View Full Version : Bakery Update: July 8th 2015

07-07-15, 03:29 AM

I would like to see some more summer items, maybe something like RS' summer camp update from a couple of weeks ago. Someone suggested a recipe idea such as fruit kebabs which I thought was a great idea. Especially for those who missed the Fairy oven.

07-07-15, 06:15 AM
I would like to see a proper goal that can be completed using coins only.

07-07-15, 06:23 AM
Well the week before was a box, this past week was gem goals. I'm guessing that whatever this week's update is it will be a ridiculously expensive gem heavy update.

07-07-15, 07:01 AM
Well the week before was a box, this past week was gem goals. I'm guessing that whatever this week's update is it will be a ridiculously expensive gem heavy update.

Surely they wouldn't do that? Wait a minute though, this is storm8. Yeah that's more than possible!

I'd just like a nice update that is either for coins or a reasonable amount of gems. Something summery would be nice.

07-07-15, 10:43 AM
It has been a while since we got an LTO sale.

I really don't expect anything. No disappointment, it's cool. :)

07-07-15, 10:48 AM
yes LTO Sales especially Ice Crate

07-07-15, 10:52 AM
Secret Garden as an LTO so I can stop stalking people's bakeries and finally have one (or three...you guys know me) for myself!

07-07-15, 11:26 AM
Ya know, I am so disappointed with last week's fiasco I don't really care. It's sad.

07-07-15, 11:35 AM
Ya know, I am so disappointed with last week's fiasco I don't really care. It's sad.

me too.

07-07-15, 12:11 PM
Ya know, I am so disappointed with last week's fiasco I don't really care. It's sad.

Yeah exactly. It is going to take something super spectacular to even make me interested in baking anything again........
I figure there is no sense in baking anything when there is nothing to buy with coins.

07-07-15, 12:24 PM
I want summer decorations. it better be something amazing to make up for the disappointing goals they had last week

07-07-15, 12:27 PM
Ya know, I am so disappointed with last week's fiasco I don't really care. It's sad.

Same... ugh

07-07-15, 12:39 PM
Can anyone tell me how to make lemon chess pies?

07-07-15, 12:51 PM
Can anyone tell me how to make lemon chess pies?

It's on the first goal oven.

07-07-15, 12:52 PM
I think something similar to RS' box last week would be nice for coins.

07-07-15, 01:09 PM
Need summer decorations!!!

07-07-15, 01:11 PM
me too.

Triple ditto 😞

07-07-15, 01:17 PM
at the bottom of the first post you want to quote, click/tap the little conversation mark with the plus sign next to it. do that on every post you want to quote until you get to the last one, and on the last one that you want to quote, click the Reply With Quote button, and everything you've plus-marked will show up.

07-07-15, 01:19 PM
at the bottom of the post, the little conversation mark with the plus sign next to it--click it on every post you want to quote, and on the last one that you want to quote, click the Reply With Quote button, and everything you've plus-marked will show up.

I had no idea that's how people do that. I thought they copied and pasted every single message they wanted! Thanks for that, I learn something new everyday.

07-07-15, 01:28 PM
at the bottom of the first post you want to quote, click/tap the little conversation mark with the plus sign next to it. do that on every post you want to quote until you get to the last one, and on the last one that you want to quote, click the Reply With Quote button, and everything you've plus-marked will show up.

I had no idea that's how people do that. I thought they copied and pasted every single message they wanted! Thanks for that, I learn something new everyday.

Ha! I also had no idea how to do that!

07-07-15, 02:03 PM

07-07-15, 02:06 PM
It's on the first goal oven.

What is the name of the first goal oven? TY trying to make lemon chess pies:)

07-07-15, 02:09 PM
i have a lot of the western stuff in RS, but no desire to have it in BS. i'll be passing, pardners. and hey, a new stove for them to charge gems for! (that is hopefully a joke.)

i do like the walls & floors a lot though.

07-07-15, 02:12 PM
Is that a new appliance? Ugh I'm still on the goalssss

07-07-15, 02:28 PM
Is that a new appliance? Ugh I'm still on the goalssss

Ur actually doing the goals. Crazy

07-07-15, 02:28 PM
The little blueberry bars are cute. The tables and chairs look generic. The display blah but I like the colorful floors.

07-07-15, 02:31 PM
I'm noticing a pattern withe background of large displays. They removed the full walls thing (which isn't bad) to 3 like columns now.

07-07-15, 02:37 PM
This is eh. I love last week's content. Too bad it was goals held hostage for a 42 gem randsom.

07-07-15, 02:41 PM
I like it...I'm just hoping it doesn't all come with a hefty (gem) price tag.

07-07-15, 02:42 PM
Is that a new appliance? Ugh I'm still on the goalssss
The new appliance is the only thing I am looking forward to in this update. Although I would prefer new recipes to be added to the basic oven instead of new ovens.
I wish I was still doing goals...I just can't bring myself to do it on principle.

07-07-15, 02:58 PM
at the bottom of the first post you want to quote, click/tap the little conversation mark with the plus sign next to it. do that on every post you want to quote until you get to the last one, and on the last one that you want to quote, click the Reply With Quote button, and everything you've plus-marked will show up.

I had no idea that's how people do that. I thought they copied and pasted every single message they wanted! Thanks for that, I learn something new everyday.

Ha! I also had no idea how to do that!

Thanks for the info! As others said, learn something new every day! :-)

07-07-15, 03:05 PM

I really don't care for the floor decor, but kinda like the wall and flooring. I hope those are new recipes in the pic and it doesn't cost gems to buy the appliance. Or I'm out this week too...

07-07-15, 03:18 PM
I really like it. Hopefully they won't cost too much. I'd buy all of the floor deco if they aren't too many gems.

The oven has to be for coins. ALL ovens should be for coins. They are an integral part of the game.

07-07-15, 03:47 PM
What is the name of the first goal oven? TY

The first goal oven is the rocket oven. The second is the banner oven. Rocket oven needs both new parts and oven element.

07-07-15, 03:58 PM
It's on the first goal oven.

What is the name of the first goal oven? TY

07-07-15, 03:58 PM
Glad Pioneer oven cost 16,000 coins

07-07-15, 03:59 PM
I like the floor tiles, but everything else is just meh.

