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View Full Version : Decorating suggestions

05-22-15, 07:58 AM
Now that I've reached level 50 and there are fewer goals, the biggest thing keeping me playing is decorating and cute animals. Some more decorative options will keep me more engaged. The option to store the themed plants and event items is crucial to me because I might redecorate more, possibly purchase more items to complete my look, and be more engaged with events. I'd also like to see the cool things others have done and be more engaged with other players.

It would be great to have more filler squares that don't take up much visual space, similar to the blossom path or leaf path. A snowy path for the winter, maybe some simple grass, or close to a blank square would be great. The paths are nice because moles and butterflies don't land on them, but the pets can wander.

I'm just brainstorming, but what about a water square to build lakes and rivers? This could open up the realm of water pets. Even a water habitat could be cool. I'd pay for some diamonds to help me reach that goal.

I've already mentioned this, but I'll repeat my note and what others have said. I wold really like to store trees and bushes from events so I can decorate for different seasons. It would encourage me to be more engaged with the events too. If I can totally redecorate each event/season, there will be more to do and I will be more engaged.

The process for moving things into storage is tedious. It would be better if multiple things could be moved in without losing the edit tool, just like placing things from storage is seamless.

I hope this helps! This is the only game I play and I'm dedicated, so I hope the options to grow keep expanding!

05-26-15, 05:24 PM
Sounds good, I would personally love to see some reptiles like frog, snakes, and turtles on my farm. Or change the entire farm from green grass to snow.

06-11-15, 09:22 PM
I love that idea. I'm Trying to decide if I shou give up on saving bushes and stuff, if we'll ever be able to store them.

06-16-15, 11:12 PM
I would never sell my bushes and trees. If I run out of space and it will happen someday... well, naturally it will be the end of the game for me.
I don't believe S8 will ever let us store them, they even broke previously stored bushes. I put out Fall Flower bushes from storage and can't put them back anymore.