View Full Version : Lost everything in silo and barn

08-26-15, 10:05 PM
I was playing and the game refreshed with the little chicken on the screen. Then when it came back my silo and barn were empty. My animals and buildings and crops are still there. Anyone ever had this happen? Help.

08-27-15, 09:35 AM
Sorry to hear that! Sounds like you experienced a sync error. This happens when you take actions or collect items while you're not connected or have a poor connection. When your game reconnects, your progress will revert to the previous time. To prevent this from happening we recommend always playing on a stable connection and also force closing your game every so often so you're not playing one session for an extended period of time.

08-27-15, 11:59 AM
But it didn't revert to a previous session. My barn and silo haven't been empty since I started playing. Is there any way to get my stuff back? Because the game isn't worth playing now. I am on level 33 and all the playing I have done is worthless?