07-07-15, 04:10 PM
What is the name of the first goal oven? TY

Here is the goal thread


07-07-15, 04:13 PM
Eh. The wallpaper is okay so it will probably be ten gems each. I'll pass on the rest.
Third week now with nothing new for my bakery. :(
This update has zero to do with a bakery.

07-07-15, 04:27 PM
Thank you!!!

07-07-15, 04:29 PM
Thank you!!!

You're welcome :)

07-07-15, 04:38 PM
I like the floor tiles, but everything else is just meh.

Same. Plus, new recipes are fun. I like the blueberry bar looking things.

07-07-15, 06:31 PM
eh i'm not really into this update. hopefully the ovens won't be for gems

07-07-15, 07:16 PM
at the bottom of the first post you want to quote, click/tap the little conversation mark with the plus sign next to it. do that on every post you want to quote until you get to the last one, and on the last one that you want to quote, click the Reply With Quote button, and everything you've plus-marked will show up.

Freakin AWESOME! Thank you for teaching us all this time saving tip 😄 Now I don't feel so....hur hur (ง? เ˚)ว"

07-07-15, 09:19 PM
Never mind lol

07-07-15, 09:28 PM
at the bottom of the first post you want to quote, click/tap the little conversation mark with the plus sign next to it. do that on every post you want to quote until you get to the last one, and on the last one that you want to quote, click the Reply With Quote button, and everything you've plus-marked will show up.

Thanks, Spoons!

07-07-15, 09:30 PM
Ya know, I am so disappointed with last week's fiasco I don't really care. It's sad.

+1. And I'm guessing a lot of ppl out there feel the same. It's heartbreaking to watch longtime players quit. Such beautiful bakeries too.

07-07-15, 09:43 PM
Yeah not enthused with this update at all.

07-08-15, 12:50 AM
Thanks, Spoons!

+1. And I'm guessing a lot of ppl out there feel the same. It's heartbreaking to watch longtime players quit. Such beautiful bakeries too.

Yeah not enthused with this update at all.


Be nice to have the new recipes on the basic oven/stove. I have "parts fatigue" from the past week.

07-08-15, 01:06 AM
I hope this time the goal doesn't require gems. :)
Oh well, only way to find out is to wait. If this update require gems I'm not doing future monthly goals.
Last weeks' was disappointing. :(

07-08-15, 01:47 AM
I hope this time the goal doesn't require gems. :)
Oh well, only way to find out is to wait. If this update require gems I'm not doing future monthly goals.
Last weeks' was disappointing. :(

I'm pretty sure some of these items will be for gems. It's just a normal update though so it's to be expected. It's totally different if it was a goal that needed gems.

07-08-15, 01:59 AM
I like it, it's cute! Better (more usable) than Americana stuff for us who don't live in the US. I hope that not a single thing costs gems.

07-08-15, 03:57 AM
All I care is the appliance better be for COINS! Let's just hope their brain is working right this round.

07-08-15, 04:31 AM
Haha i wouldn't be suprised if the oven is for gems.They just started lol. Not really into it.The updates are weird and not so pretty since a while,so my expentations are low.

07-08-15, 07:35 AM
Haha i wouldn't be suprised if the oven is for gems.They just started lol. Not really into it.The updates are weird and not so pretty since a while,so my expentations are low.

I agree, ever since the "new management" change the updates are ugly and less bakery related and there are more gem items now. I think this is a downhill slide with these games now. I hope they have a wake up call and get their act together or its going to be a sad ending. :(

07-08-15, 07:41 AM
I hope this time the goal doesn't require gems. :)
Oh well, only way to find out is to wait. If this update require gems I'm not doing future monthly goals.
Last weeks' was disappointing. :(

I doubt this is a goal. Goals were last week. There are usually 3-4 weeks between goals.

07-08-15, 08:22 AM
I think I'll pass...

07-08-15, 08:28 AM
Little House on the Bakery. :rolleyes:

07-08-15, 10:16 AM
I had no idea that's how people do that. I thought they copied and pasted every single message they wanted! Thanks for that, I learn something new everyday.

Ha! I also had no idea how to do that!

Thanks for the info! As others said, learn something new every day! :-)

Freakin AWESOME! Thank you for teaching us all this time saving tip �� Now I don't feel so....hur hur (ง? เ˚)ว"

Thanks, Spoons!

You're welcome everybody! I had no idea that was such a mystery. :)

Little House on the Bakery. :rolleyes:

hee! (although, shouldn't it be Little Bakery on the Prairie?)

07-08-15, 10:36 AM
Warning...the new oven in RS cost 5 gems! So looks like Storm8 will continue to be greedy Aholes!

07-08-15, 10:38 AM

07-08-15, 10:47 AM
Are you kidding me???? So, I assume the gem for goals will be in both RS and BS next month also.

07-08-15, 10:52 AM
Looks like I need to find new games, I'm not putting up with this. I'm sick of the change this new management has made. They will shoot themselves in the foot because unless you are wealthy you can't afford to keep buying gem packages to buy appliances and finish goals. Most players are NOT wealthy in this world. So this stupid business tactic will backfire.

07-08-15, 10:53 AM
Great! Let's put a rotten cherry on the already spoiled cake!

07-08-15, 10:54 AM
The oven is for 5 gems. I wouldn't waste your time

07-08-15, 10:56 AM
The oven is for 5 gems. I wouldn't waste your time

I know it will be too, I don't even want to open my game and look.

07-08-15, 11:01 AM
After using 25 gems skipping the gemed items for the goal and they are not getting another single penny or gem from me!!

07-08-15, 11:02 AM
It's not for gems....buy, buy, buy.....!!!!!

07-08-15, 11:04 AM
They brought back the little turtle guy for 18 gems

07-08-15, 11:06 AM
Never mind since the oven is for coins..........

kooky panda
07-08-15, 11:11 AM
Hey guys, I realize that many of you are upset.
Constructive feedback is welcome and also needed for the team to see, but please keep your language clean and also if you see your word was starred out by the word filter, please edit your post ( send me a message if you do not know how). Also please do not bypass the word filter.


07-08-15, 11:17 AM
I'm sorry this may make me a crappy neighbor but I am not sending out parts for this oven and I'm going to decline requests for them. I'm not going to aid and abet in this .

