View Full Version : Annoying popups for Bakery Story

02-14-11, 03:23 PM
Well, I gather from what I've read on the forums that Team Lava isn't likely to respond, but I'm going to post anyway.

Have you all noticed that the popups for downloading Bakery Story have escalated substantially in the past few days? I get that stupid box after every few taps now and it's driving me crazy. Sometimes I'll be tapping right where the "okay" button is and it'll kick me out of Farm Story and into the app store.

It's bad enough that there are now 3 boxes you have to click just to start the game, but having to deal with the popup ad every few clicks is insane.

I'm about ready to stop playing and find something else. Grrrrr..

02-14-11, 04:44 PM
Well, I gather from what I've read on the forums that Team Lava isn't likely to respond, but I'm going to post anyway.

Have you all noticed that the popups for downloading Bakery Story have escalated substantially in the past few days? I get that stupid box after every few taps now and it's driving me crazy. Sometimes I'll be tapping right where the "okay" button is and it'll kick me out of Farm Story and into the app store.

It's bad enough that there are now 3 boxes you have to click just to start the game, but having to deal with the popup ad every few clicks is insane.

I'm about ready to stop playing and find something else. Grrrrr..

Check this out....found this on another like thread....this **** is happening in all the games...I play Bakery, RS and CS

Hi guys! I have never played Farm Story as I was already playing Tap Ranch when I came on here for City Story....
I know a lot of you are upset with the lack of updates and so on. Not trying to be a shill for gameview, but Tap Ranch has improved tremendously. Our animals are animated...they moo, squak and baaa. There are no Magic Boxes. Today they gave us a nice Valentine's gift for free! The social component isn't as developed as it is here, but it has evolved. You don't have to water anyone's ranch to maintain any kind of rating. But it is great fun and they enhance game play all the time as well as have to items to decorate and grow. They also have a responsive customer service. The really cool thing is they have "makers" that are animated...you put in corn, and get eggs...feed alfalfa to the cow and you get milk...wheat makes flour...then get a bread maker and make bread to sell. They have a bunch of different makers and you can buy all of them for either coins or bux!

I do not work for gameview, but I've been looking at alternatives as I am just fed up with TL. So I went back to Tap Ranch and it has some terriffic developments. Check it out if you want.