View Full Version : Fairly New Player with a Few Quick Questions ... Thanks!

05-28-15, 04:08 PM
I'm a fairly new player, level 42 however no one to really ask ... so here goes:

how do you all get this new content stuff? Do you have to install something specific? I see stuff in the Play Store - are those the new content? I was thinking they were new/separate games.
Also, I'm doing the derby race quests however I've completed all the requirements, I have green check marks and it won't clear it and give me next quest - how do i get it to clear it and give next step ?????

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/WiccaMagick/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-05-28-18-10-14_zpsyq3sjaye.png (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/WiccaMagick/media/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-05-28-18-10-14_zpsyq3sjaye.png.html)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/WiccaMagick/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-05-28-18-10-26_zpsj4qtpgik.png (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/WiccaMagick/media/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-05-28-18-10-26_zpsj4qtpgik.png.html)

Thanks to all for the help.

05-28-15, 04:25 PM
Hello you probably haven't completed the requirements below the check ones. Check the goals thread.

Click on 'show' to see the images in the thread. Good luck!


05-28-15, 04:35 PM
as for the play store question (since natasha nailed the answer to the other question), android has many versions of Restaurant Story (and other story games). Each version has mostly the same content, but adds a few decorations and usually a couple recipes that are unique to that version. So it's a good idea to download the other versions that are available on google play, open them just once, and after you've done that, the version-specific content will be available to you even after you've deleted that version--you don't have to keep all of them on your phone and eat up all your memory, just keep the most recent one.

i don't know which version you're playing, but these are the versions released so far this year (don't know how many are still available in play store), and the links will show you what the content that comes with them is:

Summer Camp: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?81913-Restaurant-Update-May-27th-2015
Tropical Bliss: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?81122-Restaurant-Update-April-29th-2015
Earth Day: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?80683-Restaurant-Update-April-15th-2015
Bagel Cafe: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?80044-Restaurant-Update-March-25th-2015
Fast Food: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?78686-Restaurant-Update-18-February-2015
Coffee Shop: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?77366-Restaurant-Update-1-14-15

also, if you haven't seen it yet, be aware that S8 usually eventually releases a goal that asks you to download a new version, which earns gems. so if you haven't downloaded Summer Camp yet, you may want to hold on and see if you get that goal. (comes in any other story games you play too!) you don't have to wait if you're ever desperate for the new content--and sometimes you have to wait quite a while--but a lot of us like the free gems.

05-28-15, 05:30 PM
Hello you probably haven't completed the requirements below the check ones. Check the goals thread.

Click on 'show' to see the images in the thread. Good luck!


I have completed all previous quests as well as the ones I screenshotted (in the original post - those are from *my* game) - I have completed up to and including Steps #5 and #6 .... the last "completed" ones (#5 and #6) won't go away so the next step in the series of quests will come up, which, according to your link, should be #7 (and possibly #8).

05-28-15, 05:32 PM
as for the play store question (since natasha nailed the answer to the other question), android has many versions of Restaurant Story (and other story games). Each version has mostly the same content, but adds a few decorations and usually a couple recipes that are unique to that version. So it's a good idea to download the other versions that are available on google play, open them just once, and after you've done that, the version-specific content will be available to you even after you've deleted that version--you don't have to keep all of them on your phone and eat up all your memory, just keep the most recent one.

i don't know which version you're playing, but these are the versions released so far this year (don't know how many are still available in play store), and the links will show you what the content that comes with them is:

Summer Camp: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?81913-Restaurant-Update-May-27th-2015
Tropical Bliss: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?81122-Restaurant-Update-April-29th-2015
Earth Day: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?80683-Restaurant-Update-April-15th-2015
Bagel Cafe: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?80044-Restaurant-Update-March-25th-2015
Fast Food: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?78686-Restaurant-Update-18-February-2015
Coffee Shop: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?77366-Restaurant-Update-1-14-15

also, if you haven't seen it yet, be aware that S8 usually eventually releases a goal that asks you to download a new version, which earns gems. so if you haven't downloaded Summer Camp yet, you may want to hold on and see if you get that goal. (comes in any other story games you play too!) you don't have to wait if you're ever desperate for the new content--and sometimes you have to wait quite a while--but a lot of us like the free gems.