You know what....this is a great idea! Though, out of my 130 odd neighbors I dont think any asked for any parts from last months gem appliances. But if I see any, if the parts are new, then ill def decline. And my rating is about to get back up to a 4 because im about to visit everyone and implore them to please not buy that junk.

Ill happily keep mastering ovens from way last year.

I eat crow here and feel bad now for declining some parts and will now gift neighbors. But I won't accept it on RS!

07-08-15, 11:19 AM
The oven is for 5 gems. I wouldn't waste your time

What?:confused::eek: The Pioneer Oven for me is only $16,000 and I already bought 3 of them! To build them, you need 8 Oven Element & 8 Wagon Wheel.

07-08-15, 11:22 AM
Here is the update:

Pioneer Oven $16,000
Rustic Table $15,000
Rustic Chair $22,000
Horseshoes: 4 Gems
Covered Wagon: 25 Gems
Trail Treats: 55 Gems
Pioneer Camp: 75,000
Gray Arrows Wallpaper: 4,000
Pioneer Blue Tile: 6,200

07-08-15, 11:23 AM
What?:confused::eek: The Pioneer Oven for me is only $16,000 and I already bought 3 of them! To build them, you need 8 Oven Element & 8 Wagon Wheel.

In rs the oven costs 5 gems unfortanetly and I hope no one buys it either. Don't give into s8 greedy tactics people

07-08-15, 11:30 AM
Here is the update:

Pioneer Oven $16,000
Rustic Table $15,000
Rustic Chair $22,000
Horseshoes: 4 Gems
Covered Wagon: 25 Gems
Trail Treats: 55 Gems
Pioneer Camp: 75,000
Gray Arrows Wallpaper: 4,000
Pioneer Blue Tile: 6,200

Was it gems to start with or is it just the oven in RS that is for gems??? *confusion*

07-08-15, 11:30 AM
Oh my bad. I'm hoping the one in RS is an error!!

07-08-15, 11:31 AM
Well..at least the oven is for coins..

07-08-15, 11:42 AM
So it's for coins and not gems? Should I dump my rvc to check it out? =x

I'm having a mixed feeling when I saw the turtle. Happy to see they brought it back but still feeling upset with the last week update. *argh* :(

07-08-15, 11:45 AM
So it's for coins and not gems? Should I dump my rvc to check it out? =x

I'm having a mixed feeling when I saw the turtle. Happy to see they brought it back but still feeling upset with the last week update. *argh* :(

It's only 18,000 coins for oven so it's not bad here this week. They screwed last week here so they gave us a break and went for rs

07-08-15, 11:48 AM
In rs the oven costs 5 gems unfortanetly and I hope no one buys it either. Don't give into s8 greedy tactics people

Oh, Thank You, for clearing up the confusion! Big help!:)

07-08-15, 11:51 AM
It's only 18,000 coins for oven so it's not bad here this week. They screwed last week here so they gave us a break and went for rs

Lol, it will be bs turn next week and vice versa.

Anyone done with the new appliance? Are there 3 recipes on it or??

07-08-15, 11:54 AM
Lol, it will be bs turn next week and vice versa.

Anyone done with the new appliance? Are there 3 recipes on it or??

Yeah there's a 3 hour, 6 hour and 9 hour recipes.

07-08-15, 11:59 AM
Here are the new recipes

07-08-15, 12:01 PM
Here are the new recipes

And good quantities. I still hate new parts. It'll take me a week before I can start cooking.

07-08-15, 12:06 PM
IN THIS i'M BUYING ONLY OVENS AND CHAIRS AND TABLES.NOTHING ELSE! not even pioneer camp witch is in conis. and I have to say I hate what are thay doing to this game,really sad about RS.....everything is in gems for this update!

07-08-15, 12:14 PM
Here are the new recipes

thay are pretty cute,looking nice!

07-08-15, 12:23 PM
Wacks, not bakery or even seasonal related. Skipping this week too....

07-08-15, 12:33 PM
I've just bought the coin items. I don't think the large display is worth 55 gems. I would have paid 35. And the covered wagon is way too small. There's no way that even 1 of the cowboys could fit inside.

07-08-15, 01:01 PM
Looks like S8 wants to go on another trip to Hawaii or something. The perks they get with their job, you think they'd want to keep making money, not just make so money now and scare everyone away from the game. They'll never get new, long-term players if everyone is too expensive to buy/use. I've been playing for years, i'm level 99 and i'm struggling with the high prices as well, so if I am, I can just imagine how the lower level players feel. I have nothing good to say about this update or last weeks. I have nothing good to say about S8 at this time. I really expect an apology or at least an explanation from them. Just think everyone, we'll have the last laugh when they go bankrupt or start laying off people and lose everything, because it'll happen eventually if they keep these charades up. And that's the last thing I want. I don't want anyone to lose their jobs or see a company go under, I just hope they get their heads out of their you know what's soon, otherwise I don't see anything good coming for this company, these people, or these games.

07-08-15, 01:02 PM
I like this update! Kinda goes with the Texas theme!
Love the campfire! Tiles and wallpaper doesn't make much sense though to me.


07-08-15, 01:04 PM
Such a shame that the large display is 55 gems. It is really cute but I won't be buying it.

07-08-15, 01:12 PM

Oven Elements AGAIN?!?! This is what, the third appliance in a row that needs them? Geez guys, give us a break already. I've finally received enough to build the Rainbow Ovens if/when Android gets the new version notification, and now I need more. :mad:

07-08-15, 01:34 PM
I've been playing rs and bs since they first came out. And the game has changed a lot it's def not the same. They need to quit changing it and keep it the same goals should always be for coins not gems. And updates should be coins for something like recipes not for gems.

07-08-15, 02:48 PM
Just want to put my two cents in. I don't like the idea of using gems for goals, but if you want this game and RS to stick around they have to make some money. The staff and internet servers etc. are not free. So some support from us is needed. I bought gems in both games for the sale price of $13.99. I use most of my gems for expansion but have used some on ovens in past two months. Been playing since Jan. I used to play a golf game on my desktop, great game, played it for almost two years. After time no one was buying extras so they closed and ended the game. So once in awhile you need to support Storm8 with even a little real $$$ or this game we love will be gone!

