View Full Version : How to actually sell out the food?

09-17-15, 11:47 PM
sorry for typos, but I'm on my iPad.

I noticed that it takes waaay too long time for my Bakery to sell out the food. I'm level 72, 48 chairs with one table each chair, about 45 counters with food. I bake a lot when I'm first at it but it can take days until a counter is clear. I have to buy a new counter everytime I cook a new dish which isn't already on my counters.

Do I neee more chairs and tables maybe? Oh how I wish Team Lava reduced the prices and fixed the game.. It is so fun to play but it's not the same as it was years ago.. Luckily Restaurant Story is still the same.. It's really hard to earn money it takes foreeeever...

09-18-15, 09:23 AM
Just a quick note...more than about 35-40 table/chair combos does not mean more customers...the game only allows about that many at any given moment, beyond that it has zero effect.

09-18-15, 09:32 AM
I have discarded my many counters of foods. This game don't need to have a lot of chairs as there are only 28 customers come into our bakery at one time so actually only 28 chairs are enough for all levels. I have 32 chairs altogether.

09-18-15, 09:36 AM
Just a quick note...more than about 35-40 table/chair combos does not mean more customers...the game only allows about that many at any given moment, beyond that it has zero effect.

Yes we need more tables so that any players who visited you can place tip 3 or 6 on your tables. The more tables you have you don't need to clear tables too often.

09-18-15, 09:44 AM
I hate having a lot of tables, I have the bare minimum. If you have too much food why not just stop cooking for awhile and let it run down? It seems kind of pointless to cook so much food you are throwing it out.

09-18-15, 05:55 PM
Stop cooking. And do the feeding pen layout.

09-18-15, 05:57 PM
I have discarded my many counters of foods. This game don't need to have a lot of chairs as there are only 28 customers come into our bakery at one time so actually only 28 chairs are enough for all levels. I have 32 chairs altogether.

Why are you wasting food that could be earning you coins? It cost you coins to cook yet you throw it away so not only do you not earn money from it, you never get back the initial money you spent to cook it. Seems counterproductive.

09-18-15, 07:09 PM
In reading your comments you have the incorrect number of tables. You only need 18 tables and chairs. I've been playing for years and that's all you need to feed the customers. Yes I do have lots more tables, but they do not have chairs. they are for friends and neighbors to tip. Years ago someone worked this out and found that you only need 18 tables with chairs. BUT you do need extra tables for tipping. Good luck

09-19-15, 04:05 PM
Well I never waste my food though, but I find it really annoying that it takes so long time to sell it out. I don't want to take a 5-6 days break from cooking, the actual fun is to actually cook and bake..... But thank you guys, then I just need to stop baking for several days a week. Hnnnng.... Why did Team Lava screw up this game so much. Remember back in the days when it was as fun as Restaurant Story. :(

09-19-15, 05:47 PM
A while back I had 4.5 MILLION plates of food to sell from trying to mastering all recipes. I took a break from cooking for 3 MONTHS except for cooking required for monthly goals and just waited til all my food sold out. Not once was I tempted to throw any food out. That was millions of coins worth of food.

Well I never waste my food though, but I find it really annoying that it takes so long time to sell it out. I don't want to take a 5-6 days break from cooking, the actual fun is to actually cook and bake..... But thank you guys, then I just need to stop baking for several days a week. Hnnnng.... Why did Team Lava screw up this game so much. Remember back in the days when it was as fun as Restaurant Story. :(

09-20-15, 03:27 AM
A while back I had 4.5 MILLION plates of food to sell from trying to mastering all recipes. I took a break from cooking for 3 MONTHS except for cooking required for monthly goals and just waited til all my food sold out. Not once was I tempted to throw any food out. That was millions of coins worth of food.

Last year, I used to have at least 100 types of foods and I needed at least 100 food counters to place the food. These counters occupied too much space in my bakery so I decided to discard them so that I can decorate my bakery the way I want today. I have mastered all the recipes in all the machine. Now left only 5 recipes in Moon Festival oven and Moon Festival Fountain need to master.

23999 this is my bakery

24000 Recipes inside the Moon Festival Oven that need to master

24001 Recipes inside the Moon Festival Fountain that need to master

09-20-15, 03:28 AM
A while back I had 4.5 MILLION plates of food to sell from trying to mastering all recipes. I took a break from cooking for 3 MONTHS except for cooking required for monthly goals and just waited til all my food sold out. Not once was I tempted to throw any food out. That was millions of coins worth of food.

