View Full Version : Yippee - - - Another Tourney - - - NOT

06-30-15, 02:04 PM
I used to like Tournaments in FFS and DS. It was a bit of the challenge trying to see which of my limited area of creatures and dragons were closest to the big-*** creatures recommended by "experts". I have terrible luck with breeding. Before today I have never bred a Diamond/Crystal creature/dragon or any of the hybrids on my games. I began playing both games since they came out (took a break from DS when I became frustrated with breeding issues, coin shortages, etc.), so I have done a lot of breeding on my family's assorted games. I bred 1 diamond dragon on my husband's game just after he began to play. Oof I am just nattering on, so here is the point. I rarely go out except for Doctor visits so I tend to spend my "entertainment budget" on games and streaming programming on the telly. We now have some decent dragons/creatures, but it now seems that since investing in this game nothing makes any difference in either game. Everything is chance. How else can a Level 1 Common Pyro Pony take out a Level 15 Glacial Griffin that is supposed to be "Super" Rare? On my game I decided to use a Level 15 Steamtrunk and got a Critical Hit and thought, "Cool, I got this", but it only took off a wee bit of the life bar. I was left with just a smidgen of life when I attacked it for the THIRD time. Seriously TL/S8 you now require a Critical Hit followed by 2 Strong Attacks to **** a LEVEL 1 COMMON? WTH? How can I hope to beat a Level 20 COMMON (oh wait, they are never in the tourneys anymore) much less a LEVEL 20 Ultra Rare? I need a reason to keep playing, but instead you keep pushing us away.