View Full Version : PLS HELP! 10 gifts are missing from my gifts' list.

05-26-15, 08:11 PM
Pls help, 10 gifts are missing from my gifts' list. I opened the game this morning to check if there is request from my nbrs. I saw there were 22 msgs. 20 gifts& 2 requests. I accepted the requests and close the game cos i have to take my lil girl to school. But when i get back to the game after that, i saw only 10 gifts left. I didn't decline any gifts or accept them. How come they're gone? I try to turn off my ipad mini, uninstall&reinstall the game. But it didn't help. This also happend to my Bakery Story account. Pls HELP ME. I don't know what to do 😭😭😭

05-26-15, 09:28 PM
Yes. It happens. A well known flaw in the gift system. It doesn't appear it will ever be fixed so accept or decline them as they come in.

05-27-15, 03:53 AM
This happened this morning to me as well. WHATS GOING ON? I woke up to only Ten people able to gift me. Everyone else has stopped by, but there is no gift from them. I know my neighbors. THEY ALWAYS GIFT!!

05-27-15, 04:11 AM
Yesterday a neighbor told me they had only received ten gifts and today, I woke up to the same! Is there a problem? Is it being addressed? Can someone help?

05-27-15, 04:36 AM
27 May 2015. I am very confused about the gift receive today at game reset. I thought we are able to receive 20 gifts everyday at game reset. But today I can only receive 10 gifts and my neighbours told me that My gift is maxed for today. Some of my neighbours also start to face the same problem as me. Could someone please help us with this gift receive problem. Thanks.

05-27-15, 04:38 AM
Yes same problem with me both in RS and BS today. Only 10 gifts show up on my news feed but because I wasn't maxed out yet, when I got sent the 11th gift (and 12th, 13th, you get it) the first gift (and 2nd, 3rd, etc.) on queue that I received disappeared. It's like only 10 gifts are programmed to show up no matter. What's worse is that the early gifts that vanished counted towards the daily limit ughhhh.

I know it's common (and a long time problem too) that gifts left too long on queue disappear after some time but I've never experienced it going this fast and the 20 gifts actually show up first before they disappear. This time the feed only shows half that number and the other half just went missing.

05-27-15, 04:41 AM
27 May 2015. I am very confused about the gift receive today at game reset. I thought we are able to receive 20 gifts everyday at game reset. But today I can only receive 10 gifts and my neighbours told me that My gift is maxed for today. Some of my neighbours also start to face the same problem as me. Could someone please help us with this gift receive problem. Thanks.

05-27-15, 05:21 AM
This isn't good. :-( I have three accounts. Two RS and one BS. This is going to be a pain in my rear! Neighbors have been coming by and saying that my gifts are maxed, but they aren't! I emailed TL, but no telling when they will get around to fixing it as the time zone difference would make it only 5 am there. �� TL...PLEASE HELP US.

05-27-15, 05:24 AM
TL....HEELLLPP US!! *Tiny Bugs voice* LOL! Ok..On a more serious note. I'm sorry that we all are dealing with this, but glad it's more then just a few people so that they will actually look into it.

05-27-15, 06:03 AM
why?????? why are gifts maxing out at 10 in both restaurant story & bakery story?????????

05-27-15, 06:09 AM
why?????? why are gifts maxing out at only 10 gifts in both restaurant story & bakery story????????

05-27-15, 06:14 AM
I got this problem too! Only saw 10 pending gifts on my list on bs, rs and fashion. Which is very weird, since I would be maxed usually on both bs and rs already. =x Now where's my other 10 gifts?

05-27-15, 10:16 AM
I have a creeping suspicion they have changed the number of gifts we are allowed to receive. :-/ Fashion story Too? I'm not liking where this is going!

05-27-15, 10:17 AM
This isn't a good sign folks. :-(

kooky panda
05-27-15, 10:50 AM
Checking on this.

05-27-15, 10:54 AM
Checking on this.


05-27-15, 12:41 PM
I had this happen on Fashion, Bakery & Restaurant... I didn't realize that I was only receiving 10 until I carefully checked my RS gifts.

I thought the gifts on FS & BS may have been bumped when I declined, I miscounted, etc. - so I made sure not to do anything before counting out my RS gifts. Only received 10. 😞

05-27-15, 12:49 PM
I had only 8 when I logged in and am always maxed. One disappeared as I was accepting...by the time I declined food gifts I ended up with a total of four...lol.

05-27-15, 01:29 PM
I had only 8 when I logged in and am always maxed. One disappeared as I was accepting...by the time I declined food gifts I ended up with a total of four...lol.

Pretty much the same thing happened to me...had ten gifts and I watched the bottom one disappear off the list right before my eyes! Then neighbors were telling me I was maxed at nine gifts.

05-27-15, 01:31 PM
There's another thread right above this one regarding the issue...Kooky Panda is looking into it.

(Comment from other thread...threads were merged)

05-27-15, 06:35 PM
WHY teamlava WHY, 10 gifts, hope it's a glitch

kooky panda
05-27-15, 06:42 PM
Merged threads...

05-28-15, 04:52 AM
This is not only happening in BS, RS and Fashion, but also Farm (the original - seriously, a no-longer-updated game is affected?) and Castle. Not sure about Dragon since I only receive 2, maybe 3, gifts per day anyway - except for yesterday when I received none.

05-28-15, 07:05 PM
oh goodie, i needed a new #5 for my top 5 ways S8 has screwed us over list. (assuming it's not just a mistake and we'll be reset soon.)

5. any change ever that they quietly send out and don't think we'll notice. have you met us?
4. 2014 black friday <yawn>…what was i saying?
3. sophie's choice simultaneous goal/version release (okay, maybe deciding between starting the goals and waiting for free gems isn't quite as bad as choosing which of your children dies)
2. introduction of unfair bundles (grrr…where's my jazz band?)
1. #pueblogate