07-08-15, 02:51 PM
Just want to put my two cents in. I don't like the idea of using gems for goals, but if you want this game and RS to stick around they have to make some money. The staff and internet servers etc. are not free. So some support from us is needed. I bought gems in both games for the sale price of $13.99. I use most of my gems for expansion but have used some on ovens in past two months. Been playing since Jan. I used to play a golf game on my desktop, great game, played it for almost two years. After time no one was buying extras so they closed and ended the game. So once in awhile you need to support Storm8 with even a little real $$$ or this game we love will be gone!

This is just inaccurate if you are talking about S8.

07-08-15, 03:50 PM
Just want to put my two cents in. I don't like the idea of using gems for goals, but if you want this game and RS to stick around they have to make some money. The staff and internet servers etc. are not free. So some support from us is needed. I bought gems in both games for the sale price of $13.99. I use most of my gems for expansion but have used some on ovens in past two months. Been playing since Jan. I used to play a golf game on my desktop, great game, played it for almost two years. After time no one was buying extras so they closed and ended the game. So once in awhile you need to support Storm8 with even a little real $$$ or this game we love will be gone!

Im not trying to be rude but are you a new player? Because the original Teamlava (now Storm8) has been around since at least 2008-2009. WE spend money on gems. Or else they would have folded years ago. No one is saying make everything free. They make more than enough money off of us. IF ever they have problems paying bills and keeping their employees happy it isnt because we are being stingy with our money. Its because they got too big for their britches and tried to make themselves too fancy, as if they are google, will alienating their customers who keep the lights on, before they grew into a company with 1 billion downloads.

We arent hurting them. They are hurting themselves. They may have a lot of downloads, but not everyone spends money on gems. People buying gems here and there to help support (the little guy) wont get them far. Its the players who bought gems for four or more games every month, thats their bread and butter. If they continue they literally may be forced to survive on bread and butter. Because im seeing these mega hundreds of dollars per month players, the huge gamers from Asia to America packing up and quitting.

Instead of opening up some old boxes for summer, they instead charge gems again for an appliance on RS and give us one ugly turtle on bakery. Its as if they want to fail.

07-08-15, 04:23 PM
Just want to put my two cents in. I don't like the idea of using gems for goals, but if you want this game and RS to stick around they have to make some money. The staff and internet servers etc. are not free. So some support from us is needed. I bought gems in both games for the sale price of $13.99. I use most of my gems for expansion but have used some on ovens in past two months. Been playing since Jan. I used to play a golf game on my desktop, great game, played it for almost two years. After time no one was buying extras so they closed and ended the game. So once in awhile you need to support Storm8 with even a little real $$$ or this game we love will be gone!
Why don't you do some research about storm8 instead of talking from your behind spitting out nonsense.

Why don't you go donate money to the kardashisns as well they desperately need the money about as much as s8 does.

07-08-15, 04:47 PM
Why don't you do some research about storm8 instead of talking from your behind spitting out nonsense.

Why don't you go donate money to the kardashisns as well they desperately need the money about as much as s8 does.

First of all, I'm not new and a level 99. Your response is very immature and plain old rude. I was just stating my opinion! It's called freedom of speech! And trust me, without any support at all from us, the player, they have no need for the game. Like I stated, I've seen it happen before. So it's not nonsense and I'm not talking out my _________! Get real and grow up. Thank you!

07-08-15, 05:19 PM
Steve, storm 8 has a lovely blog that you may enjoy reading :)

07-08-15, 05:31 PM
The plot thickens. I'm going to need some 12 gem popcorn.

That made me lol for real.

07-08-15, 05:54 PM
The plot thickens. I'm going to need some 12 gem popcorn.


07-08-15, 06:13 PM
What they need to do in my opinion is.....1st: Start listening to players. That's more than half the problem. 2nd: If they want more money....then make the decor extravagant, something that blows our mind so we want to buy gems. Not just give us mediocre items. 3rd: Don't force us to spend gems (I'm talking about goals) that just infuriates people. Stop making the ovens for gems ( the purpose of the game is to bake stuff ) I use to buy gems all the time, but lately the lack luster of items isn't worth it. So if this company is hurting for money ( I don't think so ) then they should blame themselves. I'm fully aware that companies need to make money, however they are going about it the wrong way.....IMO

07-08-15, 06:38 PM
What they need to do in my opinion is.....1st: Start listening to players. That's more than half the problem. 2nd: If they want more money....then make the decor extravagant, something that blows our mind so we want to buy gems. Not just give us mediocre items. 3rd: Don't force us to spend gems (I'm talking about goals) that just infuriates people. Stop making the ovens for gems ( the purpose of the game is to bake stuff ) I use to buy gems all the time, but lately the lack luster of items isn't worth it. So if this company is hurting for money ( I don't think so ) then they should blame themselves. I'm fully aware that companies need to make money, however they are going about it the wrong way.....IMO

100% in agreement with everything you just said. My thoughts exactly.

07-08-15, 06:38 PM
It is nice that this update is mostly for coins, maybe 55 gems for the large decor is quite expensive, but at least you have the choice of not buying it and it won't hurt your game.

07-08-15, 06:44 PM
What they need to do in my opinion is.....1st: Start listening to players. That's more than half the problem. 2nd: If they want more money....then make the decor extravagant, something that blows our mind so we want to buy gems. Not just give us mediocre items. 3rd: Don't force us to spend gems (I'm talking about goals) that just infuriates people. Stop making the ovens for gems ( the purpose of the game is to bake stuff ) I use to buy gems all the time, but lately the lack luster of items isn't worth it. So if this company is hurting for money ( I don't think so ) then they should blame themselves. I'm fully aware that companies need to make money, however they are going about it the wrong way.....IMO

Write this down, S8!

07-08-15, 06:57 PM
Yes I don't understand. They have pages and pages of suggestions of items people would like to have and they ignore it. I mean did tons of players ever suggest that they would love to have a cowboy campfire and conastoga wagons in their bakery???????

07-08-15, 07:00 PM
Little House on the Bakery. :rolleyes:

Lol, funny

07-08-15, 07:20 PM
Yes I don't understand. They have pages and pages of suggestions of items people would like to have and they ignore it. I mean did tons of players ever suggest that they would love to have a cowboy campfire and conastoga wagons in their bakery???????

Does Yosemite Sam count? He's quasi famous.

