to start trying for the new pony!

10-20-15, 12:21 AM
What did you do to get the unicorn??? What combination?

10-20-15, 12:23 AM

Guys. This just happened. I can't even breathe. I've tried for over a year and I will finally have a unicorn!!!!!! Thanks to my little Sugarskull Gilder!!!! :):):):)

Hey what combination did you do for the unicorn with glider??

10-20-15, 12:33 AM
Does anyone know when the new animal becomes available to start breeding I thought it was today.

10-20-15, 01:07 AM
Thanks for all the congrats guys! :) I still can't believe I'll have a unicorn finally lol I will most likely speed the egg along after the update tomorrow because I will want to start trying for the new pony!

Massive congrats!!!!!!!!!
My Sugarskull Glider almost finished evolving. I'm SO trigger happy to try a 4-element breeding with it too.... I don't know what to choose as breeding partner yet. I could try the same formula that you tried.....

10-20-15, 01:39 AM
i'm almost sure there was 5 gems in the goal and they changed it today :mad:
i have another baby account that got the 5 gems yesterday but since i always forget to take screen cap , i can't prove it but i know that for the 1st baby account that hatched it , i had an increase of 5 gems

Before you get all upset: what Regina writes is indeed correct: since the first moment it was only an XP reward. I directly noticed that and was a bit disappointed (especially since I managed to actually breed the animal and also especially since I did not get a goal reward for the Cluedo Bingo game on my main account, whereas it does show such a goal reward for that game on my secondary account).
I'm hoping that for the other animals there IS a gem reward, but well, more importantly I hope I manage to breed the animal, regardless of the award. :P

10-20-15, 01:46 AM
Does anyone know when the new animal becomes available to start breeding I thought it was today.

Yes, it will be today... Probably at the regular update time which is 11.30 am pacific coast time and for the Europeans either 7.30 pm GMT or 8.30 pm Central European Time.

10-20-15, 02:15 AM

Guys. This just happened. I can't even breathe. I've tried for over a year and I will finally have a unicorn!!!!!! Thanks to my little Sugarskull Gilder!!!! :):):):)

Yay!!! Big congrats! Enjoy! :)

10-20-15, 02:18 AM
Hi calvinxx, i also would like to Know-how what combination you have done for the unicorn?

10-20-15, 02:20 AM
Yes, it will be today... Probably at the regular update time which is 11.30 am pacific coast time and for the Europeans either 7.30 pm GMT or 8.30 pm Central European Time.


10-20-15, 02:20 AM
I'm also very excited because finally this just happened! So 18th time was the charm for me getting the 13 hour timer! So relieved right now! :) The lucky pair is Ghostrich and Emerald Dragon.


10-20-15, 02:25 AM
Before you get all upset: what Regina writes is indeed correct: since the first moment it was only an XP reward. I directly noticed that and was a bit disappointed (especially since I managed to actually breed the animal and also especially since I did not get a goal reward for the Cluedo Bingo game on my main account, whereas it does show such a goal reward for that game on my secondary account).
I'm hoping that for the other animals there IS a gem reward, but well, more importantly I hope I manage to breed the animal, regardless of the award. :P

Yes, the goal was just xp from the beginning. I figured it could mean this one is easier to get than the dogs and that's the reason I speeded at the beginning.
I didn't get the bingo goal either, which is a bummer but maybe we'll get it later. That happened to me with at least one of the former goal games.

