View Full Version : new update for ios

06-26-15, 04:02 AM
did u guys see the new update? we can watch vids now to get 1 free gem lol and now my little people move so fast for some reason, also bye bye block or delete option. also when you make a recipe the money is red color.

anyone notice anything else??

06-26-15, 04:17 AM
When you get a collectable it shows in bottom left and no more just dragging appliances to move them you have to click then drag. Really no more block or deleting neighbors? I see remove still but you're right no more blocking 😱

With 1B download celebration for S8 I hope that they send lots of LTOs our way to thank us for getting them there!

06-26-15, 04:24 AM
I can't believe this! Now whenever I play my screen is HUGE it's horrible for my eyes, now you can't send gifts or requests by tapping people at the same time, (like with two fingers at the same time) you have to tap them one by one, everything pops up way too much, and is SO big, the customers walk too fast, and I CANT TURN MY SCREEN VERTICALLY AND THE BAKERY WOULD TURN WITH IT! NO! IT STAYS HORIZONTAL! I HATE THIS UPDATE!😡😡😡

06-26-15, 04:35 AM
I HATE THE UPDATE!! Why have they done this?? Everything is huge it's so out of place. When I go on design option, the box takes up half my screen so I can hardly see where I'm placing something.Can only play horizontal which is annoying. Think I will be quitting game now, cannot play like this even if you do get free gems now, not worth it!!!!!!

06-26-15, 05:56 AM
When you get a collectable it shows in bottom left and no more just dragging appliances to move them you have to click then drag. Really no more block or deleting neighbors? I see remove still but you're right no more blocking 

With 1B download celebration for S8 I hope that they send lots of LTOs our way to thank us for getting them there!

Sorry should've been more clear. In the messages part where you can usually have the option to delete or block a message yeh that part not there no more now it just deletes without asking anything grr

06-26-15, 06:11 AM
Yup, the block button is gone after updated. And the wording on the 3rd mystery level looks messed up, not sure about the 1st, 2nd or 4th mystery levels.

But one thing nice from this new update, is the inventory. It looks so much neater now and I can scrolled so easily. =x

06-26-15, 08:12 AM
Wow. I think i'll forego this update. :-/ At least until I am forced to update.

Here's another thread on this. http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?82614-Some-Issues-with-Newest-Version-1-7-6

06-26-15, 08:28 AM
Can you uninstall it and go back to the old version?

06-26-15, 08:48 AM
we can watch vids now to get 1 free gem lol

Where do you see this at?

06-26-15, 08:54 AM
I only get the gems for videos on RS but not on BS. Looks like it is only for selected accounts.

06-26-15, 09:05 AM
I only get the gems for videos on RS but not on BS. Looks like it is only for selected accounts.

I hate it when they do that. Everyone should be treat the same. It's totally unfair this way.

I had the icon to get a gem at first but thought I'd just do it later. BS restarted and the icon was gone. Instead I have the option to cook a dish quicker. I know which one I'd rather have.

06-26-15, 09:33 AM
Can you uninstall it and go back to the old version?
If only... I updated my rs. Won't be making that mistake twice. BS will remain not updated until all these issues are sorted out.

06-26-15, 10:31 AM
Wow. I think i'll forego this update. :-/ At least until I am forced to update.

Here's another thread on this. http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?82614-Some-Issues-with-Newest-Version-1-7-6

Indeed! Don't update it if you can.

Stupid me! I was excited when I saw there's a updates for both bs and rs and hit the "Update" button straightaway. =.=" There's also a slight problem with the gifting, you need to tap on the check box now for gifting instead. Man, I wonder where's the improvement they stated?

06-26-15, 10:34 AM
I hate it when they do that. Everyone should be treat the same. It's totally unfair this way.

I had the icon to get a gem at first but thought I'd just do it later. BS restarted and the icon was gone. Instead I have the option to cook a dish quicker. I know which one I'd rather have.