Last year, I used to have at least 100 types of foods and I needed at least 100 food counters to place the food. These counters occupied too much space in my bakery so I decided to discard them so that I can decorate my bakery the way I want today. I have mastered all the recipes in all the machine. Now left only 5 recipes in Moon Festival oven and Moon Festival Fountain need to master.

23999 this is my bakery

24000 Recipes inside the Moon Festival Oven that need to master

24001 Recipes inside the Moon Festival Fountain that need to master

09-20-15, 07:11 AM
we are neighbors. Just a suggestion, if you want your foods to be eaten a little bit quicker. Get an extra door and create a feeding pen. There are many threads about this, take a look around. You can look at my bakery to get an idea. When you do this push your foods down to the bottom of your bakery so you have room for extra doors for your tables and chairs. Though your bakery may be a bit crowded for the time being when you do this until your foods start running out. If you have enough coins get your ovens out and put away your drink makers, make nothing but Red Velvet cakes and pumpkin pies. Pumpkin pies are 2 days and RVC are 22 hours. This way you can still cook but not constantly and save up coins.

09-21-15, 10:38 AM
we are neighbors. Just a suggestion, if you want your foods to be eaten a little bit quicker. Get an extra door and create a feeding pen. There are many threads about this, take a look around. You can look at my bakery to get an idea. When you do this push your foods down to the bottom of your bakery so you have room for extra doors for your tables and chairs. Though your bakery may be a bit crowded for the time being when you do this until your foods start running out. If you have enough coins get your ovens out and put away your drink makers, make nothing but Red Velvet cakes and pumpkin pies. Pumpkin pies are 2 days and RVC are 22 hours. This way you can still cook but not constantly and save up coins.

I have try one method and it really work great. If you want to let your food sell out very quickly, then place your cash register to block the door before you go to sleep. Best to have many doors so that customers come in quickly to pay for their food.

09-21-15, 11:51 AM
I have try one method and it really work great. If you want to let your food sell out very quickly, then place your cash register to block the door before you go to sleep. Best to have many doors so that customers come in quickly to pay for their food.

How would blocking the door so nobody can enter and eat the food lead to quicker food selling out quickly😨

09-21-15, 05:12 PM
How would blocking the door so nobody can enter and eat the food lead to quicker food selling out quickly��

This game doesn't have a blocking-door feature, so sometimes blocking the door can cause the error that all your food will be sold out immediately. I think so :P

09-21-15, 08:34 PM
I have not done this, but I have heard blocking the door with a checkout causes food to be sold without customers actually entering and eating. This might even be considered an exploit and against the game rules, so I don't condone it.

I have a small "almost" feeding pen with a few dozen tables separated from my main decorations. I'm getting pretty brisk sales keeping the customers from walking too far and I get a lot more flexibility in decorating the rest of my space, not having to fit in tables. It's been good fun!

09-21-15, 11:02 PM
I wanted to see how it works, so am trying Bakerling's idea. So far it has been 6 hrs and counting. Umm my food didn't decrease and cash didn't increase. No change...

09-21-15, 11:03 PM
The food may sell out quickly but there's no guarantee that the coins you earned from the food being "sold" fast after blocking the door will be credited to your coin tally.

09-21-15, 11:04 PM
Did you block the door for 6 hours and unblock it again? Nothing will happen unless you unblock the door after a period of it being blocked.

I wanted to see how it works, so am trying Bakerling's idea. So far it has been 6 hrs and counting. Umm my food didn't decrease and cash didn't increase. No change...

09-21-15, 11:12 PM
Did you block the door for 6 hours and unblock it again? Nothing will happen unless you unblock the door after a period of it being blocked.

I just unblocked it. Nothing changed in the last few minutes.

09-22-15, 01:53 AM
I have try one method and it really work great. If you want to let your food sell out very quickly, then place your cash register to block the door before you go to sleep. Best to have many doors so that customers come in quickly to pay for their food.

This method didn't work for me. Not sure when was the last time you tried this. Either 6 hrs isn't long enough or it has been fixed. :confused:

09-22-15, 02:32 AM
It does work but in my case the door was blocked for days. 6 hours isn't long enough. I wasn't blocking the door to try my luck in selling out my food. I actually blocked my door for a few days while I was trying to stockpile on food and mastering recipes. But as soon as I was done and unlocked my door, I waited probably an hour and logged back in only to find all the food I just stockpiled sold out and thankfully I was credited with the coins I earned. The risk you take is that you may NOT get credited the coins, even though your food sells out. Some players found this out the hard way, which is why it's not recommended and the game isn't designed to be played that way.