10-20-15, 03:00 AM
Well, I just put in my first 4-element breeding with the Sugarskull Glider by pairing it with the Buzzsaw Tiger, ehhh "Typhoon Tiger": 10 hours -> Planther. I did something I normally never do: I speed-cleared the nest of the Planther that had just gone to the nest, ended the first Sugarskull Glider breeding and paired it with the Quartz Quetzalcoatl instead for a shot at a nature-gem hybrid. Just as expected though, it gave me a 13 hour timer, which is another Sugarskull Glider. The reason why I wanted to pair it with the Quartz was to see if a Pandaffodil would also be one of the outcomes, or if this combination would always either result in a nature-gem hybrid, or if it would force-breed another another Sugarskull Glider.
It seems that indeed the only possible outcomes are the same trio animal or the gem hybrids. I wonder why the Pandaffodil seems to be exempt from this combination (whereas you do get that when pairing the QQ with a Pandaffodil), but the somewhat outdated breeding calculator at the Wikia states the same for the Captain K9 that still appears in that list: only the K9 and the gem-hybrid(s) as outcome: no base single element animal.... O.k., now I know, and the second Sugarskull Glider will simply take a place in the special habitat until it either needs to be sold off due to breeding luck for the other animals or it will be accompanied by a 3rd force-bred one if at the end of the trio's breeding period I have failed in breeding the other animals. It was an interesting experiment for me, anyway. :)

10-20-15, 04:01 AM
What for a senseless combo without any brain25194

10-20-15, 04:45 AM
What for a senseless combo without any brain25194

Hmmm, that ought to be a sure way to breed yet another Sugarskull Glider, right? The only other animal I would expect from this combination would be the Pandaffodil and I don't think that such is a possible outcome...

10-20-15, 04:54 AM
It is a thirteen hour evolution. Ohne of the sugarskullglyder I bought, the other was a try to get a Earth/Nature super rare animal!
Perhaps it is a new idea for the Managers of this game to install an animal change market by neighbours or friends. This could be limited and only possible if a player has three same animals!!

10-20-15, 05:05 AM
I have the animal, but i dont see anything about Skull Trio anymore...Missing...is that happening to any of u guys?

10-20-15, 05:06 AM
I have the animal, but i dont see anything about Skull Trio anymore...Missing...is that happening to any of u guys?

Yes me also x

10-20-15, 05:22 AM
How did you breed it. With what animals?

10-20-15, 05:51 AM
And here we go again!!! This time round I am going to keep a record of my breedings

#1. QUARTZY + Rock Rhino= Plantler
#2. Rock Rhino + Pandaffodil = plantler
#3. Bamboon +Twilight Troll= Plantler or Racmoon ...
#3 was a Racmoon
#4 QAURTZY + Pandaffodil = Plantler
#5. Grassquatch + Sidekicker = Plantler or Flyerfox.... ( flyerfox will be new)
#5. Was also a plantler
#6. Dream bat + QUARTZY = Plantler
#7. Pandaffodil + rock rhino= 14 hrs... Grassquatch

I was sick of seeing a Plantler egg in my nest so after my Plantler hatched and there was a 5 hr gap I brought out my barn owl egg ..will speed up the rest of the time and go for my next try....:(
#8. Pandaffodil +Rock Rhino= Plantler #6:(:(:(

10-20-15, 06:15 AM
And here we go again!!! This time round I am going to keep a record of my breedings

#1. QUARTZY + Rock Rhino= Plantler
#2. Rock Rhino + Pandaffodil = plantler
#3. Bamboon +Twilight Troll= Plantler or Racmoon ...
#3 was a Racmoon
#4 QAURTZY + Pandaffodil = Plantler
#5. Grassquatch + Sidekicker = Plantler or Flyerfox.... ( flyerfox will be new)
#5. Was also a plantler
#6. Dream bat + QUARTZY = Plantler
#7. Pandaffodil + rock rhino= 14 hrs... Bamboon

I was sick of seeing a Plantler egg in my nest so after my Plantler hatched and there was a 5 hr gap I brought out my barn owl egg ..will speed up the rest of the time and go for my next try....:(

Hi 14 hours is Hedgehog, Bamboon is 10 hours:D

10-20-15, 06:22 AM
I have the animal, but i dont see anything about Skull Trio anymore...Missing...is that happening to any of u guys?

