View Full Version : Is it possible to continue my game on a new device?

08-16-15, 11:31 AM
Let's say my device broke,(It didn't, but I want to know if I could keep playing my game if I ever had buy a new one.)could I still have my bakery on the new device, or would I have to start all over?

Thank you, in advance if anyone ever answers.

08-16-15, 11:44 AM
Yeah you can. Just make sure you create a password. Then if you had to restart you'd just need to input your ID and password to login to it. It's dead easy now.

08-16-15, 11:01 PM
Yeah you can. Just make sure you create a password. Then if you had to restart you'd just need to input your ID and password to login to it. It's dead easy now.

Best is to create password that you can remember. Best is not to use your ID as password.

kooky panda
08-17-15, 08:59 AM

You can email support@teamlava.com (support@teamlava.com) and they can transfer your games.

If you no longer have your old device, I would advise using the storm 8 transfer so your storm ID and games are removed from your old device.
Transfer Thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?54910-ID-Transfer-Storm8-Method&p=675489&viewfull=1#post675489)

If you still have your old device, you can play your games on both devices by using the login feature

New Logon on Feature (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?59955-iOS-New-Login-feature-in-Restaurant-Story!-(login-applies-to-all-games)&p=759602&viewfull=1#post759602)

As the others have stated, make sure you have a storm ID and password set up for your games.