View Full Version : SweetCo items retiring (7/24) - are now back!

07-18-15, 11:55 AM
Edit (7/22):




So.. this means the SweetCo goal is finally expiring? I wonder if the SweetCo chairs and tables will follow suit after this.

07-18-15, 12:20 PM
That's odd, I would have thought that the goal would be permanent. I like the idea of it because it gives newer players more experience on how to build ovens and complete other goals. Plus, there's barely any goals to begin with other than monthly goals, and removing it would probably be less fun in my opinion.

07-18-15, 12:37 PM
Hmmm....gems for goals...now removing the prizes for the beginning/introductory goals....have to assume the goals themselves are being removed also. Maybe so new players don't expect to have gem free goals in the future? Just a thought.

07-18-15, 12:47 PM
I'd like to know does this means I have to hurry and finish this goal so I can get the final prize? I still need to make the last cupcake in my newest bakery. I'm going to rush it, not happy about it, just to make sure I get it.

07-18-15, 02:17 PM
That's weird what about new players may there going to come up with a new goal for new players, maybe the next goal will become the new goal for new players or it could just be new players can still play goal but I doubt.I hope it doesn't mean goals will now be for gems.

07-18-15, 02:35 PM
Yet another set of items that arent bothering anyone, isnt taking up a bunch of space and being removed. I havent even finished this on two bakeries. No time to do it now. And I wanted these items.

07-18-15, 04:05 PM
Hmm I'm guessing this is the end of rs and bs since rs2 is now available to everyone.

07-18-15, 05:53 PM
Horray i have master all the recipes in all the machines including sweet co station and pioneer oven.

07-18-15, 09:07 PM
So, they're retiring the SweetCo goals then if the items are been removed.

Probably new beginner's goals soon... Or not.

07-19-15, 09:28 AM
I was a bit surprised to see this goal set go. I know it is tied to the game, so it must be that the goals are being removed? I went ahead and bought some tables and chairs in case I ever want them. I wouldn't be surprised to see them leave at the same time even though there is no timer on them. Wouldn't be the first time.

07-19-15, 10:40 AM
That's odd, I would have thought that the goal would be permanent. I like the idea of it because it gives newer players more experience on how to build ovens and complete other goals. Plus, there's barely any goals to begin with other than monthly goals, and removing it would probably be less fun in my opinion.

Yeah, this makes me sad :( These were the first goals I completed when I started Bakery. I hope they'll be replaced with another set of beginner goals (GEM-FREE PLEASE!) for newer players.

07-19-15, 11:52 PM
Odd! Although they said they'll remove those items and put a timer on them, the related goal is still the same with no timer!

I wonder if they gonna remove those goal too or will they become mission impossible for new players in the future :eek:

07-20-15, 11:22 AM
Odd! Although they said they'll remove those items and put a timer on them, the related goal is still the same with no timer!

I wonder if they gonna remove those goal too or will they become mission impossible for new players in the future :eek:

Hopefully it's not like dragon story where the dragon is no longer available but the goal is still there so it can't be completed.

07-20-15, 01:36 PM
Hopefully it's not like dragon story where the dragon is no longer available but the goal is still there so it can't be completed.

That would drive me crazy on my new bakery - I don't think I could handle seeing it and not be able to complete it! I'm too far away from even trying to finish it. I have it on my older bakeries so if I get all nostalgic, I can go over there and pull the items out of storage.

07-21-15, 03:13 AM
I'm a new player and I've never seen this goal. Level 17.

07-21-15, 11:55 AM
did you finish the goals with the bread oven yet? baking the stone ground miche and l'amour bread and all that? i think these ones came after those, although my memory is generally unreliable so i could easily be wrong.

07-22-15, 07:16 AM
Hmm I'm guessing this is the end of rs and bs since rs2 is now available to everyone.

I hope not. I do NOT like Restaurant Story 2. There are much better games out there that have better graphics and better game play.

Now, could someone official give people a heads-up on whether or not the Sweet Co goals are leaving as well, because it doesn't make much sense to retire the items necessary to complete the goals yet keep the goals. In fact, that would be downright stupid.

07-22-15, 03:23 PM
They took it back.


07-22-15, 03:23 PM
I just saw a popup and TL is keeping the SweetCo items, thanks to the feedback they received! Great news.

So, they are listening ... hmmm ... now if only they would add a confirmation button before gem purchases ...


07-22-15, 06:44 PM
I didn't like that goal set. Those trees are hideous.

07-22-15, 07:46 PM
Lol...I hated those trees when I first saw them, too. But I got the Mummy Ball (or something) display before it was retired and love them with that...kind of Tim Burton-ish.

07-22-15, 07:57 PM
Keep the SweetCo Items Back


07-22-15, 08:44 PM
Thanks S8 for not removing these items. :)

07-22-15, 10:00 PM
Can't they make up their minds about anything these days? I feel like they did that just to make people buy extra, because I sure fell for it.

07-22-15, 11:29 PM
I think new people were removing stuff to make room and didn't realize it was game related. If you look at what was removed in RS, it was goal related. It seems like someone didn't do their homework.

07-24-15, 07:19 AM
Hmm I'm guessing this is the end of rs and bs since rs2 is now available to everyone.

I actually got a little excited thinking Restaurant Story 2 was available for us lowly Kindle users but alas, no such luck. 😞

07-24-15, 11:05 AM
Pretty sure they were going to remove them, then make them into a 3 day "special offer" for $9.99 like they did with the pier fishing goals this week.

07-24-15, 12:20 PM
Can't they make up their minds about anything these days? I feel like they did that just to make people buy extra, because I sure fell for it.

LOL! Me too, I bought an extra sliding chocolate or whatever it's called.

07-25-15, 03:07 AM
LOL! Me too, I bought an extra sliding chocolate or whatever it's called.

Haha, another victim reporting in too! I was like what the when I saw the pop-up. Caused I stockpiled everything before we got hit by the pop-up. Darn!

07-27-15, 09:54 AM
I finished the oven, but never got any goals for it. I can make 2 recipes on it and the 3rd one remains locked and says "goal." I'm now at level 23 and still nothing with that oven. I refused to finish the Rocket Oven goal though and it is still counting down.