Yes, that's by design: you fulfilled the goal for 'having' the first animal, so upon collecting the reward for that (500 xp), the goal goes away from the left hand side 'goal menu'. Later today, when today's update comes round, a new goal (if any) should be made available for 'having' the second animal of the trio.

10-20-15, 06:40 AM
My combo for the sugarskullglyder has been ancienth Slot and bamboon!!

10-20-15, 07:04 AM
For anyone wondering my combo for my Unicorn, it was the Sugarskull Glider and the Bansheep :)

10-20-15, 07:17 AM
@ Drachenia... It was a Grassquatch :(
I know I am not going to get this animal.... I didn't get any from last trio till the very last day and then too a K9.. So I am not raising any hopes. I think I will go into 4 element breeding with nature and earth in the mix and keep my fingers crossed. Hopefully I will see something else other than Plantler eggs on my nest.

10-20-15, 07:25 AM
Yes yes yes me too. Sugarskullglyder and bansheep a n d 45 Hour evolution Animal !!!!!!!!!25196
I Hope I this will be a gem animal??

10-20-15, 07:40 AM
Yes yes yes me too. Sugarskullglyder and bansheep a n d 45 Hour evolution Animal !!!!!!!!!25196
I Hope I this will be a gem animal??

Was that first try?

10-20-15, 07:42 AM
Yes so it is,
Blut I don't know an Animal which has 45 hours evolution!!

10-20-15, 07:46 AM
Yes so it is,
Blut I don't know an Animal which has 45 hours evolution!!

It's Crystal Unicorn! Big congrats!!! :)

10-20-15, 07:49 AM
@ Drachenia... It was a Grassquatch :(
I know I am not going to get this animal.... I didn't get any from last trio till the very last day and then too a K9.. So I am not raising any hopes. I think I will go into 4 element breeding with nature and earth in the mix and keep my fingers crossed. Hopefully I will see something else other than Plantler eggs on my nest.

Don't give up yet. I was also sure I wouldn't get any trio animals again but I got the 13 hour timer today! Very happy to be proven wrong! There's still plenty of time left and maybe you'll be luckier with the pony that becomes available today. Hang in there! I'm rooting for you! :)

10-20-15, 07:50 AM
Thank You very much I can't believe it until now. It is a great Moment in my very short history at Fantasy forest pupil!!

10-20-15, 08:05 AM
Don't give up yet. I was also sure I wouldn't get any trio animals again but I got the 13 hour timer today! Very happy to be proven wrong! There's still plenty of time left and maybe you'll be luckier with the pony that becomes available today. Hang in there! I'm rooting for you! :)

Thank you Sandybellee . I hope I do get it!!!

10-20-15, 08:44 AM
I've now had three 14 hour timers in a row. Sadly I think this is going the same way as the service trio for me.

10-20-15, 08:59 AM
I've now had three 14 hour timers in a row. Sadly I think this is going the same way as the service trio for me.

I have has a strange consistency breeding the Sugarskull Glider as well. I started off with 4 straight 14 hour timers (including the last attempt at the Ghostrich), then had 2 straight 10 hour timers and now three straight 9 hour timers. I should have one more attempt before the next update makes the second animal of the trio available. At least it leaves a minimum number of dead time between the Breeding Den and the Nest.

10-20-15, 09:50 AM
I'd be cool if the next animal could be bred with any of the following: Nature/Fire, Water/Nature, or Water/Earth. Just not Earth/Fire, but I'll not get my hopes up.

I think Earth/Nature is fitting for Sugarskull Glider, both in regards to the animal it's based on and in regards to the Dia de Los Muertos theme. It just sucks that it's been overused and Earth/Nature hasn't had any new permanent animals for a while. Shame they didn't keep the Ghostrich available until a little bit after Halloween, that would have added some more interest when breeding Earth/Nature.

