View Full Version : Seasonal recipes/ appliances

06-01-15, 01:44 PM
How do you know if a recipe/appliance will be removed? Are there any current recipes that might be removed soon that I should be trying to master?

06-01-15, 02:58 PM
Unfortunately, there is now way of knowing when anything in the game will be removed. If you see an appliance on sale with a timer on it, this is a pretty good indication that it will be removed, but this isn't always the case. Also, some appliances have been removed with no warning whatsoever. I would recommend building one of every appliance just in case. Early on when I started playing, I made it my goal to build on of everything and work on mastering everything on the basic oven and drink mixer first, because if those recipes are removed you won't have the opportunity to master them. If you have one of everything built and an appliance is removed, you will still be able to master the recipes on it, provided that they don't pull any of the recipes off of it, which has happened in the past. Basically nothing is safe from removal. Sometimes there will be a popup notification saying items will be removed, but lately this has not been the case. Sorry, I wish I had a better answer.

06-01-15, 06:57 PM
Yeah they removed the Puebla stuff and I was so sad cause I love tres leches and being Hispanic I really wanted that set.

06-02-15, 02:14 PM
Yeah they removed the Puebla stuff and I was so sad cause I love tres leches and being Hispanic I really wanted that set.

Yeah the Puebla stuff is a great example of removal with no warning. For my game it was on sale for coins the week before it was released for everyone for gems, but if I remember correctly the popup only said the content was on sale, nothing about it being removed.