07-08-15, 07:46 PM
Here is the update:

Pioneer Oven $16,000
Rustic Table $15,000
Rustic Chair $22,000
Horseshoes: 4 Gems
Covered Wagon: 25 Gems
Trail Treats: 55 Gems
Pioneer Camp: 75,000
Gray Arrows Wallpaper: 4,000
Pioneer Blue Tile: 6,200

07-08-15, 10:13 PM
Does anyone know if the Turtle Vacationer is an LTO? He's 18 gems, and my daughters both want one for their bakeries, and I was curious if they had time to save up for him? Thanks in advance! :-)

07-08-15, 10:32 PM
What they need to do in my opinion is.....1st: Start listening to players. That's more than half the problem. 2nd: If they want more money....then make the decor extravagant, something that blows our mind so we want to buy gems. Not just give us mediocre items. 3rd: Don't force us to spend gems (I'm talking about goals) that just infuriates people. Stop making the ovens for gems ( the purpose of the game is to bake stuff ) I use to buy gems all the time, but lately the lack luster of items isn't worth it. So if this company is hurting for money ( I don't think so ) then they should blame themselves. I'm fully aware that companies need to make money, however they are going about it the wrong way.....IMO

I was half expecting 4th: give us a 1x1 popcorn for coins ;)

Well said!~ :)

07-08-15, 10:37 PM
Does anyone know if the Turtle Vacationer is an LTO? He's 18 gems, and my daughters both want one for their bakeries, and I was curious if they had time to save up for him? Thanks in advance! :-)

5 day timer on the Turtle Vacationer.

07-08-15, 11:00 PM
WTH, the trail treats display is quite expensive. 55 gems???

07-09-15, 04:45 AM
Let's face it, things started to go downhill with the Black Friday sale. They asked us what we wanted and delivered absolute poop. Since then the updates have been very disappointing. I used to buy gems at an alarming rate. I used to get excited to play this game. I never minded spending money on quality items. Now, I open my game once a day. I gift my neighbors, start RVC and close the game. I haven't redecorated in months. It's really sad because I used to love this game and looked forward to playing it. I have lost at least 10 neighbors since goals came out because they quit playing the game.

07-09-15, 05:23 AM
The Black Friday sale wasn't bad at all. Usually they stink on restaurant but last year they knocked it out of this park. Especially with offering the 1st place from the bakers box and those Xmas items. They should have done well because so many of us went crazy with being doubles of everything. Same with RS. The ice cream box items were a hit! And on fashion there weren't too many duds. Now 2 years ago is another story.

This year, I can't even think about it anymore. I'll just keep saving gems and see what happens. But they would be wise to dig deep and go back to 2009-2010 to pull some stuff out to wow us. To make up the money they will surely lose each month from now on with their foolishness.

07-09-15, 05:33 AM
122 posts on the new update thread and most of them still sore about last weeks pay to play identity crisis. S8 you really stepped in it this time. I told you that "we'll take this into consideration for the future" apporach wasn't gonna cut it. You've wounded your die hard player base with your blatant money grab. It's all we can talk about - especially since the update and lto this week are lack luster. You need to turn this thing around. My neighbors are still talking about leaving the game. I am ready to rate your apps and leave comments on the play store. This is not going away. I cant believe the turtle vacationer lto - you didn't even try to make it up to us.

07-09-15, 05:44 AM
The Black Friday sale wasn't bad at all. Usually they stink on restaurant but last year they knocked it out of this park. Especially with offering the 1st place from the bakers box and those Xmas items. They should have done well because so many of us went crazy with being doubles of everything. Same with RS. The ice cream box items were a hit! And on fashion there weren't too many duds. Now 2 years ago is another story.

This year, I can't even think about it anymore. I'll just keep saving gems and see what happens. But they would be wise to dig deep and go back to 2009-2010 to pull some stuff out to wow us. To make up the money they will surely lose each month from now on with their foolishness.
maybe I have my years mixed up - my memory isn't what it used to be, but wasn't it last year's black friday sale that sucked it up? I think the thread went 57 pages long or something like that. It was all stuff that was just previously offered and tables without chairs or maybe it was chairs without tables... I think it was dismal. We really let TL have a piece of our mind then they gave us a Christmas sale. Wasn't that last year?

07-09-15, 05:56 AM
maybe I have my years mixed up - my memory isn't what it used to be, but wasn't it last year's black friday sale that sucked it up? I think the thread went 57 pages long or something like that. It was all stuff that was just previously offered and tables without chairs or maybe it was chairs without tables... I think it was dismal. We really let TL have a piece of our mind then they gave us a Christmas sale. Wasn't that last year?

It was absolutely last years sale. Exactly, tables without chairs. The thread was massive on it.

07-09-15, 06:00 AM
Just want to put my two cents in. I don't like the idea of using gems for goals, but if you want this game and RS to stick around they have to make some money. The staff and internet servers etc. are not free. So some support from us is needed. I bought gems in both games for the sale price of $13.99. I use most of my gems for expansion but have used some on ovens in past two months. Been playing since Jan. I used to play a golf game on my desktop, great game, played it for almost two years. After time no one was buying extras so they closed and ended the game. So once in awhile you need to support Storm8 with even a little real $$$ or this game we love will be gone!
Here we go with the 'everybody should chip something in if we want this game to stick around' thing again. That's not how the free app with optional in app purchases business model works! The problem isn't with the customers. Repeatedly many of us have said that we dont mind buying gems. The problem is with S8 holding vital game content like goals and ovens (again I ask the question: without ovens and goals what is there to play?) randsom for gems. It's double dipping! It's S8 having an identity crisis NOT the fault of the players at all!

07-09-15, 06:46 AM
It was absolutely last years sale. Exactly, tables without chairs. The thread was massive on it.

You're right, I went back and checked. Black Friday itself was abysmal but then they came back for Xmas and turned it around.

07-09-15, 06:46 AM
... Its as if they want to fail.

Yes, exactly. The old "ready, fire, aim" school of business development.

07-09-15, 06:55 AM
Here we go with the 'everybody should chip something in if we want this game to stick around' thing again. That's not how the free app with optional in app purchases business model works! The problem isn't with the customers. Repeatedly many of us have said that we dont mind buying gems. The problem is with S8 holding vital game content like goals and ovens (again I ask the question: without ovens and goals what is there to play?) randsom for gems. It's double dipping! It's S8 having an identity crisis NOT the fault of the players at all!


