View Full Version : Help on level 284

06-29-15, 05:58 PM
Hi there, I've been stuck on this level for ages: I read several tips but no way. I am able to go through the 2 first chains with no problems, then it's impossible for me to pass the third one without popping Poison Bubbles and of course, every time, I run out of bubbles for achieving the last stage. Other thing: on the last stage, I do not understand that hitting the stars, pops also the poison bubbles?? Cheers.

06-30-15, 11:50 AM
Wait, are you sure you're naming the right level? I don't see any chains in 284...

For me, Level 284 is sort of a snowflake shape of bubbles, light switches, unlit bubbles, and snowcapped bubbles. (With spiders.)

06-30-15, 01:11 PM
Thanks for your message, I'm wrong: it's level 283! Sorry