View Full Version : Missing gems.

07-05-15, 01:15 PM
Went to bed last night with 23-24 gems. Woke up this morning to only 1 gem. What happened?

07-05-15, 03:34 PM
You need to email storm8 and they will look into your account. They won't issue a refund if say for example: "food spoilt recover with gems" or so on..

07-05-15, 03:47 PM
I know that isn't the case. I threw out all the spoiled food this morning. It was there last night when I closed the game. When I opened this morning I only had 1. I have emailed them. Just posted here to see if I'm the only one or if there's an issue. Thank you.

07-06-15, 11:16 AM
Sorry to hear about that! You will need to email support@storm8.com so we can have someone take a look at your account and assist you.