10-20-15, 10:48 AM
No luck either. I tried a new taktik and switched between Dark/Nature and Earth/Nature cause I couldnt get Trick or Treent before or Frightingale but no luck with any of three animals! And on top of that the worst Spin to win of all: only one animal and that was the werewolf which i was happy about but wasnt new for me -.-
As for the trio. Only got the Dalmatina after 15! Days and craved and bought K1 - normally i dont buy animals but he was sooo cute
And I still havent gotten an unicorn after 2! Years (thats so boring for me now that I probably stop trying for it all together)

10-20-15, 11:28 AM
Many, many thanks to the sugarskullglyder because now its fact!!!!!25205
I could not wait any longer!!

10-20-15, 12:01 PM
Yup! That should be it! Congratulations and welcome to the forum! ^_^

That was it, and thanks for welcoming me! I have always checked the forums because they are so helpful, but I had never really posted on them!

10-20-15, 12:06 PM
There! I finally have a trio animal egg on the nest! So nice after failing to breed any of the dogs. :)


10-20-15, 12:21 PM
Congratulations, Sandybellee!

10-20-15, 12:34 PM
Congratulations, Sandybellee!

Thank you! It was so nice to finally break that trio fail cycle! I hadn't bred a trio animal since Lullabison. Good luck with the trio!

10-20-15, 12:46 PM
Congratulations Sandybellee on getting your first one of the trio!! And thank you for your wishes

10-20-15, 12:50 PM
Many congrats Sandy; I sure know you needed that break ;)
We were both in the same boat, before the SG the Tubacan was the last one I bred and that was not until 1 day before that trio ended. That was not a fun trio but it paled in comparison to that horrible Service trio. It feels really good to have gotten the SG early at least : P

10-20-15, 12:53 PM
Many congrats Sandy; I sure know you needed that break ;)
We were both in the same boat, before the SG the Tubacan was the last one I bred and that was not until 1 day before that trio ended. That was not a fun trio but it paled in comparison to that horrible Service trio. It feels really good to have gotten the SG early at least : P
Congratulations ogreve on getting your sugar glider. I did not have wifi or data connectivity for 2 days so have somehow missed your post.
Hope you get the pony too...all the best!!

10-20-15, 01:00 PM
Thanks and congrats to you for getting the Steed! :)
It looks like a nice animal and I'm soooooooooo glad that we don't have to do earth-fire breeding, that fact alone already makes this trio tons more fun than the previous two of them \O/

10-20-15, 01:57 PM
Yeah another army of armordillos would have been the last straw !! Though I felt sorry for the fairy ferrets I had to discard . Wish I had the space for them they look cute.
But now I can get along with my earth nature breeding for the sugar glider and maybe even do some four element breeding and maybe get lucky.

10-20-15, 02:19 PM
Yeah another army of armordillos would have been the last straw !! Though I felt sorry for the fairy ferrets I had to discard . Wish I had the space for them they look cute.
But now I can get along with my earth nature breeding for the sugar glider and maybe even do some four element breeding and maybe get lucky.

Hi what was your combination to get the pony? I don't have any gen or unicorn kinds

10-20-15, 03:33 PM
Finally! I got it! I was really starting to stress!

10-20-15, 03:44 PM
I've spent countless gems on speed breeding, hoping that I'd get this and be able to start in on the second, but nothing. I'm so dejected with this game and so angry with myself for spending real money on it. It seems I'm only able to get new animals through tournaments or world events...aside from the Grassquatch from yesterday, which was a fail, all things considered as I was aiming for the glider, I have zero luck breeding. I'm sorry to be a Debbie Downer, and I am happy for all who have bread these successfully (albeit envious :D!), I just get really frustrated with events like this.

10-20-15, 04:12 PM
I've spent countless gems on speed breeding, hoping that I'd get this and be able to start in on the second, but nothing. I'm so dejected with this game and so angry with myself for spending real money on it. It seems I'm only able to get new animals through tournaments or world events...aside from the Grassquatch from yesterday, which was a fail, all things considered as I was aiming for the glider, I have zero luck breeding. I'm sorry to be a Debbie Downer, and I am happy for all who have bread these successfully (albeit envious :D!), I just get really frustrated with events like this.

