View Full Version : Cash Crops

09-19-15, 07:21 AM
If you are planting crops just for the coins here is a table that shows which crops give the best yield. For this chart I assume you only have 40 energy refilling every 2 hours and leave out all the extra potential sources. I also assume you spend all of this energy on crops and that you are able to collect as needed throughout a 16 hour day (leaving 8 hours for sleeping)

Crop..........Collection time.....$ per collection...........$ per day with 40 plots........$ per day with 60 plots
Corn................3 min....................20 .........................7,200 (9x/day).......................7,200
Wheat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 hr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21,600(9x/day).,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21,600
Tomato...........10 min ....................35 ...................... 12,600 (9x/day) ................... 12,600
Sugar,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4 hr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20,000 (5x/day),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28,000
Pepper............12 hr....................250 ........................20,000(2x/day)....................30,000
Strawberry,,,,,,,,1 hr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,110,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3 9,600(9x/day),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39,600
Carrot..............1 day...................440........................1 7,600 (1x/day)...................26,400
Cabbage,,,,,,,,,16 hrs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,340,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27,200/13,600 (1-2x/day),,,,,34,000/27,200
Glimmerbulb.....8 hrs...................200......................... 24,000 (3x/day)...................32,000
Cocoa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3 hrs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,150,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 36,000 (6x/day),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54,000
Fellora..............2 days................1650........................33 ,000 (.5x/day)..................49,000

1)Now to explain my math. To get the $ per collection I subtracted the amount you get for each crop from the cost it takes to plant each crop to give a total profit value.

2)Some crops could be collected more/less often if you use more than 40 energy but as there are so many different variations of gaining extra energy I decided to leave it out.

3)For the Fellora plant, since it has a 2 day collection time I divided how much profit you would collect every 2 days in half so that it could be compared to the daily rate of the other crops.

4)For the Corn, Wheat, Tomatoes, and Strawberries you would need to collect every 2 hours 9 times a day. Even though some could be collected more often I have disregarded it due to the assumed energy limitations. In this case you can only collect from 40 plots every 2 hours so the extra plots make no difference. All of these could be collected more often for more coins with 60 plots with extra energy.

5)The Cocoa, Sugar, Glimmerbulbs, Peppers, and Carrots can be collected from normally if you only have 40 plots. If you have 60 plots, the first 40 plots can be collected normally and the last 20 plots can be collected an hour later. For example if you planted 60 crops of cocoa (which can be collected every 3 hours) and your day lasts from 7am to 11pm you would collect like this: 7 am collect 40 plots, 8am collect 20 plots, 10am collect 40 plots, 11am collect 20 plots, 1pm collect 40 plots, 2 pm collect 20 plots, 4pm collect 40 plots, 5pm collect 20 plots, 7pm collect 40 plots, 8pm collect 20 plots, 10pm collect 40 plots, 11pm collect 20 plots. If you used extra energy sources you would not have to collect quite so often, but it can be done without them.

6)The Cabbage can be collected in a similar way to the above crops, however due to their particular collection time when collecting from 60 plots they will give a 34,000 profit only every other day (unless you use other energy sources). An example collection schedule might be: DAY 1 [7am collect 40 plots, 8am collect 20 plots, 11pm collect 40 plots,] DAY 2 [7am collect 20 plots, 3pm collect 40 plots, 11pm collect 20 plots] DAY 3 [7am collect 40 plots, 3pm collect 20 plots, 11pm collect 40 plots] and so forth cycling back and forth between day 2 and 3. A similar collection cycle occurs with only 40 plots as well.