07-09-15, 07:11 AM
The new appliance is the only thing I am looking forward to in this update. Although I would prefer new recipes to be added to the basic oven instead of new ovens.
I wish I was still doing goals...I just can't bring myself to do it on principle.

Same here... I wish I could be doing them - and I have exactly 42 gems saved! But it is a matter of principle. No goals for gems!:(

07-09-15, 08:36 AM
What they need to do in my opinion is.....1st: Start listening to players. That's more than half the problem. 2nd: If they want more money....then make the decor extravagant, something that blows our mind so we want to buy gems. Not just give us mediocre items. 3rd: Don't force us to spend gems (I'm talking about goals) that just infuriates people. Stop making the ovens for gems ( the purpose of the game is to bake stuff ) I use to buy gems all the time, but lately the lack luster of items isn't worth it. So if this company is hurting for money ( I don't think so ) then they should blame themselves. I'm fully aware that companies need to make money, however they are going about it the wrong way.....IMO

Yes, I agree!!!

kooky panda
07-09-15, 10:14 AM
Please note, that some posts have been removed. When posting, please be nice and civil with each other.


07-09-15, 12:09 PM
I want more rainbow stuff! Why not stuff from the candy box? I want the molasses marsh. Or new recipes on the ice cream maker? So many summer things to give and I kept staring at the turtle and it's just too blah to be the LTO. Why not a huge summer sale like the valentines one?

07-09-15, 12:18 PM
I want more rainbow stuff! Why not stuff from the candy box? I want the molasses marsh. Or new recipes on the ice cream maker? So many summer things to give and I kept staring at the turtle and it's just too blah to be the LTO. Why not a huge summer sale like the valentines one?

The candy box got removed from the game which I was gutted about because I so wanted the mint tree :( but I do agree with you
There is not much summer items in the game

07-09-15, 01:33 PM
The only thing I like about this update is the oven for coins.

07-09-15, 01:49 PM
This is eh. I love last week's content. Too bad it was goals held hostage for a 42 gem randsom.

That is so the best way to describe it!

07-09-15, 02:02 PM
The candy box got removed from the game which I was gutted about because I so wanted the mint tree :( but I do agree with you
There is not much summer items in the game

I know...that's why those items would make sense unlike turtle time. Those mint trees are amazing! And those The Lorax type fuzzy lamps. I lucked out and got 2 second prize gifts and was too paranoid to open the box again. Almost everything in it was amazing. I'd really like those trees and lamps too. Or more rainbow items. Western is such a Huge letdown after that update.

07-09-15, 05:48 PM
Don't even bother unless you have 40+ gems to blow on the goal. This one is a total rip off. Most players I know have refused to play through it. Some even closed their bakeries and left the game.

07-09-15, 06:05 PM
What they need to do in my opinion is.....1st: Start listening to players. That's more than half the problem. 2nd: If they want more money....then make the decor extravagant, something that blows our mind so we want to buy gems. Not just give us mediocre items. 3rd: Don't force us to spend gems (I'm talking about goals) that just infuriates people. Stop making the ovens for gems ( the purpose of the game is to bake stuff ) I use to buy gems all the time, but lately the lack luster of items isn't worth it. So if this company is hurting for money ( I don't think so ) then they should blame themselves. I'm fully aware that companies need to make money, however they are going about it the wrong way.....IMO

So true. Playrix Township is great for that. They ask players questions on their FB page then actually give them what they ask for and more. Their players are fiercely loyal because they listen. And judging by some of the town's I see people are spending money happily. S8 could really learn a thing or two from that company. BS and RS used to be my favorite games but I've become a huge fan of Playrix in the last year.

07-10-15, 11:13 AM
They brought back the Lucky Fountain from CNY 2012!!!! It's available in the limited value pack offer(3 days timer). Which include two pandas and two jade horse too. :D Did android player get this too??

07-10-15, 11:16 AM
I can't seem to open the thing to see the offer.

07-10-15, 11:18 AM
I can't seem to open the thing to see the offer.

Try restarting your device. :)

07-10-15, 11:25 AM
Try restarting your device. :)

Worked perfectly. Thanks!

07-10-15, 11:26 AM
Yet another, ios money is better than android money, offer. I mean there must be a difference in the two currencies, right? ;)

07-10-15, 11:29 AM
i don't know why i'm asking, as it's just another thing that will make me mad, but can a kind iOS player share a pic? and how much does it cost? (i like to know whether or not i would have bought it, had i been able to.)

07-10-15, 11:35 AM
i don't know why i'm asking, as it's just another thing that will make me mad, but can a kind iOS player share a pic? and how much does it cost? (i like to know whether or not i would have bought it, had i been able to.)


07-10-15, 11:47 AM

i bought it XD love u s8!!!! now if only i can figure out a way to put it in rs lol

07-10-15, 12:02 PM
Why do only IOS players get this stuff??? Fine I will spend my 20.00 in that Township game someone recommended, they don't appear to hate android players.

07-10-15, 01:02 PM
super cute! and an example of how to get people to spend money without destroying the game, too!

thx for pic, jill :)

07-10-15, 03:38 PM
I so want that lucky fountain ......

07-10-15, 03:41 PM
I could be wrong but I think the reasons behind ios getting packages and not android users was because a few years ago if android signed in everyday for a week then they would get an item for free worth gems and ios never received anything.

07-10-15, 03:44 PM
http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj518/JasEllaOx/2015-07-10%2023.42.38_zps3qm0snnx.png (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/JasEllaOx/media/2015-07-10%2023.42.38_zps3qm0snnx.png.html) this is what I was on about

07-10-15, 03:58 PM
I could be wrong but I think the reasons behind ios getting packages and not android users was because a few years ago if android signed in everyday for a week then they would get an item for free worth gems and ios never received anything.

for that to be true, you would have to assign motives such as evenhandedness and fairness to S8, and i don't think you could do that, even if the android benefit you're speaking of hadn't been years ago. don't get me wrong, i'm not pro-"android only" benefits either, despite that being my platform. but in all likelihood, what they offered to android and not iOS years ago was because at the time iOS had a great many benefits over android--the ability to do goals, and i think a lot more decoration as well, from what other long-time players have posted. so you can't call any benefits iOS is now receiving makeup for something that was originally a makeup for android.

why android doesn't get packages is presumably, as everyone always says, because it's harder to design for a system that runs on many devices, unlike iOS which only runs on a few. personally, i think it's a lackluster excuse at best, but i don't have access to their data, maybe iOS users account for 95% of their players and deekathleen and i are in a vocal minority so they're not fussed about it.

but i do receive package sales in castle and dragon story, so i don't think the android functionality is beyond them at this point, so i don't see why i'm not getting these offers. of course, now that i'm no longer willing to spend money on these games and their evil gem goals & ovens, it shouldn't really matter to me. (but it still does. i hate to let things go.)

