View Full Version : No Animation No Production

08-05-15, 06:55 AM
For approximately a month or so maybe more I first noticed that the animation of most of the machines have stopped. I ignored that I figured it wasn't important. Now when I try to make anything the rooster starts walking and takes me back. I can't progress and it's getting frustrating. I was hoping that I'd see an update that would fix the issue. Please thx.

08-05-15, 10:19 AM
Sorry about that! We're aware of this issue that stops the animation after the first craft in a building has been completed. The "rooster" is showing up because you're experiencing a sync error. This happens if you have too many crafts that are ready to collect in from of your buildings. Try collecting some of your crafts first, then craft more. Hope this helps!

08-15-15, 12:52 PM
Are you also aware of the other bugs that were introduced at the same time?

I frequently get two animal feed items when I tap on a mill once. It just happens on feed mills, no other machines.
I can't feed my animals by holding down on the feed item. I used to be able to feed all my animals of the same type with one press and hold. Now I need to tap the feed bag each time to feed one animal.

Please, please, please put a graceful error message when a machine is full instead of the old Zero upgrade items needed window, or the current walking chicken. Both are graceless solutions and your developers should be ashamed.

Also what is the ETA for fixing these bugs. They are annoying.

06-24-16, 12:17 PM
Thank you , thank you , thank you for fixing the reset when a mill is full of feed. Make playing the game more pleasant. Now please fix the other two bugs shown above that were introduced a the same time. I can't believe the double feed items with a single tap bug has been in the game for almost a year.

08-14-18, 11:33 AM
I'm agog that this annoying bug I reported three years ago (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?83728-No-Animation-No-Production&p=1158626&viewfull=1#post1158626) has not been fixed. I'm even more astounded that it doesn't bug other people.

When I first click on a feedmill to get animal feed, I will frequently get two bags (four feed). Each subsequent pick, I get one feedbag. If I take a break from picking and then go back to that feedmill to get more feed, I will often get two bags again. This is a pain in the butt especially when you are running out of space and you only need two feed to finish that critter type. What's weird is, the cheaper the feed, the more it happens. Almost always for cow feed, almost never for pet feed. This happens on my iPhone and my iPad.

Nobody else gets this? Nobody else is annoyed by this?

08-14-18, 09:18 PM
Could it be that you were double clicking which resulted with double feeds? Maybe you can try clicking slower? I don't get this issue. If your feedmills have been helped by others, collect the coins first and then click on them again.

Merged to existing thread.