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05-25-15, 06:46 PM
3 Questions on re-released goals - if you have the time or inclination

Summer Gazebo - not available for purchase in the Market

1. For players that have an unfinished Summer Gazebo from 2014
What challenges has the re-release created for you?

2. For 1st time players of the Summer Gazebo 2015
Has the re-release made any difference in your game play?

3. Would you like to see more Quests re-released?

05-25-15, 06:51 PM
Not a moderator or staff, so I do read the threads to get my information. think there would be some interest on this topic

What challenges has the re-release created for you?
- The storyline dialog appears every time I visit Castle Story and the upgrade Parts Needed appears. This made me think my old device (original ipad 1) was having sync issues.
- And also thought that the only way to upgrade was with gems.
Post #178 by Bauxjangles in the update thread reminded me to check the craft buildings for the necessary items to upgrade. And they were there to craft. No gems required yet.
- I like that when the goals were re-released. the crafting became available. But without that prompt I probably would have just stored the gazebo again. Thanks Bauxjangles.

Has the re-release made any difference in your game play?
Yes. Another device I baby-sit is not likely to finish this series of quests. But I figure this gazebo can wait for the next re-release. (if there is one) Second thoughts - I probably should not have started this one because I have too few resources due to multiple storyline quests.

3. Would you like to see more Quests re-released?
Would like to see some seasonal timed quests re-released during the appropriate season. There are some buildings that my baby device has not even dreamed about.

05-25-15, 07:15 PM
2. For 1st time players of the Summer Gazebo 2015
Has the re-release made any difference in your game play?
I took a longish break due to LIFE, so while I've been playing since before the love shack, I have recently missed this gazebo and other goals/items. I'm way back on the plume hive quest, so this certainly changed my game play. I have kinda put all permanent quests on hold so I can work on the gazebo. It's doable, but only because I have sheep and red trillium. (I just gave so many red petals up for the rose arch that the red dye was a problem.)

3. Would you like to see more Quests re-released?
Sure. I personally missed a few I'd love another chance at, and I know many others would love the love shack. It would be awesome if they re released goals, but continued to make new stuff too. (Long time players need a goal book, too!)

05-25-15, 07:17 PM
I would love to see the cauldron re-released, and also the loveshack, obviously. I was happy to see the summer gazebo released again, since I wasn't around the first time, and it's much nicer to have in my kingdom than more deco that I have no use or space for. I'm glad that those who didn't finish it last time could complete it now.

I didn't have any quests left, so was happy to see something new (to me) to do.

05-25-15, 10:09 PM
Yes, yes, yes! I'm happy with the re-released summer gazebo. it's a double plus for my kingdom, nice deco & good drops.

Yes to more re-released (bountiful table, love shack & other good ones) but give us new ones also. I like the steed event. I resisted but in the end, gave in & bought my second horse.

Thank you for a wonderful & fun game.

05-26-15, 01:56 AM
I am a new player and obviously i love having a chance to try for the previous limited items..but the rereleases shud be available to all players who cud not finish the quest the last time as well..there was sum confusion regarding the summer gazebo for older players so mentioned it..and at the same time, older players shud be getting new storyline quests..like this time the summer gazebo released after a new storyline extension which in my opinion was the done thing..so there was sumthn for everyone..i appreciated it from storm8..

05-26-15, 03:33 AM
I've only been playing since January 2015 so I don't have a lot of the special items. It doesn't seem fair that new players are penalized for not being players from day 1. I am very excited about the re-release of the summer gazebo.

As a suggestion for TL/S8, once a timed goal has been completed, simply build it into the list of goals and let it be a non-storyline goal/quest for new players to have an equal opportunity of obtaining the item. If it was originally a timed goal then it can still be that way so it is fair all around.

2nd suggestion... For timed goals, have a special bonus (energy crate, gems, special one time drop, etc) for those who complete the goal within the allowed time, but if someone is unable to meet the timed goal, still allow them to complete the item, but not receive the special bonus. Not everyone has free time during the day to play frequently, some can only play once or twice daily due to having a real life lol.

I understand that it will take time to complete the storyline a and catch up to current storyline goals, but timed special items should be available to all, new or tenured players.

05-27-15, 03:01 PM
I started playing around the time the gazebo was released last year so i was too low level. I'm glad it's here now!! And YES past items and missions are cool to be released, please!!

05-28-15, 12:27 PM
I love the gazebo and just made level 20 so am lucky to be able to do it. I will likely have to pay to skip on the coins as even tho I could make the 200 without too much problem I will need coins for other items. The item I will definitely have to skip is the jewels, I never get mire than six or seven a day even with tons of mining and have just given up on doing the windmill as I have realized I will need all the saved wool. Looks like it was a poor investment anyhow. I would like to see some easier ways for newer players to obtain some of these items, it's hard enough that we get overloaded with mpchicken and eggs and then lose it all lol, right now I am on a serious shortage of most things since starting both the tablet and the pies at the same time. I can't get enough rats!!!

I ran into serious issues with this as the time line on my quest was only a couple hours for part two and a few minutes for the remainder to craft items that took literally days. I was able to achieve the crafting by buying energy and using a lot of gems t o speed up but I am very unhappy about this issue and have written to support about it. I am not sure if this was normal or a quirk in my particular quest but either way most unfair. Also the hunt part, I had to pay to skip even after I sent so I am a tad upset about that. I have upgraded to level four but need two fairie jars to finish and no idea were to get them. At this point spending another righty gems when I need more hides anyhow does not make me happy since I had wanted to get other things. Needless to say I am skipping the visitor quest partially because I have a serious shortage in jewels and trying to fix that issue. I ended up with a couple extra hammers which I prepared in advance but I am sure they will be used at some point. All this while I was trying to finish the tablernum only to find out I have to now get shards. Call me glum. I spent tons in dragon story and I think this game may outpace it lol.

05-30-15, 06:25 PM
I love the idea. So many of my neighbors have unfinished buildings. I would love to finish my reindeer stable and pull that out of storage.

05-31-15, 07:46 AM
True to the reindeer Stables. My lvl was high enough for me to participate in the Reindeer-quest, but too low to finish. Now it's costing too many gems to finish it.

On one side I think it's cool to be able to show you're a long term player, and one way to do that, is to show some limited items. On the other hand, those items give long term players a big advantage, but, when a newbee becomes a long time player himself, he has the same advantages. And I would love to have a love Shack...

So, I don't really know what I would like. But, if they keep bringing old quests back, then please, please bring back the love Shack...

And remember, there will always be players who are left out, because they started too late, or didn't have enough time, or weren't prepareert enoug, or were too low level to finish. It's part of the game. Expecting to have everything a long term player has, while you only have played for several months, just isn't realistic.

06-14-15, 07:41 AM
I would love the bountiful table re released and the winter/Christmas quests. I didn't really understand how the timer worked (for whole quest, not just by part) the first time and missed out on completing the goals in time. I enjoy the timed quests now that I understand and work in a frenzy to get them completed in time.