I know how you feel. I'm never good at trios and rarely have luck getting the animals. I really love Halloween and would love to get these animals but I'm not having any luck. I was tempted to buy gems but I'm waiting for a gem sale but haven't seen one in weeks. I find it very frustrating trying. I won't give up but my hopes are low. I would have much more fun if it was a Halloween world event. Good luck. Hope you get lucky.

10-20-15, 05:38 PM
:eek: I still don't have it, I'm starting to worry :(

10-20-15, 06:29 PM
Congratulations, ogreve! I hope you get them all! You're such a dedicated player, and it would be really unfair if you didn't get them. ( I sitll believe there's some "rigging" on these breedings, how come some people are so lucky, and some aren't lucky at all... and the same goes for the wheel and other "chance" things).

10-20-15, 06:31 PM
Is there any combination that's "luckier" than others? So far, I tried the Ancient Sloth/Pandaffodil/Rock Rhyno, and no luck (just Plantlers, argh!!)

10-20-15, 10:37 PM
17 Plantlers in a row and counting....

10-21-15, 12:27 AM
Hi what was your combination to get the pony? I don't have any gen or unicorn kinds

Hi as I was speed breeding I was using Quartz Quatzelcoatl and pyro pony and got it with that.
This was for the steed
I still haven't got the sugar glider

10-21-15, 02:11 AM
Many congrats Sandy; I sure know you needed that break ;)
We were both in the same boat, before the SG the Tubacan was the last one I bred and that was not until 1 day before that trio ended. That was not a fun trio but it paled in comparison to that horrible Service trio. It feels really good to have gotten the SG early at least : P

Thanks! Yes, this certainly helps a lot in forgetting about the out-of-service dogs. :) Now if I could just breed the Steed too...

10-21-15, 02:17 AM
Hi as I was speed breeding I was using Quartz Quatzelcoatl and pyro pony and got it with that.
This was for the steed
I still haven't got the sugar glider

I don't have the QQ 😩

10-21-15, 02:23 AM
I don't have the QQ ��

No worries, breeding any nature-earth combination (or simply the Pandaffodil) should give you the same odds at the SG (Sugarskull Glider). People that have them just like to use the QQ , Emerald Dragon, Obsidian Cyclops or Crystal Unicorn in breeding for the SG, so they also have shots at getting a gem-animal as outcome. :P

10-21-15, 02:47 AM
No worries, breeding any nature-earth combination (or simply the Pandaffodil) should give you the same odds at the SG (Sugarskull Glider). People that have them just like to use the QQ , Emerald Dragon, Obsidian Cyclops or Crystal Unicorn in breeding for the SG, so they also have shots at getting a gem-animal as outcome. :P

Yea I suppose, hope I get the pony as the glider needs a friend never had luck on second trio only first animal

kooky panda
10-21-15, 07:27 AM
Wow!! Finally got this one after non-stop breeding! On to the next one!!

10-21-15, 07:37 AM
Wow!! Finally got this one after non-stop breeding! On to the next one!!

Oh that's great Kooky Panda, Congratulations

10-21-15, 07:37 AM
With the exception of 1 Grassquatch, I have managed to breed each Earth/Nature combinations multiple times without getting a Sugarskull Glider. My results so far are Grassquatch, 2 Hedgehogs, 2 Bamboons, 3 Plantlers, Bamboon and 2 Plantlers. At least similar times have bunched together but it is getting frustrating. I hope it doesn't take me 22 tries like it did for the Station Dalmation. I hate falling behind on the trios since the last one is usually so difficult to get.

10-21-15, 12:19 PM
Well I got the Glider on my second account this morning. Both times I have gotten it with both the Rhino and panda (consistently in that breeding order). I know order doesn't matter, but I tend to follow the element order I am trying for ie nature/fire; earth/nature; dark/earth; etc. I tend to have more breeding luck if I do that... It is probably luck, but it is working for me. Last trio I got all three on one account and two of three on second.

