View Full Version : Add Let's Build Together & Rotate Parts

05-08-15, 01:07 PM
Let's Build Together & Rotate on Bakery Story

Let's Build Together & Rotate is a group for players who want to work together to build appliances and stockpile parts. It is also a group for people who have limited time to play. After running across all kinds of players and playing several different ways myself I tried to think of a way to play that would suit as many people as possible.

A few of my neighbors and I have been discussing a way to play that allows us time to play with our busy schedules. We don?t fit into a typical type. We are no longer active tipping neighbors but are not really low maintenance players either. We believe gifts are what?s most important and take them very seriously so we take special requests and gift per neighbors needs. But again this can be time consuming and not everyone is up to this challenge and a lot of the time you have people sending you the wrong part. So we are trying to organize a group of similar or interested players.

So here is what we came up with:

Here?s how it works:

We pick an appliance and start with the first part needed to build. Then we mass gift that part the first day to all our neighbors and then we continue down the list of parts needed and do the same until we have gifted all the parts for that appliance (rotating parts).

We can also send out requests for the same part which would allow us 20 gifted parts and 20 requested parts giving us 40 of the same part for one appliance in one day.

Depending on how many different parts it needs, it might take a few days to get all the parts needed to build but then we should have enough to build several at a time or you can just stockpile the pieces. We can continue to do this to make the max amount of that one appliance or rotate appliances as well.

To minimize confusion, one group leader can post that days part on their wall for everyone to check so everyone keeps on track and they can also decide on the group leaders wall if they want to keep building the same appliance or move on to the next one or just basic parts. This only works if everyone works together.


If one of our neighbors has already built this appliance or is building something else we can also pick a daily basic part to be rotated or repeated on the days that we are gifting parts specific to that appliance. This would work because most of the appliances need basic parts mixed with other parts.

Special Requests:

There will also more than likely be people that want to build something that is not unlocked to everyone and there?s no reason why we shouldn?t be able to help them out too. While they send us the part we are mass gifting, we?ll mass gift their part back. They can post what part or parts they need to our walls so we have the reminder and we check out wall before mass gifting and send their part first.

So in a nutshell:

-We Start with an Appliance
-We gift the 1st part needed the first day, 2nd part the second day and so on until they?re all gifted
-Group leader will have the next days appliance part posted on their wall as well as the basic part of the day
-If someone doesn?t want the next day?s part, they write on their neighbors walls before the reset letting them know what part to send so they have the reminder. If they ask you to send it for a day or week please try to honor their request. If they simply say basic part then send them the next basic part on the gifts list or check the group leaders wall for the basic part of the day.


-Please only daily players, daily gifters, over level 46 and able to read and honor wall requests.
-Also be aware that this group was designed for busy players and tips are considered not necessary or optional. In other words, please don?t expect to get tips back from every player. And please don?t harass anyone over it. This is meant to be play for fun and not obligation.

I hope this makes sense and I haven?t made it sound overly complicated. If you are interested, have any input, suggestions or questions please feel free to comment or send me a message here: http://forums.storm8.com/member.php?165085-StarliteNite

If this sounds like something you?d want to be a part of my ID is starlitenite

Please leave a message on my wall letting me know you are from the forum by saying "Let's Build!!!"or your request will not be accepted!

Hope to build with you soon!!!

Oh and also just started new group for this if you wanna join and discuss: http://forums.storm8.com/group.php?groupid=608

05-08-15, 01:59 PM
Sounds like it would only be a group for low-level players. Most players over level 50 or so would already have most of their appliances built and wouldn't need to build a new one every week unless a new goal popped up. Good luck.

05-08-15, 02:21 PM
My neighbors and I are over level 50 and we haven't built everything yet. This is about mass gifting and stocking up on parts and mass building all the appliances.

05-08-15, 02:53 PM
i think it's a great idea (though i'm no where near dedicated enough to join it myself). i built at least one of every appliance a long time ago, just to make sure i wouldn't totally miss out, and am finally going back and building more some of them. good luck!

kooky panda
06-09-15, 11:23 AM
Closing thread as per O.P.s request.