I don't even know what icon you guys are talking about. No video icon on my screen. >_<

06-26-15, 10:37 AM
The only differences I notice on ios (iPhone 6) is that when I open a cook book on any appliance, the entire background screen goes very dark. Other than that, just the addition of the Storm8 logo on the opening screen.

06-26-15, 11:16 AM
I too hate this update! I've had to block troublesome idiots! Now I can't??? Yes screen zoomed in too much & don't like message window eating whole screen! Can I undo this update?? I'm on an iPad! May also quit! ever heard of "Don't fix what ain't broke"??? Have even tried re- decorate moving, etc. may be really p ssed off & gone!!! LISTEN TO US!!!!!!

06-26-15, 11:25 AM
I too hate this update! I've had to block troublesome idiots! Now I can't??? Yes screen zoomed in too much & don't like message window eating whole screen! Can I undo this update?? I'm on an iPad! May also quit! ever heard of "Don't fix what ain't broke"??? Have even tried re- decorate moving, etc. may be really p ssed off & gone!!! LISTEN TO US!!!!!!

If someone is bothering you, email support. I've seen most people use that feature because they didn't want people not even bothering them to visit. Anyone not a neighbor, blocked. Never happened to me, because I usually visit adults but that is just silly.

I don't have the videos on bakery, it disappears but I got about 5 gems on RS last night. It said I can check back for more videos in one day. Which helps since we don't have the gratiitious goals to download games every month like android does.

06-26-15, 11:28 AM
So I guess we are stuck with this mess they call an update? I absolutely hate that they took away our ability to block, the size of my wall is so overpowering that it feels as though you might click something wrong. People have been asking for improvements for months....even years! And all we get is a botched attempt at...what? I really hope they don't plan on leaving this like this. This is a disaster. :-( I'm sad I updated now. Won't ever do that again.

06-26-15, 12:49 PM
Hate the new update on bakery & on restaurant. Am seriously thinking about stopping to play!!! Unless they sort it out!!!

06-26-15, 02:14 PM
you know if they was gonna update the whole game anyway why not give us a "r u sure u want to buy this confirmation button" along with it we alll been screaming for? instead we get some ads and they take stuff away from us.

06-26-15, 02:17 PM
Hate the new update on bakery & on restaurant. Am seriously thinking about stopping to play!!! Unless they sort it out!!!

Apparently somebody's working on sorting it out.

06-26-15, 02:49 PM
Hi I'm writing because I updated to the new Version of Resturant Story and I noticed a few bugs which I listed below

1) no longer to copy or paste a message to more then 1 person see in the past you could write out a message like happy Friday and copy and when you visited a friend you could paste to them and so on to all your nbrs instead of having to write the same message over 100 times I hope this will be fixed asap cause now the tab buttons get in the way and I can't copy or paste

2) my game is running very slowly and glitching a lot like when I visit someone it takes a few minutes for there shop to load up so I can see there tables and tip them

3) gifts are not working right and sending back random items

4) unblocking someone is not available so they have to stay blocked

5) I don't get to watch the videos for diamonds but can in restaurant story

6) I no longer have the block feature just an x to remove people from my wall

I hope these issues can be fixed asap Ty

⭐️Accepting nbrs in Bakery story looking for 3/4 star players who tip daily & leave a note help with new ovens and goals I'd bordercollielover4 ⭐️

06-26-15, 04:24 PM
Indeed! Don't update it if you can.

Stupid me! I was excited when I saw there's a updates for both bs and rs and hit the "Update" button straightaway. =.=" There's also a slight problem with the gifting, you need to tap on the check box now for gifting instead. Man, I wonder where's the improvement they stated?

Ugh! I just did the same thing. I hate it!!! I really wish I would have looked here before I did the update.

