View Full Version : # of neighbors for full expansion

07-28-15, 04:41 PM
Can someone please tell me. How many neighbors do I need in order to get to full expansion? I have way too many neighbors who never water back and many others who no longer play. I need to cut down my list to the amount of neighbors I need in order to get to 24x24.

Thank you,


07-28-15, 07:19 PM
If I'm not mistaken it takes 50-60 neighbors for full expansion. If most aren't playing I'd just clean my list and keep those needed. I just started back playing and saw more than 80 neighbors had stopped playing. I was fully expanded though and didn't mind getting rid of anyone and am slowly building neighbors back up.

It's been fun to see people still playing in droves, as they did when the game was still current.

07-29-15, 09:19 PM
Thank you for your answer. I went ahead and cut off about 100 and I still have about 150, so I need to cut down that list some more. I want to try having less neighbors so I can visit and water frequently those who play and are "good neighbors". I have one more expansion to go to get to the final one. The way the game works with the list of neighbors in alphabetical order and not in order of "popularity" among them makes it hard to have too many neighbors. One needs to be looking for names of the ones who visit and it can be very time consuming.

I really enjoy this game and don't find it as hard maintenance as other games from other companies where they make it so that you need to be asking for stuff from neighbors in order to accomplish tasks. If one just wants to unwind and relax, this is the game to play. Thank you Storm8.