View Full Version : Fishing Hotspots Broken?

08-15-15, 12:58 PM
I suspect the fishing hotspots are broken. I'm getting many more double fish while fishing away from the hotspots.

In the past I would get a few double fish per day from fishing over the circling fish and almost never get doubles away from them. But in the past few weeks I almost never get doubles on the hotspots and get 1-3 per day away from them.

08-18-15, 10:43 AM
Hey there! We took a look at this and didn't encounter any difference of receiving more fish when we fished outside of the circle of fishes. If you're still receiving double the fishes outside of the circle of fishes, please take some screenshots and contact support@storm8.com with your information. We can take a look at this further. :)

11-22-15, 10:16 PM
This is still an almost daily occurrence. I typically get zero or one double fish from the hotspots, and 1-2 double fish away from the hotspots.

11-22-15, 11:56 PM
Please take some screenshots and contact support@storm8.com with your information for Support to take a look at this further. Thanks. :)