06-27-15, 12:02 AM
The only thing I like are the text being bigger so I no longer have to strain to read walls and I get free gems for "watching" videos. :D Everything else seems to be the same ... oh and the customers walk faster, so that's good for those trying to clear counters.
I do wish we had a 'select all' for gifting neighbours, though. So many things that could've been included.
e.g.: easy drink mixers. Why do we have easy ovens for basic recipes, but not for the basic drinks?

06-27-15, 12:41 AM
Totally agree, new update is rubbish, pounding headache when I try to play due to the size, please return it to normal

06-27-15, 02:01 AM
I'm on android and I'm not seeing anything different.

06-27-15, 04:27 AM
As anyone notice gifting back your neighbors is totally different from wad they sent?

06-27-15, 04:38 AM
I hate the IOS update��! I've played for years! I am now done with this game. You can't gift what you want and it's slow and everything is huge!

06-27-15, 06:28 AM
Slow, and no copy & paste for me. No gems today, which was the only good thing about the update....please fix asap! :(

06-27-15, 07:37 AM
did u guys see the new update? we can watch vids now to get 1 free gem lol and now my little people move so fast for some reason, also bye bye block or delete option. also when you make a recipe the money is red color.

anyone notice anything else??

During game reset, at newsfeed there when press gift back to your neighbour, you cannot select the gift you want to give for your neighbour. only when you press visit neighbour, then press gift icon. Then you can select the gift that you want to give your neighbour. Is more troublesome here. All these only Happen on iOS. android not affected.

06-27-15, 08:52 AM
Yes! I'm closing shop till the new update that fix this mess and it does a lot of my neighbors are not gifting this morning. I'm level 99 and the update and how hard it is tip is just no longer fun. See ya all at the new update.

06-27-15, 12:47 PM
I know my game automatically updated, but I don't seem to have all the same glitches listed here. I earned a TON of free gems watching videos, and I'm pretty happy about that! Everything else seems normal. I sell out of food quickly, which is great. I notice the new red coin amount when I make food, and no more blocking on the wall option which I never used anyway. This is a great update in my opinion.

06-27-15, 01:26 PM
I'm on android and I'm not seeing anything different.

This was an ios only update.

06-27-15, 06:36 PM
Omg I can't gift what I want and yay for the free gems but fix all this bugs asap!!!!

06-27-15, 06:53 PM
The video gems just flashes on my screen for a second.
After it logs in, it's poofed into invisible land.

Is it just me, when trying to go visit a neighbor, game just
seems to be dragging! Used to be able to visit pretty quickly.

06-27-15, 07:30 PM
I'm not even using an ios device, but I notice some restaraunt/bakeries are loading really slow and I got a message at one that their place failed to load and another one whose wall I kept getting a message, can't post try again later. I wonder if on those ones that they are ios users who updated?

06-28-15, 03:05 AM
Love the free gems for watching videos. Great update there. I hate that I can't choose what to gift by clicking gift back and have to go into my nbr list first, gift then go back and accept my gifts. That is pretty much all I hate though. Overall not a bad update in my opinion but I do hope they change the gifting back to the way it was.

06-28-15, 01:07 PM
I noticed this 'gifting glitch' as well. I usually gift back what people gift me, but it's not letting me choose the gift to send unless I go visit the neighbor & gift them while visiting. Time consuming. Also, no video for gems for me that I can see:(

06-28-15, 02:40 PM
So now there is an option to watch a video to finish whatever you're cooking.

My question is why are some peeps getting gems and others getting the above?

06-28-15, 07:02 PM
I don't like this update cuz I always copy/cut/paste the msg I'm leaving when I tip all my nbrs however bcuz the text size is so much smaller on the RS side I have to redo my msg for bakery since I'm only able to get 1/3 in the bakery box. It's ridiculous. Also there's no way to UNBLOCK anyone I've blocked

06-28-15, 09:18 PM
Why would you want to unblock them once you blocked them? Just curious.

06-29-15, 01:23 PM
I'm confused about getting free gems to watch videos. I do have the option to watch a video in order to speed up cooking on an appliance by 2 hours (haven't tried it yet) but don't see where I can watch for gems :confused: I'm on ios (iPhone 6). Thanks.