Still working on steed, but after making the comment that I loved it so much I would buy if needed AND asked about how often sales pop up; I haven't bred and a sale popped up (I think about 36 hours or so after the last one ended haha). I am probably destined to be forced to purchase. So much for my big mouth!!!

10-21-15, 12:29 PM
Just tried the Sugarskull Glider and the Ruby Razorback and got a 45 hour timer! I sped to see what it was and it's another Ruby Razor, I wanted a second Unicorn :( :p

10-21-15, 04:41 PM
As desperation sets in, I can't believe this is happening again... For a week I have been trying for the sugar glider, and like the last trio I am breeding everything but what I need. If it's anything like the K9 trio I will not get a thing until the last two days... This is what I have bred since Oct. 13.
4 Plantler
4 Grassquatch
1 Hedgehog
1 Bamboon
I think I will just keep trying for Lunar Moth and Trick or Treent. I am starting to really hate the trios and have decided if I happen to get one while breeding for another animal then that would be a bonus. I refuse to buy any more animals of a trio.

10-21-15, 05:28 PM
Finally bred it! I used the Hedgehog and Ancient Sloth as my combo for this little fellow~

10-21-15, 05:47 PM
Finally bred it! I used the Hedgehog and Ancient Sloth as my combo for this little fellow~

Congrats! And welcome to the forums :D

10-21-15, 05:53 PM
I has been a frustrating month of breeding for me. The last new animal I bred was the Saintly Bernard on September 25. I have never had a calendar month where I did not breed a single new animal. This pat August I only managed to get 1. It has been 133 straight attempts without anything new, including the 86 attempts I made with the Crystal Unicorn/Pandaffodil combination that resulted in 1 hour fails each. I am not sure I will try that again anytime soon.

Until the Service Trio, I always had pretty good luck at the trios getting the fist animal within 7 tries. It took me 22 tries to get the Station Dlamation and I needed to speed breed a little over a weeks worth of breeding to get the Saintly Bernard. I now have 12 failures going for the Sugarskull Glider and I anticipate the Skeletal Steed will be more difficult since it costs more. Well there are still 10 days in the month, so hopefully I well get this guy in time to get the complete set.

10-22-15, 01:20 AM
Still working on steed, but after making the comment that I loved it so much I would buy if needed AND asked about how often sales pop up; I haven't bred and a sale popped up (I think about 36 hours or so after the last one ended haha). I am probably destined to be forced to purchase. So much for my big mouth!!!

Ha ha! I also topped up my gems with a sale yesterday with the Steed in mind. :) I wasn't going to buy any non-treasure animals, but... I'm a sucker for all the horse type animals and probably can't let this one go. (If S8 came out with a game like DS or FFS with only horses, I would be in trouble...) Are you still planning on buying it? Do you have a strategy as to the timing?
As for me, I want to keep breeding at least until the dragon is released but I want to give myself plenty of time to try for the dragon, too. This would be my first complete trio if it works out. But at the same time I don't want to spend 700 gems if I don't have to so I would like to keep trying to breed the Steed longer. Hmm...

10-22-15, 03:02 AM
I don't want to suppose that the fathers of this Fantasy forest game punish one of use only because we do express our opinion.
That would be the end of the forum and finally of the game!!

10-22-15, 05:45 AM
Why i can't not got the sugarskull glider i breed already so many times why I can't got

10-22-15, 12:51 PM
Why i can't not got the sugarskull glider i breed already so many times why I can't got

me too!!! why oh why oh why :-(

i have not been able to breed any trios except for the space animals.

