View Full Version : Help Me Understand?

07-09-15, 01:56 PM
So I finished the wiggin Out Goal For Sabina, Right. I next goal came up was, How Clean is Your Library. Now my Library is a Level 3 but it's saying higher level libraries should have this. How Much Higher? What Level Should my Library be to Complete this goal?

07-09-15, 02:13 PM
This goal is actually started by collecting a dragon egg from the Forgotten Roost (not from Sabina).
It doesn't really matter what level your library is; the bestiaries drop from all levels and take awhile, regardless if your library is level 1 or level 5. What actually helps is to build more libraries. More collections = more chances of getting the 10 volumes faster.
Hope that helps. :)

07-09-15, 02:19 PM
Here's a link to more info that may be helpful for ya:
Spoiler alert: it shows the next steps coming up.

07-09-15, 03:16 PM
Thanks So Much. That Was useful.