06-29-15, 02:43 PM
This is off topic but I have noticed they removed the candy box :(

06-29-15, 03:38 PM
This is off topic but I have noticed they removed the candy box :(

The box that was called candy jar? I just looked and it is still there.

06-29-15, 05:32 PM
The box that was called candy jar? I just looked and it is still there.

There's one called candy box with the mint tree and dessert castle that's gone really glad I kept trying for that mint tree when I had gems. Wish they would give advance notice 😣

06-29-15, 05:48 PM
The box that was called candy jar? I just looked and it is still there.

There was 2 boxes. One called candy box and another called candy jar. I think they removed it at the same time as the pastel and mothers day box

06-29-15, 05:49 PM
There's one called candy box with the mint tree and dessert castle that's gone really glad I kept trying for that mint tree when I had gems. Wish they would give advance notice ��

I so wanted the mint tree so bad and was going to spend my 24 gems on it but noticed they removed it

06-30-15, 01:03 PM
This new iOS update isn't that bad! The game still functions properly, just certain stuff look bigger or smaller and the customers come and eat a lot faster - which is good because the food disappears a lot faster! I have the option to watch videos to speed up the cooking time and when I begin to start the game I see the bug to get free gems by watching ads, but then it suddenly disappears! :confused:

06-30-15, 01:17 PM
There's one called candy box with the mint tree and dessert castle that's gone really glad I kept trying for that mint tree when I had gems. Wish they would give advance notice ��

they did, back when they removed it. because i finally got that mint tree before it went away! i'd love the dessert castle though, i hope one day that makes it back as an LTO.

06-30-15, 04:31 PM
This new iOS update isn't that bad! The game still functions properly, just certain stuff look bigger or smaller and the customers come and eat a lot faster - which is good because the food disappears a lot faster! I have the option to watch videos to speed up the cooking time and when I begin to start the game I see the bug to get free gems by watching ads, but then it suddenly disappears! :confused:

yeh my ad to get free gems disappeared too! :(

06-30-15, 08:14 PM
yeh my ad to get free gems disappeared too! :(

The first day of the update I got the ads to watch for 3 free gems across 3/4 accounts in my family. 1/4 was offered to speed up baking time only. But since then only 2/3 has consistently gotten the ad to watch for gems and today only in 1 so far and for 2 videos not 3 - confusing and frustrating. I'm also bummed to know there's been a "gift back" option for some folks instead of needing to visit and select a gift time that'd be a cool feature to have.

Relative to another post - was the candy box removed awhile back and the initial person who noted it just noticed now?

06-30-15, 10:45 PM
I'm on iOS and updated BS but I have no free gem video feature. It's on my Restaurant Story but not Bakery Story. What gives??

07-01-15, 12:11 AM
Does anybody know where the free gems have gone? A few days ago my apps updated and I got to watch videos for free gems on BS and could watch videos to speed up cooking time on RS. When I went on the app today both those option have gone? Has this happened to anyone else?

07-01-15, 01:14 AM
I HAT THIS UPDATE TOO!! it's horrible for my eyes and it's too much slowly

07-01-15, 02:17 PM
The first day of the update I got the ads to watch for 3 free gems across 3/4 accounts in my family. 1/4 was offered to speed up baking time only. But since then only 2/3 has consistently gotten the ad to watch for gems and today only in 1 so far and for 2 videos not 3 - confusing and frustrating. I'm also bummed to know there's been a "gift back" option for some folks instead of needing to visit and select a gift time that'd be a cool feature to have.

Relative to another post - was the candy box removed awhile back and the initial person who noted it just noticed now?

yeh it was removed a while back now :(

07-02-15, 04:19 AM
I wouldn't be so annoyed if I can get the free gems to watch video ads too! Nothing for me, not even the speed up cooking or whatsoever. Just bugs and more bugs after updated. :(