View Full Version : Older Halloween content missing?

09-20-15, 10:01 AM
Not sure if I am just not seeing it or if I am just confused or both....lol

I am getting ready to decorate for Halloween and I can't seem to find my Haunted, Twisted Tree, & Mummy Head tables. I haven't looked for more old content since they might be in the same place.

I am using the Double Rainbow edition. Should I be using another version? I thought when you update to the newer versions of the game everything should be transferred over. I'm confused.

09-20-15, 10:48 AM
These were removed by TL back in November 2014 unless you've already purchased them before they were removed.

09-20-15, 11:23 AM
I bought them......I went to my newest acct (this one) and opened up an old Halloween version then went back and opened the Double Rainbow version again and they were there. I haven't had a chance to switch over accts on that device but going thru my old acct on my newer device that doesn't have any of the old games on it is missing the old content which was already purchased. Very weird.

kooky panda
09-20-15, 02:48 PM
If you are missing items that did purchase, please send an email to support@storm8.com for assistance.
