View Full Version : Member status

06-22-15, 12:05 PM
Hi fellow breeders a question pls I am a new member and was wondering how the member status works and what are the stages? I'm a new member now what will I be next and what lvls do I have to reach for my status to change ? Sorry I'm a new resident

06-22-15, 04:05 PM
the more forests that you visit and play with the animals in the starred habitats the higher you star value is

06-22-15, 04:54 PM
Hi ravolokta2
Thanks for that but I don't understand sorry or I didn't phrase my question properly sorry I meant like how now I'm a new resident and your a farm supplier how does that work ? When does your status name change ? At what point will I no longer be a new resident ? ��

06-22-15, 04:58 PM
You are talking about in here, that name changes depending on how many times you have posted in the forums of TeamLava or Storm8.

Currently I'm an Executive Chef, but I already was a New Resident, so, the more you post in the forum, the more post number you have and your status name will change.

But currently, I think that no one knows that besides the admins from here (and I don't even know if they even know this), I don't know if there's any info about from when you status name change after certain amount of points.

06-22-15, 05:02 PM
Hi fellow breeders a question pls I am a new member and was wondering how the member status works and what are the stages? I'm a new member now what will I be next and what lvls do I have to reach for my status to change ? Sorry I'm a new resident

Do you mean on the forums? They are based on how many posts you make. I think you change from new resident after about 25-50 posts, but I'm not sure. Later stages take lots more posts. I don't know if there is a list anywhere. When I started, I just looked at the other posters on threads, and how many posts they had made, and what their status was. Welcome to the forums, and Good Luck! :D Annie

EDIT: Oops, looks like we were writing at the same time! :P

06-22-15, 05:07 PM
Lol ok thanks for that peeps I understand now I was a little confused I thought the status was game related not to the forums my bad lol

06-23-15, 04:19 PM
You are talking about in here, that name changes depending on how many times you have posted in the forums of TeamLava or Storm8.
But currently, I think that no one knows that besides the admins from here (and I don't even know if they even know this), I don't know if there's any info about from when you status name change after certain amount of points.

There is a post somewhere on storm8 forum, I read before but now I can't seem to find it... I'll keep looking not that I'll be much help since I don't know how to post links.

06-23-15, 04:40 PM
Here's the final ranks:

1) New Resident
2) Hostess
3) Farm Supplier
4) Rhino Keeper
5) Fashion Designer
6) Executive Chef
7) Nightclub Owner
8) Grand Emperor

Rank 1: 0-9 posts
Rank 2: 10-49 posts
Rank 3: 50-99 posts
Rank 4: 100-499 posts
Rank 5: 500-999 posts
Rank 6: 1000-4999 posts
Rank 7: 5000-9999 posts
Rank 8: 10k+ posts

Best I can do is copy and paste from the post I found, hope that helps.

06-23-15, 05:37 PM
Sweet your a little gem : ) thank you for the info u have given on all my posts it has been really helpful and I'm sure will help me excel in the weeks months years lol to come

06-23-15, 06:33 PM
There is a post somewhere on storm8 forum, I read before but now I can't seem to find it... I'll keep looking not that I'll be much help since I don't know how to post links.

You can copy the link and paste in the reply, you don't need to put the link in a word xD

Just copy the link and just paste in the box when replying :p

kooky panda
06-24-15, 10:41 AM
Moving this thread to the Off Topic forum .