10-22-15, 01:09 PM
Ha ha! I also topped up my gems with a sale yesterday with the Steed in mind. :) I wasn't going to buy any non-treasure animals, but... I'm a sucker for all the horse type animals and probably can't let this one go. (If S8 came out with a game like DS or FFS with only horses, I would be in trouble...) Are you still planning on buying it? Do you have a strategy as to the timing?
As for me, I want to keep breeding at least until the dragon is released but I want to give myself plenty of time to try for the dragon, too. This would be my first complete trio if it works out. But at the same time I don't want to spend 700 gems if I don't have to so I would like to keep trying to breed the Steed longer. Hmm...

I am an impatient breed, I went ahead and bought it yesterday... Now having said, I do not truly believe what we say in the forum has any bearing on our breeding BUT my second account bred both glider and steed with only one ferret between them. Hmmm that is interesting and well worth the the 700 spent on the first in my mind.

Oh goodness, I too would be in trouble with an all horse game. I would probably be broke!!! Good luck I hope you breed and don't have too spend the gems!!

10-22-15, 03:43 PM
I am so fed up with getting plantlers. I don't have any trios, not one, but it's looking like I won't get any of this one. Very frustrating.

10-22-15, 04:02 PM
Nothing for me yet. Two breeds a day, on average, depending on the timing of the 14 hour fails...gems wasted on speeding...going the same way as the dogs. Very disheartening.

10-22-15, 08:09 PM
Oh god when i can get my sugarskull glider

10-22-15, 08:13 PM
U also haven't get the sugarskull glider yet

10-22-15, 08:14 PM
U also haven't get the sugarskull glider yet

10-23-15, 07:13 AM
This morning was my 16th unsuccessful attempt at the Sugarskull Glider including 10 Plantlers in the last 11 attempts. At least Plantlers is the shortest fail. So for the second straight trio, I have been unable to breed the first animal before the last one is released. Took me 22 tries to get the Station Dalmation. Hopefully my breeding luck will change soon as I have not bred a single new animal this month.

I am glad to see that some many players that have had trouble with the trios in the past are doing better this time around. I still hope to join the crowd soon.

10-23-15, 01:26 PM
It's very frustrating, indeed. I never have any luck at these trios (only got the Station Dalmation, after 20 something attempts!), and if it wasn't for the other things going on, I'd probably just stop playing :(

10-23-15, 02:49 PM
Hi ! I've miraculously got a Skeletal Steed but Sugarskull Glider desperately stay away from my Forest. So I wonder if I try to breed Skeletal Steed with a Cristal Unicorn do I have any chance to get it (or even better: Deadwing). Did someone already try this combination with success ?

10-23-15, 02:55 PM
I bred the steed with a unicorn & got another steed, but I think it could if you used Emerald or QQ because I think the Skullflyer has nature as it's second element. Someone correct me if I''m wrong.

10-23-15, 02:57 PM
I couldnt believe my eyes when i saw that i got the second part
So now back to part one

I was losing faith in this game
As i was thinking that buying gems in the past caused me not being able to breed nothing from past limited animlas and service dog trio

I just hope that i manage to get this one and not being stuck like the pervious trio

10-23-15, 04:17 PM
So the third animal is out now and I have yet to even breed the first one. This trio is exactly like it's name! (Though, minus the sweet). Been breeding nonstop since the start for the sugar skull glider, ended up having multiple copies of every single nature/earth combo. Doubt I'll get this or the steed (much less the chance to breed for the Dreadwing) by the end of the event. ): rather sad since I love the sugar skull & day of the dead vibe.

