View Full Version : July Oven Producing Incorrect Quantities

07-14-15, 08:27 PM
The recipe for July Cupcakes on the July Oven states that it produces 250 servings. I have nine of these ovens. When my July Cupcakes were done, before sending them to the a counter, I checked, as I always do, for empty counters to put to storage. I didn't have any July Cupcakes on my counters. I served the cupcakes and when I looked at the counter where they were, I had only 970 servings. With nine ovens, I should have had 2,250 servings (9 x 250 = 2,250). What's up with that?

By the way, I did go a neighbor's restaurant and tipped, then came back and checked the quantity. It still was just under 970. I closed the app, then re-opened it, but no joy.


07-14-15, 09:35 PM
Where did you find the cupcakes?

kooky panda
07-15-15, 10:26 AM
I will flag this over.

07-15-15, 11:12 AM
Sorry to hear that! We took a look at your account and it seems like your Restaurant is missing their cashier. Lacking a hostess may have unintended effects on your game. Could you try removing the waiter behind the podium and see if that helps going forward? If you are still encountering issues after removing the waiter behind your podium, please write into support@storm8.com and one of our agents will assist you.

07-15-15, 10:32 PM
Sorry to hear that! We took a look at your account and it seems like your Restaurant is missing their cashier. Lacking a hostess may have unintended effects on your game. Could you try removing the waiter behind the podium and see if that helps going forward? If you are still encountering issues after removing the waiter behind your podium, please write into support@storm8.com and one of our agents will assist you.

Having something other than the cashier behind the podium has never been a problem. That waiter has been there since at least December, and I've never had a problem with quantities.

07-15-15, 11:20 PM
Also, it is not possible to return the "cashier" to the podium. She is not in my floor decoration tab.

07-17-15, 01:09 PM
Also, it is not possible to return the "cashier" to the podium. She is not in my floor decoration tab.

Once you remove the waiter, the cashier will return back behind the podium. While you've never had a problem with quantities for a while, hindering the cashier may have unintended affects on your account now. We suggest to always have your cashier available to make sure that no issues will occur.