07-10-15, 04:45 PM
Programming for android is haaaaard and I wanna play basketball with the other programmers, whaaa.

07-10-15, 04:55 PM
What they need to do in my opinion is.....1st: Start listening to players. That's more than half the problem. 2nd: If they want more money....then make the decor extravagant, something that blows our mind so we want to buy gems. Not just give us mediocre items. 3rd: Don't force us to spend gems (I'm talking about goals) that just infuriates people. Stop making the ovens for gems ( the purpose of the game is to bake stuff ) I use to buy gems all the time, but lately the lack luster of items isn't worth it. So if this company is hurting for money ( I don't think so ) then they should blame themselves. I'm fully aware that companies need to make money, however they are going about it the wrong way.....IMO

Well said! Like I said earlier - I like spending my gems on decor. Halloween and Christmas are my big two. The recent midsummer pool in RS is the one I'm currently considering and I forked out for the Korean Garden. They are beautiful! But the current gem items aren't the same in terms of design - they're more cartoonish or something.

07-10-15, 05:09 PM
http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj518/JasEllaOx/2015-07-10%2023.42.38_zps3qm0snnx.png (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/JasEllaOx/media/2015-07-10%2023.42.38_zps3qm0snnx.png.html) this is what I was on about

I remember this. This was Googles doing and not teamlava and IOS players were ticked off! I was on android at the time and was dudes, yall have goals, suck it! I wish they'd do something like that again. It was awesome!

I can't believe they brought back the lucky fountain, I've always wanted it! Always! Way to play hardball, dork faces.

07-10-15, 05:11 PM
http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj518/JasEllaOx/2015-07-10%2023.42.38_zps3qm0snnx.png (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/JasEllaOx/media/2015-07-10%2023.42.38_zps3qm0snnx.png.html) this is what I was on about

This was a long time ago...like 3 or 4 years ago...Hasn't been anything like that since.

07-10-15, 05:29 PM
I remember this. This was Googles doing and not teamlava and IOS players were ticked off! I was on android at the time and was dudes, yall have goals, suck it! I wish they'd do something like that again. It was awesome!

I can't believe they brought back the lucky fountain, I've always wanted it! Always! Way to play hardball, dork faces.

have we lost you already, orleansparish? shortest boyctt ever!

07-10-15, 05:36 PM
http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj518/JasEllaOx/2015-07-10%2023.42.38_zps3qm0snnx.png (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/JasEllaOx/media/2015-07-10%2023.42.38_zps3qm0snnx.png.html) this is what I was on about

ahhh man i want this deal!!! u guys are so lucky

07-10-15, 05:58 PM
I can't believe I didn't get to buy this fountain which I've always wanted, never had. Sucks! :(

Happy for those who got it.

07-10-15, 06:35 PM
http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj518/JasEllaOx/2015-07-10%2023.42.38_zps3qm0snnx.png (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/JasEllaOx/media/2015-07-10%2023.42.38_zps3qm0snnx.png.html) this is what I was on about

Wow, that had to be ages ago because I've been playing 3 & 1/2 + years, and I've never seen anything like that on Android.

07-10-15, 07:19 PM
have we lost you already, orleansparish? shortest boyctt ever!

Nope! I decided an hour ago that I wasn't giving them any money. As much as I like this fountain they don't deserve it. I'll survive without it.

07-10-15, 10:14 PM
First the hard at work bundle which did not seem to discern ios from android but wasnt offered to all and now this bundle for ios only...wow. I have no words for the special kind of pissed off I feel. I don't get any special offers (a honorable and creative way to make money) but I can get my gems jacked by goals. I am good enough for that.

07-11-15, 12:19 AM
Does anyone have the CNY items yet? Can you please post a picture? I need help deciding.

Re the current goals and requiring gems to purchase etc. I don't see why people are so upset. There are some passionate players here!

No one is forcing anyone to spend gems. You don't need to do all goals to progress in the game. Lots of people skip goals all the time if they don't like the goal prizes. How is this goal any different? You don't want to spend gems, then don't do the goal. You don't need to buy every oven available to progress in the game either. You don't need to spend gems period.

07-11-15, 01:09 AM

Not bad I've been wanting something you could get if u bought gems not quite what I was hoping but I'm on android Could use my nephews iphone and buy but promised myself in till goals are for coins for two months I'm not going to buy gems anymore not cause I think it will make a difference but because it's not fair to people who don't buy gems to have to pay gems for goals.i get some items need to be for gems cause without them there would be no game but there's other ways.but all in all this is a nice idea like couple years ago when you got a exclusive item for buying gems it's good marketing people bought gems just to get items.

07-11-15, 01:46 AM
I personally don't think it's fair on people that have already spent their money to buy gems. We have to keep our gems and fork out more money to buy these displays. I'd much rather use the gems that I already have. I have over 300 gems that I have bought/earned but instead I have to pay 7.99 English pounds (it's not showing the pound sign for some reason). That works out to $12.40.

07-11-15, 01:50 AM
I personally don't think it's fair on people that have already spent their money to buy gems. We have to keep our gems and fork out more money to buy these displays. I'd much rather use the gems that I already have. I have over 300 gems that I have bought/earned but instead I have to pay 7.99 English pounds (it's not showing the pound sign for some reason). That works out to $12.40.

It gets converted when you buy it so it would be ?6.31 not $9.99 i really want this fountain

07-11-15, 02:24 AM
It gets converted when you buy it so it would be ?6.31 not $9.99 i really want this fountain

No it doesn't get converted. The price that is shown is 7.99 English pounds. So it is $12.40. It's always been more expensive. No idea why.

07-11-15, 02:42 AM
No it doesn't get converted. The price that is shown is 7.99 English pounds. So it is $12.40. It's always been more expensive. No idea why.