This method didn't work for me. Not sure when was the last time you tried this. Either 6 hrs isn't long enough or it has been fixed. :confused:

09-22-15, 03:27 AM
It does work but in my case the door was blocked for days. 6 hours isn't long enough. I wasn't blocking the door to try my luck in selling out my food. I actually blocked my door for a few days while I was trying to stockpile on food and mastering recipes. But as soon as I was done and unlocked my door, I waited probably an hour and logged back in only to find all the food I just stockpiled sold out and thankfully I was credited with the coins I earned. The risk you take is that you may NOT get credited the coins, even though your food sells out. Some players found this out the hard way, which is why it's not recommended and the game isn't designed to be played that way.

Thanks. I thought it's only requires a couple of hours, thus I tried for curiosity's sake. Won't try if it needs days. Thanks for the info.

09-25-15, 10:30 AM
I just unblocked it. Nothing changed in the last few minutes.

Sorry guys you need to have many doors. I have only 1 door block by cash register and the rest 8 doors still allow customers to come in to eat. The cash register that block the door is act as customer did not dine-in. The customer Takeaway so they did not come into the bakery at all. Foods are selling even when no customer come into the bakery.


09-26-15, 04:48 AM
The trick works regardless of how many doors you have. I only had two doors and all my food still sold out.

09-26-15, 05:12 AM
Sorry guys you need to have many doors. I have only 1 door block by cash register and the rest 8 doors still allow customers to come in to eat. The cash register that block the door is act as customer did not dine-in. The customer Takeaway so they did not come into the bakery at all. Foods are selling even when no customer come into the bakery.


Sorry I don't understand your method. Leaving 7 doors or any doors open is equivalent to having the bakery open and customers can come in. Of course food sells. I don't see why blocking one door makes a difference. Sorry.

You said food is selling even when no customer comes into the bakery. But they are coming in cos you have 7 open doors. :confused: I'm confused lol. :D

10-04-15, 07:35 PM
Stop cooking. And do the feeding pen layout.

What is the feeding pen layout?

10-04-15, 08:01 PM
What is the feeding pen layout?

The above pic is an example of a feeding pen.

10-04-15, 08:59 PM
It's a feeding pen layout but not an efficient one. There's plenty of steps involved in that layout.

The above pic is an example of a feeding pen.

10-04-15, 09:51 PM
This is my bakery using a type of efficient feeding pen layout. I find I can usually sell out food pretty quickly using this layout.


My other tip is to leave your game "open" overnight in camera mode because that also sells food faster. Just make sure you set your screen to never lock and of course that your device is plugged to a PowerPoint so it doesn't run out of battery.

What is the feeding pen layout?

10-05-15, 01:22 PM
Thank you filochick1982,this has been very helpful. I'm going to try this!

10-07-15, 07:31 AM
Feeding pen layout is great and effective for foods to sell out fast. The fast way to earn lot of $$$$. I am using Feeding pen layout too.

10-07-15, 07:32 AM
Thank you filochick1982,this has been very helpful. I'm going to try this!

You should try it. Really useful.

10-07-15, 07:33 AM
Feed pens work wonders. I have 4 separate pens going on. I like to disguise them so they don't look like the typical feed pen. :)

10-11-15, 11:29 PM
Blocked my door for a few days again recently to stock up on cooking Halloween recipes. Unblocked it today and came back a few hours later and almost all the food I had just stockpiled sold out!

10-12-15, 12:01 AM
Blocked my door for a few days again recently to stock up on cooking Halloween recipes. Unblocked it today and came back a few hours later and almost all the food I had just stockpiled sold out!

Thanks for the info. I guess I wouldn't be trying this after all since we may not get the actual coin worth for the food. I will just have to rely on my feed pens.

10-12-15, 04:13 AM
Forgot to say I was actually credited with the coins I earned from selling the food.

Thanks for the info. I guess I wouldn't be trying this after all since we may not get the actual coin worth for the food. I will just have to rely on my feed pens.

10-12-15, 08:37 AM
Blocked my door for a few days again recently to stock up on cooking Halloween recipes. Unblocked it today and came back a few hours later and almost all the food I had just stockpiled sold out!

If you place the cash register to block the door, the food sell faster too.

10-13-15, 09:10 AM
I can't keep enough food in my bakery!