View Full Version : Balloon asking for items that can't be bought or crafted yet

05-28-15, 08:05 PM
My husband is level 25 and does not have the herb garden or the water garden or whatever it's called. Today his balloon asked for herbs, rice, and something unidentifiable that I think is wasabi paste. He is not able to craft these and they are locked in all his neighbors shops. How is he supposed to do this?? It's just not fair to require unattainable items. His storm8 id is phurmphytown


05-29-15, 10:39 AM
Hello Tuffy! Looked at the picture again and that is indeed Moss that your husband is seeing, not Wasabi.

Moss is a new item for the May Flowers event, and it's minimum level is 17, so he should be able to complete this balloon order at level 25. Moss comes from fishing.

I have linked the sticked forum thread on this event below:


Let me know if you have any other questions!

05-31-15, 10:45 AM
Thanks for your response. I did realize it was moss after seeing some in the event.

The issue is the other items that he is unable to craft or buy. He can't make or buy rice at level 25. I've tried to sell him herbs and they are locked to him in my store with a "level 28" tag. Should the balloon be asking for items he can't provide?

06-10-15, 08:58 AM
Hello that has happened to me in the past. This is a way of forcing lower level players to spend their gems or not complete that balloon. thanks.