View Full Version : Bakery Story 6th May 2015 Update

05-05-15, 12:42 PM
What you want to see ?

05-05-15, 12:51 PM
Garden decorations. Greenery, trees, flowers, lakes. GNOME HOME PLZZ

05-05-15, 01:03 PM
how come we dont have a preview yet? arent they normally out by now?

05-05-15, 01:12 PM
not usually at this time--give it a couple hours. i want anything colorful, to make up for last week!

05-05-15, 01:15 PM
I would like a fairy fountain or some sort. I hope the goals are better than the previous ones. Oh and please don't bring out the fruit bar out again.

05-05-15, 01:33 PM
Gnome home and a fairy fountain sound fun. A fantasy garden theme would be wondeful.

I just hope the goals (whatever they may be) are cute and the recipes don't have tediously long times.

05-05-15, 01:39 PM
Something cute and fun. The last few updates were blah (IMO) I'm ready for spring/summer...and COLOR!!!

05-05-15, 02:20 PM

Hola panaderos! Want to celebrate Cinco de Mayo in your own Bakery? You?ll have the most liveliest of parties with the Tango Dancers display in Bakery Story!

Prepare for a joyful festival with these new items:

Contador de Pan
Gaucho Lasso wall decoration
Facturas Case

05-05-15, 02:24 PM
yay for tangoers! they will look great with the waltzers in my current dance party. the display cases, small and large, aren't bad either, and i kind of like the walls.

05-05-15, 02:35 PM
It may just be me but it doesn't seem well coordinated does it? Blue/white walls, yellow sun floor tile, pink tables, the long bakery display and guy in the middle!? Doesn't look like goals but I've been wrong before. Not the cup of spring I was hoping for

05-05-15, 02:39 PM
It doesn't seem to go together. I like them individually.The couple at the table will go great for valentines.

05-05-15, 02:45 PM
Thank you twospoons and Natasha for providing the thread and picture! Not feeling so well.

It's a nice update. I like the floor decor- one can make a nice dance party with the dancing couple from the princess birthday goals and I think there were people dancing in the New Year's box as well?

05-05-15, 02:46 PM
Doesn't look great at all. It just looks like individual pieces that they've lumped together. It doesn't really look like a goal either. Are we going back to the second Wednesday of the month?

I wish we had RS update. It's absolutely lovely.

05-05-15, 02:54 PM
Thank you twospoons and Natasha for providing the thread and picture! Not feeling so well.

It's a nice update. I like the floor decor- one can make a nice dance party with the dancing couple from the princess birthday goals and I think there were people dancing in the New Year's box as well?

glad i didn't go with my initial impulse to rub it in that i finally faster than you then. feel better!

also, i agree that the update doesn't really cohere, but the individual elements are still good, as sbratprincess said.

05-05-15, 03:04 PM
NEW ITEMS I LIKE TO BUY: Tango Dancers display and Gaucho Lasso wall Decoration. See twospoons thread at page 1

Cinco de Mayo: Tango Dancer Display
Gaucho Lasso wall Decoration
Facturas Case

I Love this theme.

05-05-15, 03:05 PM
Thank you twospoons and Natasha for providing the thread and picture! Not feeling so well.

It's a nice update. I like the floor decor- one can make a nice dance party with the dancing couple from the princess birthday goals and I think there were people dancing in the New Year's box as well?

Feel better Jill...! ♥

About the update: I too think it doesn't coordinate, it's like a mishmash of individual items I like but jammed together for a non theme.

I do like the display thingy, it goes well as showcase displays with the cherry blossom one and thanksgiving one...
Mmm gives me an idea, I can make an outdoors pastry fair theme. :)

EDIT: I really hoping for a spring sale on garden cake still, feeling like an over broken record. :rolleyes:

05-05-15, 03:46 PM
Looks like new recipes to me. Anyone else see that?

05-05-15, 03:53 PM
Looks like new recipes to me. Anyone else see that?

I saw those. Maybe it will be a goal after all.

05-05-15, 03:55 PM
Hmm. Would have loved this theme last week. Seems odd to get a Cinco de Mayo theme on seis de Mayo. But it looks nice (except for the wallpaper, ugh) and will fit very well with all sorts of decorating schemes.

05-05-15, 03:56 PM
Is this a goal?? I don't see the new ovens

05-05-15, 03:57 PM
I think it is cute. I wish these were reversed. This would look better in restaurant and the one in restaurant would look better in bakery.