I just borrowed my friends iPhone to make this purchase and it showed 7.99 in British pounds. I love this fountain but it's only a 3x3 hmm.

07-11-15, 02:42 AM
I'm being charged $12.99AUD for this CNY package. Normal price is $24.99AUD apparently.

07-11-15, 02:43 AM
At least with the previous package, it include 50 gems on top of the 4x4 display!

07-11-15, 10:42 AM
At least with the previous package, it include 50 gems on top of the 4x4 display!

They had to offer gems. To make up for the fact that that display was ugly.

07-11-15, 10:59 AM
I do wish they would add more summer items in the game because there isn't hardly anything and add another summer themed box

07-11-15, 04:57 PM
That's a bit harsh. I don't think it was ugly at all. It looks fantastic in my bakery! And it's a real baking scene display. For the first time in 3.5 years of playing, my entire bakery actually looks like a real bakery for once.

They had to offer gems. To make up for the fact that that display was ugly.

07-11-15, 06:03 PM
That's a bit harsh. I don't think it was ugly at all. It looks fantastic in my bakery! And it's a real baking scene display. For the first time in 3.5 years of playing, my entire bakery actually looks like a real bakery for once.

It isn't harsh, just my opinion, as I'd expect something not offered in a box or LTO and to a few players to have more of a decorative edge. It reminds me of the first place kitchen from restaurant story that I do have, but something unfinished. I'm always up for new items, but when I saw that I took a second look and didn't think of it again.

07-12-15, 12:43 PM
I personally don't think it's fair on people that have already spent their money to buy gems. We have to keep our gems and fork out more money to buy these displays. I'd much rather use the gems that I already have.

Well, so would a ton of players who've never spent money on the game. I actually like the plan where those who pay for the existence of the game receive a benefit that those who play for free don't. It's a much better class system than ios/ android. And an immeasurably better incentive than gem goals.

Although I did prefer the decor/gem combo to an all-decor package. And if there were a way to do it that offered the package, for gems, to any player who had made a money purchase within the last three months, I think that would be the best of all worlds.

07-12-15, 02:02 PM
Well, so would a ton of players who've never spent money on the game. I actually like the plan where those who pay for the existence of the game receive a benefit that those who play for free don't. It's a much better class system than ios/ android. And an immeasurably better incentive than gem goals.

Although I did prefer the decor/gem combo to an all-decor package. And if there were a way to do it that offered the package, for gems, to any player who had made a money purchase within the last three months, I think that would be the best of all worlds.

I would buy more gems if it came with an exclusive decor that people who only use free gems didn't get.

07-12-15, 03:53 PM
Does anyone know why they took the blocking button away and HOW I should go about blocking someone on Bakery Story?
I feel unsafe now.
ALL of my neighbors were just victims in online bullying and spamming.
With the new update, I guess now it's okay For people to post (until there aren't any other posts but theirs) things like "**** yourself"

What was TeamLava thinking taking that option away with all of the young users?

So the question is HOW do I go about resolving this one? How do you report someone? How can I prevent this from happening without a block button?

Seriously considering deleting if the app now with the update.

07-12-15, 05:28 PM
I completed the Rocket oven goal and Banner oven goal and after spending so many gems on goals and display, I Was rewarded FLOWER TROPHY for FREE Under FLORAL BOUQUET
So this Flower Trophy is so precious. Not sure how many gems we must spend in order to get this Flower Trophy?

07-12-15, 06:58 PM
Is this the same thread that was almost 80 pages long?

07-12-15, 07:08 PM
I completed the Rocket oven goal and Banner oven goal and after spending so many gems on goals and display, I Was rewarded FLOWER TROPHY for FREE Under FLORAL BOUQUET
So this Flower Trophy is so precious. Not sure how many gems we must spend in order to get this Flower Trophy?

I don't think the flower trophy is to do with the goal, it has to do with buying wallpaper.

07-12-15, 07:26 PM
I completed the Rocket oven goal and Banner oven goal and after spending so many gems on goals and display, I Was rewarded FLOWER TROPHY for FREE Under FLORAL BOUQUET
So this Flower Trophy is so precious. Not sure how many gems we must spend in order to get this Flower Trophy?

You must have bought gem wall decor or gem wallpaper or something. You do not get the Floral Bouquet for completing the goal.

07-12-15, 09:04 PM
Does anyone know why they took the blocking button away and HOW I should go about blocking someone on Bakery Story?
I feel unsafe now.
ALL of my neighbors were just victims in online bullying and spamming.
With the new update, I guess now it's okay For people to post (until there aren't any other posts but theirs) things like "**** yourself"

What was TeamLava thinking taking that option away with all of the young users?

So the question is HOW do I go about resolving this one? How do you report someone? How can I prevent this from happening without a block button?

Seriously considering deleting if the app now with the update.
Keep an eye on this thread for updates on these issues... (PM also sent with link)

07-13-15, 12:13 AM
Is this the same thread that was almost 80 pages long?

No, I was wondering where that went earlier today. It's not stickied, so it's further down the list, but still around.

07-13-15, 03:17 PM
lol - soooo much to figure out

07-13-15, 03:19 PM
is this a new goal? I do not see it any place and I get new goal message but nothing on the list.

I keep getting wagon wheel gifts but nothing to use them on

it's not a goal, there's just a new Pioneer Oven, which should be at the front of your appliances tab, unless you're at a beginner level and it hasn't unlocked yet. it requires 8 wagon wheels (and also 8 oven elements) to build it.

07-13-15, 03:31 PM
it's not a goal, there's just a new Pioneer Oven, which should be at the front of your appliances tab, unless you're at a beginner level and it hasn't unlocked yet. it requires 8 wagon wheels (and also 8 oven elements) to build it.

LOL - i see now.... only at lvl 37 - not enough space for another oven yet .... guess i will settle for just one in the meantime.


07-13-15, 04:02 PM
no problem! also, just as an FYI, if you're not currently baking anything on an oven, you can store it and then you'll have a free slot to buy a different kind of oven, such as the pioneer one. you don't have to wait until you've leveled up and gotten another slot if you don't want to.

07-13-15, 05:50 PM
I already buy gems but I would buy even more gems if this was the case too! I'm all up for exclusive content that you can only buy with bought gems.

I would buy more gems if it came with an exclusive decor that people who only use free gems didn't get.