View Full Version : Benefits to Multiple Cash Registers/Doors?

08-14-15, 05:52 PM
So, I noticed that you can have multiple cash registers and doors in the game. I was wondering if there's any sort of benefit to this. Like, does having 2 registers make money come in faster? Does having more than one door make more customers come in? I'm so confused!

💜 iLoveAsherBuns

08-14-15, 06:27 PM
having multiple doors and the registers to go with them means you can pen customers in close to the door. the fewer steps a customer has to take, the quicker they can get to their seat, eat and leave again, opening a space for a new customer. more customers per minute = faster profits.

but keep in mind that a customer will go to the register closest to the door they enter through, but will then proceed to any open table, even if it's in the opposite corner and there was an open table right in front of them. that's why you have to confine them.

08-16-15, 10:33 PM

This is my bakery with multiple cash cashier and doors. Yes, you can earn faster profit and meaning more money $$$.

10-15-17, 08:04 PM
I want to add a third door to my bakery, but it doesn't work. The bots just stand there. I've tried with and without the register, but would like to have the register. Is there a trick to it?

I figured it out.