View Full Version : Answered Orphanage disappeared

10-03-15, 08:30 PM
I just built the orphanage and when I turned it around in edit mode, the orphanage disappeared from my kingdom. I deleted the game from my ipod and reinstalled it and the orphanage is nowhere to be found. I'm unable to build another one so I cannot continue on with the goals. I was wondering if anyone else experienced this and if there is a way to fix this. Thanks.


The orphanage was next to the Magic Garden and behind Ivy's hut.

10-04-15, 05:31 AM
I'll report this for you... I visited you and it's definitely not hiding. Given its the weekend, you won't have anyone here see this for another 2 days. Log a call with Support and PM the ticket number to PikaSquirrel. Then you'll have both bases covered. Thanks. :)

10-04-15, 08:11 PM
Okay thanks!

10-05-15, 11:23 AM
Hey there! Seems like you may have accidentally stored your orphanage is in Storage. :)

10-05-15, 07:35 PM
Oh wow I didn't even realize I did that haha thanks so much! :)