View Full Version : Norman, please reply with constructive feedback...

02-13-11, 12:25 PM
I am at level 75 with over 20 Millions game coins.

I was struck there for over 2-3 months, with no "new" items to buy and no expansion available.
One could only re-design the city so many time with the same old thing until the boredom set in.

Is there any point to continue???
Nice try with the Valentine Box, even if I wanted to buy, there is no more room...

Please tell me there is something to look forward to...

Awaiting for your kind reply 

02-13-11, 10:33 PM
1st off: Love the game! Reminds me of the original sim city in some ways but less interactive. Now the suggestions here are both great in terms of creativity & number. And My comment is down to the numbers. I can understand Team Lava not having the capacity to fulfill all requests but what triggers My reaction is the total silence by the any of the TL staff. Again, Norman is probably doing his best but i would like better interaction by Team Lava to us. At least divulge & discuss suggestions with us otherwise this forum is nothing more than a FAQ & FYI, and, alot of users being frustrated due to the fact that City Story never evolves. TL seems only engaged on releasing new versions rather than developing further what is findamentally a fun game. So i urge Norman to comment, at least show that u have ongoing plans & future implementations. Thank you!

02-14-11, 04:00 AM
Don't hold your breath!!!. They could have given us lot of buildings to buy with coins or city cash, instead they keep giving you the option of a new case which has lots of new items in, it just costs you a lot more, simples!!

02-14-11, 10:55 AM
Don't hold your breath!!!. They could have given us lot of buildings to buy with coins or city cash, instead they keep giving you the option of a new case which has lots of new items in, it just costs you a lot more, simples!!

As the OP said, even if there were new buildings to buy, we have no more room! Try reading. We need expansions!
I have already gone over to City of Love, a variation of Tap City. They have a lot of stuff and you can get great new buildings by completing quests...yeah you are going to have to spend some real cash to complete the quest, but it's a lot cheaper than a Magic Box and you know what you are getting at the end of it! Also no gem traps and confirmations on everything. They have animation and everything.

02-15-11, 04:09 AM
I can read, by the way and I totally agree with you that we need "Expansion". Some people on this site have had some great ideas regarding new items, a beach, harbour etc which would obviously need expansion to fit them in, I just wish TL would take note.

Don't hold your breath!!

02-21-11, 11:36 AM
They don't have a clue for running a gaming company!!!

How about a feedback to a question within the feedback thread on your own forum???

And you expect me to buy your box at $4.99 ... good luck on that... ZzzzzzzZzz

02-28-11, 11:22 PM
Get someone to answer the **** question.............................

03-01-11, 09:12 AM
Read these interviews with teamlava and see if you agree with what they are saying:


Some highlights:

"The key focus at TeamLava is creating really high-quality games that are the best in their category. They need to be appealing and accessible to players, as well as offer unparalleled depth to encourage fans to keep playing, with multiple layers of discovery and achievement. We always listen to feedback from fans and treat them as family, to ensure that we are providing the best support and new free game content at all times."

How about listening to the feedback from your fans and adding some more depth, discovery, and achievement to the games so we can continue playing instead of making bull**** games like hospital story, nightclub story, etc

"All of our games are proprietary and internally developed. That means we are constantly innovating and adding to our existing games"

We haven't seen much in the way of updates to existing games have we? Certainly not "weekly updates" like they promise.


"we really feel an obligation to ensure we reward that loyalty with regular free new content updates to maintain interest"

woops, looks like they lied in that interview. I play empire story and unless you call one content update in 4 months "regular" i disagree

"One thing that you can be sure of is that the team constantly reads the feedback from our users and factors their requests into our updates and product development"

Interesting, you show no indication that you do this.

"We also supply a lot of free new content to players, ensuring that they can still discover and enjoy new experiences as they play and socialize with friends every day"

really? what does everyone think about this?

Level 96 Customer
03-15-11, 02:55 PM
Norman, please reply with constructive feedback...

I am at level 96 with over 50 Millions game coins.

I was struck there for over 3-4 months, with no "new" items to buy (with coins) and no expansion available.
One could only re-design the city so many time with the same old thing until the boredom set in.

Is there any point to continue???
Nice try with the Valentine Box, even if I wanted to buy, there is no more room...
How about some April Fool's box ??? and put your picture as an icon, then I will gladly pay 24 CC for it .... LOL

Please tell me there is something to look forward to...

Awaiting for your MUCH DELAY reply 

03-16-11, 10:59 PM
Its obvious the TL do not care about you.

There are no replies to anything negative.

There is no help to genuine problems.

I'm done. It was fun for a while but now I'm done with this game.

Best of luck to anyone playing this game.