View Full Version : switching android devices?

07-26-15, 01:04 PM
So I have a new device. What do I do now? I know I can start a new restaurant/bakery and log in & out on multiple devices, which I like, but castle story & original farm & 2012 versions don't have that option. If I transferall the games to my new device (bonus points if anyone knows where those directions are), then can I use my old device to set up a new restaurant & bakery so that I can send myself stuff?

Any and all help greatly appreciated!

07-26-15, 01:17 PM
You can make a new ID with your new device which you can use to send yourself stuff. If you want to make a new account then don't sign in with your old ID just yet, just create a new ID (along with a password) so that you'll be able to switch between your two accounts. Once you log into your old account, all of your game data will be transferred to your new device on all of your downloaded S8 games, and you won't be able to make a new ID. Here's the thread on using the log in feature: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?59955-iOS-amp-Android-New-Login-feature-in-Limited-Games! I have 2 other IDs from new devices and I log in and out of them all the time to answer my own requests or send gifts to myself. :)

07-26-15, 02:25 PM
When you say data will be transferred on all my games, does that include the games with no login feature? I'm mostly concerned with the games that don't have logins, the log in ones seem easy enough. So if I go to new device, start new RS/BS accts, and then log into my current accounts, will I be on my current castle story, or a brand new castle story? Does it depend on whether I download castle before or after I've logged into old account?

I should probably ask these questions in a game that doesn't have logging in, but I like you guys more. :) And I'm so far behind all the ios players in castle story that it's like it's not even the same game, so that forum confuses me.

07-26-15, 03:28 PM
Yes, it includes the games with no log in feature (castle, dragon, farm, etc.). If you log into twospoons in bakery on your new device for example, then open up castle story, then all the progress that you had will be transferred over. Before you sign in, you should get a pop up telling you that your game progress will be transferred over: http://i.imgur.com/BuEvxWn.png?2
You can switch your accounts in a game that has the feature, like bakery or restaurant, and everything will be where you left off. If you download castle story after you log into twospoons, all your data will automatically be there. After you sign in, remember to exit out the S8 background apps so that the apps get chance to realize you switched IDs. :)

07-26-15, 06:50 PM
You are the awesomest of the awesome, ca7007.

of course, this all depends on my ACTUALLY BEING ABLE TO ACTIVATE THIS FRIKKING THING. if I have to listen to that computer lady one more time..."I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. For x, please say x." Yeah, you didn't understand me because I was swearing at you.

(Sorry, very frustrated at the moment.)

07-26-15, 08:56 PM
Lol! Glad to help. Hope it ends up working for you.. :p