View Full Version : Consumers should be listened to and respected, changes need to be made.

02-15-11, 04:33 PM
I play every game Team Lava has released. In looking at the forums, I noticed alot of people have the same feedback and yet, for some reason, Team Lava has not taken steps to improve the games. I think all the players would appreciate some of the changes being made by Team Lava, seeing as we are all supporters of your company.
I have noticed most people that play one game continue on to play multiples, like me, they start off with restaurant story, then do bakery story, etc.
Here's my feedback, and would appreciate your team taking all into consideration to help continue making your company more of a success. All feedback applies to all the "story" games.

#1 The Manage Appliance window: It is way too easy to accidentally blow 5 of your gems on instantly cooking a dish, would appreciate another screen after this to ask us if we are sure we want to do this. Everyone I know who plays the game gets really ticked off at accidentally accepting the instant cooking option, hardly any of us want to use that many gems to even do that. Same with clearing the counter, needs an extra "are you sure" window.

#2 Lower the gem price to instantly cook a dish to maybe 1 or 2 gems, due to gems being so hard to get it will balance it out.

#3 Make gems a little easier to get by cooking a certain amount of dishes. I understand you guys want to make money by having people buy gems, but also make it to where when we play the game we have a goal we can hit to get gems. And if you make it that hard to accumulate gems, at least have it balanced out to where we can't spend them so easily, meaning 24 gems for one case is too much money!

#4 The games you invented for the Valentines Day version of all of the games were awesome, meaning the goals like cook 2 pumpkin pies and serve 8 lattes, etc. were a hit and made playing way more fun!
You should have more of that with the games, although we should get some gems for the harder challenges. I was very bummed when the challenges stopped.Also I got to do the challenges with my iphone, although my boyfriend has a Droid and he wasn't even able to get the Valentines versions of any of the games, nor these fun challenges.

#5 Levels: Its very frustrating playing for so long and then having the game tell you that you have hit the end, meaning I can no longer buy any more appliances, and I am getting to the end of expansion. Would really like to continue on!

#6 Chests: No one seems happy with the 24 gems for one item in a chest, it is apparent no one thinks it should be worth 24 gems, especially when they are so hard to come by. Make it to where if you pay 24 gems for a chest then you get a really cool prize, like the jazz band, the mermaid statue, etc. Then leave the smaller prizes for a cheaper chest, or keep the smaller ones for us to purchase individually. Once again, it needs to be balanced out to where if it takes you a month to get 24 gems, then it was worth that month, or if you pay $4.99 for the chest, the item is worth the $5 expenditure.
THE MOST ANNOYING THING THAT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED: PLEASE make it so you don't get two of the same item, especially back to back. And please make sure the item belongs in the case. Example: I bought an amusement case on city story and I was given a colonial house, twice in a row! An amusement case should have things like the pumpkin house and roller coaster, a colonial house should be a thanksgiving case item!

#7 List items in the different cases/ chests for each game on your site! It's too hard going through the forums trying to find what the items are in the box. They need to be listed to show us which case or chest we might want to take our chances on and purchase. I understand you might want an element of surprise with the cases/ chests, although consumers like to know what cool items they might get within that case.

Please listen to us, the consumers, and help us help you.

Thank you,