05-05-15, 03:59 PM
Looks like new recipes to me. Anyone else see that?

I don't see new ovens though

05-05-15, 04:11 PM
It's an Argentina-inspired update!! Though it would be Veinticinco de Mayo (May 25th), which is a national holiday, not Cinco de Mayo.
It's a bit of a mish mash as tango and gauchos don't really mix (it's something like mixing hip hop and cowboys), but the wallpaper has the colors of the argentinian flag, and the sun on the floor tiles is the sun that appears in the middle of the flag. No idea where the pink tables came from, though.
I hope to see traditional recipes such as pastelitos, churros and hot chocolate (it's fall here and it's getting cold!). There are a few inaccuracies but it's so nice to see my country represented here :D

05-05-15, 04:13 PM
I don't see new ovens though

Hahaha! Maybe the new recipes will be on the Peubla oven! :D

05-05-15, 04:16 PM
When goal?,,

05-05-15, 04:32 PM
Hahaha! Maybe the new recipes will be on the Peubla oven! :D

Lol. Good one.

05-05-15, 04:33 PM
Looks like we aren't getting spring themed stuff until it's near summer again. I'm so envious of Restaurant Story with those tulips. The tulip decorations in Bakery Story aren't as pretty.

05-05-15, 04:42 PM
It's an Argentina-inspired update!! Though it would be Veinticinco de Mayo (May 25th), which is a national holiday, not Cinco de Mayo.
It's a bit of a mish mash as tango and gauchos don't really mix (it's something like mixing hip hop and cowboys), but the wallpaper has the colors of the argentinian flag, and the sun on the floor tiles is the sun that appears in the middle of the flag. No idea where the pink tables came from, though.
I hope to see traditional recipes such as pastelitos, churros and hot chocolate (it's fall here and it's getting cold!). There are a few inaccuracies but it's so nice to see my country represented here :D

Yo tambien soy Argentina y hace rato que estoy pidiendo un tema argentino, aca y en RS! ☺

05-05-15, 04:42 PM
5 de Mayo and an argentinian theme?? First of all, no one really celebrates 5 de Mayo, at least not in Mexico,second why are people have to be dancing tango that day??? Really? They cant understant they are different countries?? Wow....

It's an Argentina-inspired update!! Though it would be Veinticinco de Mayo (May 25th), which is a national holiday, not Cinco de Mayo.
It's a bit of a mish mash as tango and gauchos don't really mix (it's something like mixing hip hop and cowboys), but the wallpaper has the colors of the argentinian flag, and the sun on the floor tiles is the sun that appears in the middle of the flag. No idea where the pink tables came from, though.
I hope to see traditional recipes such as pastelitos, churros and hot chocolate (it's fall here and it's getting cold!). There are a few inaccuracies but it's so nice to see my country represented here :D

05-05-15, 04:46 PM
5 de Mayo and an argentinian theme?? First of all, no one really celebrates 5 de Mayo, at least not in Mexico,second why are people have to be dancing tango that day??? Really? They cant understant they are different countries?? Wow....

As Xyn25 explained, in Argentina our festive day is 25th May. Has nothing to do with mexican 5th May.

05-05-15, 04:47 PM
Looks like new recipes to me. Anyone else see that?

I saw at least 3 new recipes so that tells me it'll be goals. It's also the first Wednesday of the month so if we're getting goals then tomorrow is the day.

05-05-15, 04:47 PM
5 de Mayo and an argentinian theme?? First of all, no one really celebrates 5 de Mayo, at least not in Mexico,second why are people have to be dancing tango that day??? Really? They cant understant they are different countries?? Wow....

Lol. That's funny. The fiasco continues.

05-05-15, 04:58 PM
The dancers and table with wine belong in RS not BS, I am really disappointed again, the past few updates have been aweful

05-05-15, 05:08 PM
Yo tambien soy Argentina y hace rato que estoy pidiendo un tema argentino, aca y en RS! ☺

Que bueno encontrar otra argentina en el foro!!

05-05-15, 05:15 PM
5 de Mayo and an argentinian theme?? First of all, no one really celebrates 5 de Mayo, at least not in Mexico,second why are people have to be dancing tango that day??? Really? They cant understant they are different countries?? Wow....

