View Full Version : can't buy the BBQ Stove

07-02-15, 03:57 PM
Hi Everyone,
I am unable to purchase the BBQ Stove.
I also keep having other issues with RS and BS,
version 1.7.6
which started on June 25 or 26.
with most of the screen very large.
The Menus being blown up extremely large and out of proportion
overlapping thing.
Plus can't rotate it, is in landscape.
I keep trying to force close and still does not seem to help.
Thank you very much for all help,

07-02-15, 04:33 PM
Did you buy the wallpaper and tiles and get the five sparklers first?

07-02-15, 04:53 PM
These issues have been going on since last Friday with the RS app update. Why it hasn't been resolved yet is anybody's guess. There is a whole thread dedicated to them:

07-03-15, 04:21 PM
I have the same problem and I did complete the prior challenge (wallpaper and tiles and sparklers). Why didn't the BBQ stove unlock?