Ok, so if I am understanding you (and please correct me if I am wrong) - these aren't "patches" to the one game I'm playing (which is just the regular/first Restaurant Story), they are their own individual games? However after I open it once it will "patch" itself to the "regular" game I'm playing ? Is that how it works?

05-28-15, 05:45 PM
I'm a fairly new player, level 42 however no one to really ask ... so here goes:

how do you all get this new content stuff? Do you have to install something specific? I see stuff in the Play Store - are those the new content? I was thinking they were new/separate games.
Also, I'm doing the derby race quests however I've completed all the requirements, I have green check marks and it won't clear it and give me next quest - how do i get it to clear it and give next step ?????

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/WiccaMagick/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-05-28-18-10-14_zpsyq3sjaye.png (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/WiccaMagick/media/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-05-28-18-10-14_zpsyq3sjaye.png.html)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/WiccaMagick/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-05-28-18-10-26_zpsj4qtpgik.png (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/WiccaMagick/media/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-05-28-18-10-26_zpsj4qtpgik.png.html)

Thanks to all for the help.

You have to scroll down past the leave tips, you will see it tells you to buy a gran gran.

05-28-15, 05:51 PM
on the images you posted from your game, i took a detail shot:


can you see underneath the edge of the last completed (check marked) goal, there's the other top edge of another box? and you can kind of tell that where the checkmark is on the other stages of this particular goal, there's a button instead (that's the "skip this step with gems" button, which is how natasha & i knew you hadn't finished this particular goal).

your second screenshot goal can't be done until you finish the 1st one (and the goal after that, which is the buy tables goal that unlocks my fair gran gran, the purchase of which completes your other goal)--the step you're missing is to SERVE 20 cheese straws. did you not serve everything you prepared? (if you accidentally let some of them rot along the way, which is what usually happens to me, you'll need to bake a new batch.)

05-28-15, 05:54 PM
I have completed all previous quests as well as the ones I screenshotted (in the original post - those are from *my* game) - I have completed up to and including Steps #5 and #6 .... the last "completed" ones (#5 and #6) won't go away so the next step in the series of quests will come up, which, according to your link, should be #7 (and possibly #8).

You have to scroll down in those goal windows.

Did you serve 20 cheese straws ?

Did you buy 1 fair gran gran ?

Those 2 screen shots provided have other requirements below the 2 that you already have checked.

05-28-15, 06:00 PM
Ok, so if I am understanding you (and please correct me if I am wrong) - these aren't "patches" to the one game I'm playing (which is just the regular/first Restaurant Story), they are their own individual games? However after I open it once it will "patch" itself to the "regular" game I'm playing ? Is that how it works?

each version is a complete game, you can play any of them in place of the basic RS. and as your game progress is saved on S8 servers, not your device (which is why you can only play when you have an internet connection), you can delete any of them at any time and download a different version to play and all your stuff will still be there.

i think some people like to continue with the basic version (again, just opening any newly-released version once so that you don't miss new content, then returning to the basic game). personally, i tend to play on whichever version is the current one.

05-28-15, 07:49 PM
on the images you posted from your game, i took a detail shot:


can you see underneath the edge of the last completed (check marked) goal, there's the other top edge of another box? and you can kind of tell that where the checkmark is on the other stages of this particular goal, there's a button instead (that's the "skip this step with gems" button, which is how natasha & i knew you hadn't finished this particular goal).

your second screenshot goal can't be done until you finish the 1st one (and the goal after that, which is the buy tables goal that unlocks my fair gran gran, the purchase of which completes your other goal)--the step you're missing is to SERVE 20 cheese straws. did you not serve everything you prepared? (if you accidentally let some of them rot along the way, which is what usually happens to me, you'll need to bake a new batch.)

OMG OK now I officially feel stupid -- even with my glasses (the small print is difficult for me lol) - I didn't see that - I really really had to look and then I did the little "swipe" action and saw it. Thank you SO SO much - I never knew that was there. Wow, do I feel dumb. Thank you again for all the help and patience with me!;) LOL