View Full Version : Daily requests for parts

08-16-15, 01:51 AM
I've noticed some neighbors who don't seem to be building anything or will have an item under construction for a long time, make parts requests on almost a daily basis. Some have been requesting for as long as I can remember, they don't seem to be building anything and just keep making the requests.

First, what do you suppose they are doing this for and second, how do they keep making requests everyday. Some of them don't have visible items being built on the farm.

Also when I make requests, I am no longer able to keep making them once I get all the parts so how do these people keep making requests everyday?

08-17-15, 04:37 AM
Anyone? I just want to know how people are able to keep making requests everyday without any items on their farm under construction.

08-18-15, 03:33 PM
Hoping that someone with more knowledge than I will notice this thread. I have often wondered this. Yes, I pretty much get all these tool requests from the same two people and have no idea what these are needed for because I don't really see anything being done and it sure seems like it'd be done by now!

I do not have a problem with these neighbors asking - I'm glad they asked me for the materials, if I ever build stuff I will obviously need someone to lend a hand. (My plans to construct something on FS will take place on exactly never, lol - but hey, if my friends want to I'll be glad to help!)

Yeah, I don't guess it matters, but if someone isn't building stuff I can't see a reason to ask for materials... (day after day after day)... You think maybe they are getting prepared to construct an item that they are working towards o taining as a goal? I think I may just break down and ask them out of curiousity.

on a related note, half the stuff in my inventory is construction items - which would be super if I ever was going to have a use for them, OR could sell them or even delete them. Now don't even ask me why this takes place. As far as gifting, I'll happily give my neighbor anything he or she might request out of our choices, but for me I would much rather they dog bowl me every time.

But.... construction gifts?

10-16-15, 02:40 AM
Sorry for late reply, I have just read this.
I suppose your neighbors are building tool sheds to level up more quickly. When they have enough parts for one shed to complete it, they sell it and build another one. So you never see a finished building. You get lots of XP for building a tool shed. When you play for a longer time, you have plenty of money and can build one or more every day.