View Full Version : How much money do you make a day and how?

05-24-15, 09:30 AM
I have about 20 tables and make about 100,000 coins a day. And you? What is your method for earning those coins?

05-24-15, 12:32 PM
Tbh, I have no idea how much I make a day. Just concentrating on mastering recipes right now.

05-24-15, 05:11 PM
I make in between $200,000 and $300,000 a day. I have an efficient layout so I am always selling the maximum amount of plates in a day. I spend most of my time making red velvet cake but if I only make that it sells out early in the day. So I usually spend about 3 days making sweet potato pie, then I make red velvet cake for days until I completely run out of food. Then I start the cycle over again. The problem with this is I have already mastered both recipes so I haven't mastered anything since Christmas because I have been so broke with all the updates of limited content. I sacrifice earning gems to have enough coins, I guess. But it is nice to know I have many recipes to master so when I need gems I will be able to earn them. Soon I will start using 1/2 my ovens for RVC and half of them to work on mastery so I have gems for holiday content. In my opinion, the key to earning money is a combination of high profit recipes and an efficient table layout. Technically, earl grey tea is more profitable than RVC but I'm lazy and I prefer to use my easy ovens.

05-27-15, 07:23 AM
10 Best recipes that help you to earn $$$ most and fast are : RED VELVET CAKE, SUGAR COOKIES, LATTE, LOVE POTION, EARL GREY TEA,


05-27-15, 03:21 PM
I forgot to add that another player, AnnasCoffee, did the math and concluded the way to earn the highest profit in a day is to make hot apple cider and gingerbread cookies. The only reason I don't do this is it doesn't work with my schedule.

06-03-15, 10:55 PM
I forgot to add that another player, AnnasCoffee, did the math and concluded the way to earn the highest profit in a day is to make hot apple cider and gingerbread cookies. The only reason I don't do this is it doesn't work with my schedule.

Are the calculations posted on the forum - is the thread still around?

06-04-15, 02:39 PM
This thread has all the information. AnnasCoffee's post is on the second page. http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?64688-Profits-and-Strategy&highlight=Profits+strategy

06-04-15, 04:35 PM
i never actually counted but i feel like i make like 100,000 in a day. what are someways to increase the amount I sell? I have a ton of food backed up. i sort of stopped baking unless its for goals. I am at the point if I constantly bake I spend more money than I make. Those with a "good" layout. can you upload a pic to show?

06-04-15, 05:24 PM
When I start to get too much food I bake pumpkin pie as it takes two days and gives my other food a chance to sell.

06-05-15, 10:43 AM
Here's another thread about profit. This thread has the comparision in profit of Red Velvet Cake vs. Earl Grey Tea/Jasmine Tea vs. Hot Apple Cider/Gingerbread Cookies.

I can't remember the exact numbers, but I think it's something like...

RVC - 160,000
EGT /Jasmine tea - 180,000
Hot Apple Cider/ 185,000

(number are income minus the cost to cook the food)


06-05-15, 11:04 AM
i never actually counted but i feel like i make like 100,000 in a day. what are someways to increase the amount I sell? I have a ton of food backed up. i sort of stopped baking unless its for goals. I am at the point if I constantly bake I spend more money than I make. Those with a "good" layout. can you upload a pic to show?

I use 'fecsuper's' design. Here is a link to his original thread. There is a picture at the bottom of the first post.


In addition to layout, you can also cook the foods that Bakerling mentioned in post 4.

06-23-15, 09:46 AM
I just started playing Bakery Story again after a VERY long break (I've had a break since they increased the prices in the game) and I find it really hard to earn money. I feel like I have to cook for weeks just to buy some tables and chairs. I see there's a goal going on at the moment, but I can't attend it because everything just costs way too much, compared to Restaurant Story this game is REALLY expensive.

Just a little bit complaining from me, remember when the prices were lower and it was so much more fun to play.. I don't read about the price increase anymore (maybe because it's years ago, but I neeever forget haha) but I find it weird that they took back the increase in Restaurant Story but had it remain in Bakery.. Team Lava logic.

Btw, I noticed that I earn moneys better if I cook a lot of jasmine tea.

06-24-15, 04:35 AM
Puddi, you didn't post what lvl you're on but I'm on level 45 and have 11 oven spots. I cook apple cider on the drink machine for 16 hours (which i usually put on at 6pm my time so it's ready at 10am the next morning) and then i cook jasmine tea during the day. I find this gives me a good earning through out the day so I can keep making jasmine tea (with my coins staying pretty much constant), and most of my servings sell out overnight (usually get like 170K). This way I get profit and level up fairly fast. I also like to keep my device on as much as possible as then I can sell a lot more servings.

06-27-15, 08:58 AM
I have an 8door-4seat layout. I make the recipes that I have not yet mastered which means most of what I have is 4-coin foods. So I make roughly 100,000-160,000 in a day. My earnings are dependent on how much I bake during the day. I was earning 160,000 when I stopped baking (except for goals) because I had millions of food in stock. It took me 5 months to decrease my 100+ counters down to 24 with 1mil in food stock.

06-29-15, 09:07 PM
Here's another thread about profit. This thread has the comparision in profit of Red Velvet Cake vs. Earl Grey Tea/Jasmine Tea vs. Hot Apple Cider/Gingerbread Cookies.

I can't remember the exact numbers, but I think it's something like...

RVC - 160,000
EGT /Jasmine tea - 180,000
Hot Apple Cider/ 185,000

(number are income minus the cost to cook the food)



06-29-15, 11:46 PM
RVC - 160,000
EGT /Jasmine tea - 180,000
Hot Apple Cider/ 185,000

(number are income minus the cost to cook the food)

That only works IF you have 18 ovens (i.e. you're at max stoves without using gems) AND you have your device closed (i.e. 43,000 ppl/day)

07-02-15, 02:32 PM
I think fecsuper's layout is best for RS but the 'pigpen' design is better for BS?