View Full Version : Dissatisfied With Block Feature

05-23-15, 06:21 AM
Contradiction alert: I love the new Block feature you guys implemented last year BUUUT....A few of us here are starting to feel that it's not enough just to block someone. When we block someone they disappear off our wall, but we don't disappear off theirs. Trouble with this is, they can still "wall watch" so long as they keep our link, and the "kids" tend to make more trouble thru our other neighbors and/or any potential neighbors, because of it. I feel we should completely disappear from view if you block someone. It seems the blocker is the one who's punished, not the one causing the trouble. Would it be possible to fix this guys? We'd all really appreciate it. Thanks

05-23-15, 07:37 PM
Yeah, I have seen a quite a few people request this. I have been lucky enough not to run into any problems like that in the game but I hope they get it worked out for people who do.

05-24-15, 03:09 PM
I realize that once we block them, the easiest thing to do, is just ignore them, but sometimes, when they bring the drama to other walls, that's just not possible. So I feel, like any other social media portal, it should be a clean brake...NO MORE TIES! Glad you agree kvoeller. :-)