I was fortunate enough to get the complete Service trio but I'd rather have that luck for this sugar skull trio instead. If only there was a mechanism to trade animals in-game

10-23-15, 05:05 PM
Since the Storybook Adventure is running concurrent with the time to breed this trio, I was faced with a decision a couple hours ago. Should I hold off Breeding for 4 hours to hatch the Scaredy Cat from the first Chapter of the Haunted Horrors Adventure. We need the Scaredy Cat for Chapters 2 & 3. I had bred 7 straight Plantlers, so there was no gap when it was time to hatch the Plantlers in the nest. I had two choices:

1) Put the Scaredy Cat in the nest to hatch delaying my next Breeding Session by 4 hours.
2) Try again for the Sugarskull Glider

I decided on option 2 because another breeding try might result in a gap between the nest and the Breeding Den that I could use to hatch the Scaredy Cat. Unfortunately the result was my 8th straight Plantlers. I still think it was the right call and I will wait to hatch the Scaredy Cat until I breed the Sugarskull Glider, get more that an 1 hour gap in breeding or I hit the start of the 3rd day of the Haunted Horrors Adventure. I don't see any problem finishing Chapters 2 & 3 of the Haunted Horrors Adventure in a single day if necessary.

I still have some hope that I will get the Sugarskull Glider in less than the 22 tries that it took to get the Station Dalmation since I only have 17 fails so far.

10-23-15, 05:19 PM
I don't want to suppose that the fathers of this Fantasy forest game punish one of use only because we do express our opinion.
That would be the end of the forum and finally of the game!!

Sadly, I have often wondered the same thing as I have been very vocal about the absolute inability to breed "special/limited" animals. I understand & support getting 'fails', but I don't believe there are any odds that support trying FIFTY plus times without success of getting the desired animal or at least a new/good one!
And yes, I would have been much better off if I had just bought it from the get go, but that's not the point of this game......is it???

10-23-15, 07:35 PM
I'm getting so sick of this. Nothing but fails. Constantly. I didn't manage to breed any of them on one of my games last time, and this time it looks like both of my games will miss out. There is too much to do all at once.

Tournament? forget it. Trying to breed super ultra rares for the trio (oh oops, I mean 'rare', hahahahahahaha, I got a gem animal fail last time, that's how ridiculously hard it is to breed these,). Now the storybook as well.

I feel like quitting the game - and I've never said that before, even with all of the stupid garbage TL has thrown our way. This is infuriating. I now know for sure what Zen was talking about with them tampering with accounts when you email them.

10-23-15, 08:06 PM
I'm getting so sick of this. Nothing but fails. Constantly. I didn't manage to breed any of them on one of my games last time, and this time it looks like both of my games will miss out. There is too much to do all at once.

Tournament? forget it. Trying to breed super ultra rares for the trio (oh oops, I mean 'rare', hahahahahahaha, I got a gem animal fail last time, that's how ridiculously hard it is to breed these,). Now the storybook as well.

I feel like quitting the game - and I've never said that before, even with all of the stupid garbage TL has thrown our way. This is infuriating. I now know for sure what Zen was talking about with them tampering with accounts when you email them.

I've read many theories in these forums...much like yours above, although I've never emailed them about anything, so I don't think I've been jinxed in that way. I've also read that some people think that those who spend real money on the game have better chances at breeding...I'm one of those who has spent money on gems, and I can confirm that it hasn't helped me one bit. I didn't breed a single one of the dog trio, and I haven't had any luck thus far with this one either. Sometimes I wonder if those who are more vocal about their displeasure are "tampered with" but I would really hope they don't do things like that. We all play for enjoyment but I believe that the odds should be exactly the same for all of us. Why do some people get certain animals within a few tries while others try 20 plus ttimes with no luck at all? Why do some people who use the exact same breeding combos get MULTIPLE of these trio animals (which is a bitter pill to swallow when you can't even get one) but yet that same combo results in fail after fail for others? I wish I could have got the dog trio, and I would like this one, but if I don't get them, oh well I guess. As I said, we all play for enjoyment and when it's this frustrating, the enjoyment factor goes way down, and I can see why people choose to walk away from the game.

10-24-15, 09:12 AM
I can't seem to get any either. I'm ready to give up!!

10-24-15, 09:52 AM
I sure hope I get this one
I got excited when I got part 2
I don't even aspire for the final one as usual
Just this one so I can have its habit

I bought the new habit out of happiness for Halloween
I might buy the second one if another glimpse of hope arise