View Full Version : Pop/Drop bonuses

09-26-15, 02:33 AM
Could someone please explain what these are? There are several goals that require you to get so many of these in a row, but I'm not sure what they are and how to get them. TIA

10-02-15, 01:25 PM
If you pop some bubbles on each move in a row then you begin to get bonus points from your third successful move. You get bigger bonus with every further successful move. This is the clue to get maximum poins for the level - try not to interrupt your pop bonus sequence, so that they grow really huge. When you get pop bonus it is marked by the words "POP BONUS" flashing on the screen.
When you pop a group of bubbles the bubbles below may lose their support and drop down, in this case you get a drop bonus which is marked by the flashing words "DROP BONUS".
You can get a drop bonus and a pop bonus with one move.

10-11-15, 10:11 AM
If you pop some bubbles on each move in a row then you begin to get bonus points from your third successful move. You get bigger bonus with every further successful move. This is the clue to get maximum poins for the level - try not to interrupt your pop bonus sequence, so that they grow really huge. When you get pop bonus it is marked by the words "POP BONUS" flashing on the screen.
When you pop a group of bubbles the bubbles below may lose their support and drop down, in this case you get a drop bonus which is marked by the flashing words "DROP BONUS".
You can get a drop bonus and a pop bonus with one move.

Yes agree. There is trick on this game. I can pause the game first to see the colour of bubble I need to throw and where to throw it then I continue the game. Is easier this way to go next level fast.