View Full Version : Changing what you have baked

05-12-15, 04:51 PM
:oWill this charge me the full amount of each dish, or will it offset the value of the two products?

05-12-15, 05:06 PM
I don't get it :o

05-12-15, 05:31 PM
If you start a dish and change it to a second different dish, yes you will be charged the price of the new dish you start cooking. I hope that answered your question!

05-12-15, 06:17 PM
I've been wondering the same too, your question let me make up my mind to test it.

I blocked the door, that means no sales at the moment.
I have 1708 coins,
cooked blueberry muffin for 110 coins, coin counts became 1598,
then I changed to ?? which is 40 coins, and coin counts became 1624,
that means I was charged 84 coins in total, that's quite unexpected.

Neither 1558 (1708-110-40),
nor 1668 (1708-110+110-40).

05-12-15, 07:07 PM
I've been wondering the same too, your question let me make up my mind to test it.

I blocked the door, that means no sales at the moment.
I have 1708 coins,
cooked blueberry muffin for 110 coins, coin counts became 1598,
then I changed to ?? which is 40 coins, and coin counts became 1624,
that means I was charged 84 coins in total, that's quite unexpected.

Neither 1558 (1708-110-40),
nor 1668 (1708-110+110-40).

Did it charge you more? Lol i didnt get it 😄

05-12-15, 07:08 PM
Ok I'll block my door and let you know about the results.

05-12-15, 07:23 PM
It gave me different amounts. I didn't get how they deduct the value once changed.

05-14-15, 03:12 PM
Ok I'm lost. R u saying that after u paid X amt for the first recipe
U chgd ur mind and decided to cook a different recipe that u were only charged the difference btwn 1st recipe and 2nd recipe? Cuz I always assumed that u would pay the full price for the 2nd recipe also.

05-23-15, 09:41 PM
Ok I'm lost. R u saying that after u paid X amt for the first recipe
U chgd ur mind and decided to cook a different recipe that u were only charged the difference btwn 1st recipe and 2nd recipe? Cuz I always assumed that u would pay the full price for the 2nd recipe also.

Jusr the difference.. It will not charge the full price

05-24-15, 05:24 PM
I don't think so. If you start a new recipe, you will be charged the full cost of that recipe and you will not be refunded the coins you spent starting the first recipe. There are no refunds in this game. Just like if you store the appliance with the food cooking on it you lose the food and the money you spent.

05-25-15, 06:28 PM
As in my test (pls see #4), I 've got partial refund for the 1st recipe.

I don't think so. If you start a new recipe, you will be charged the full cost of that recipe and you will not be refunded the coins you spent starting the first recipe. There are no refunds in this game. Just like if you store the appliance with the food cooking on it you lose the food and the money you spent.