I initially thought it was a mistake seeing 'Cinco de mayo' & 'tango' which at first I thought it has Mexican because of '5 de mayo' mentioned, but the wallpaper & tango didn't match, the display was bread/pastry theme & the couple was on valentine's date... :)

05-05-15, 05:18 PM
Siiii, al fin nuestro turno! Tango! Tango! Tango!

05-05-15, 05:24 PM
NEW ITEMS I LIKE TO BUY: Tango Dancers display and Gaucho Lasso wall Decoration. See twospoons thread at page 1.

CInco de Mayo: Tango Dancer display -- Contador de Pan
Gaucho Lasso wall Decoration
Facturas Case
I love this theme.

05-05-15, 06:40 PM
Siiii, al fin nuestro turno! Tango! Tango! Tango!

Y para nada me molesta que lo hagan, al contrario! Pero deber?an mencionar que est?n celebrando la cultura argentina, que tiene tanto que ofrecer!

05-05-15, 07:09 PM
Siiii, al fin nuestro turno! Tango! Tango! Tango!

Jajajajaja!! Fana total!!!

05-05-15, 07:11 PM
Que bueno encontrar otra argentina en el foro!!

Jugas solo Bakery o tambi?n Restaurant?

05-05-15, 07:16 PM
since we obviously have some argentinians here, can you share what the food is? (if you can't do it by the picture, i understand, but maybe when the recipes all have names?)

05-05-15, 07:52 PM
There's nothing here worth getting for me. I'll do the goal for the recipes and prizes; I don't have any room in my bakery with the small size.

05-05-15, 08:31 PM
Not really feeling this update! Like the floor tiles, though.

05-06-15, 03:52 AM
since we obviously have some argentinians here, can you share what the food is? (if you can't do it by the picture, i understand, but maybe when the recipes all have names?)

What I can see at first sight are croissants or as we call it in Argentina: Medialunas. This literally means Half moon. I can't distinguish the other recipes. Maybe Pastelitos, that's a little cake stuffed with quince.

05-06-15, 04:06 AM
The updates seem alright, though I do like the dog. I'm ready for the goals!

05-06-15, 04:13 AM
Y para nada me molesta que lo hagan, al contrario! Pero deber?an mencionar que est?n celebrando la cultura argentina, que tiene tanto que ofrecer!

Me quej? con Frozen Turtle, porque est?n anunciando festejos para una fiesta mejicana con art?culos argentinos, ignorancia pura!!!!

05-06-15, 04:19 AM
Hope it's an interesting goal, last one was so plain.

05-06-15, 05:08 AM
Hope it's an interesting goal, last one was so plain.

Last goal was rubbish. I only wanted the recipes lol

05-06-15, 05:38 AM
Last goal was rubbish. I only wanted the recipes lol

Yeah, I'm with you on that one. Plus, I think it was mentioned in another thread that only the USA and Japan play baseball, so who else around the world would have been interested in collecting the items from that goal??

05-06-15, 05:46 AM
Yeah, I'm with you on that one. Plus, I think it was mentioned in another thread that only the USA and Japan play baseball, so who else around the world would have been interested in collecting the items from that goal??

Wow! Do you own a TV? Read a newspaper? LOL!

05-06-15, 05:47 AM
Am I only person who doesn't like the flooring.

05-06-15, 05:53 AM
I hope the recipes sell for the standard 5 coins, rather than the 2 coins we have been seeing... and that this goal has no bugs...

Not adding new nbrs in any of my games.

05-06-15, 06:04 AM
Do you know about what time we'll be finding out details of the update?

05-06-15, 06:15 AM
5 hrs from now is the usual time we get it .....Not liking this update :(

05-06-15, 06:27 AM
Why do people insist on referring to what they don't like as rubbish? I liked the baseball goal, thought it was cute and the recipes well thought out as farvas coordinating with the theme. Made more sense to me than the ballerina theme...at least there are concession stands at ball parks. As far as this update/goal.... I do like the flooring.

05-06-15, 07:35 AM
I hope the recipes sell for the standard 5 coins, rather than the 2 coins we have been seeing... and that this goal has no bugs...

Not adding new nbrs in any of my games.
The standard 5 coins? When has food on BS sold for a standard 5 coins?

05-06-15, 07:42 AM
I like it. Just those dancers would look so good in my restaurant and there has already been(imo only) enough flowers and plants and trees in rs. Could have used the flowers in bakery for sure. If I add any more flowers in rs it is going to look like a gardening center. While if I add anymore dancers to my bakery it is going to look like a dance studio. Lol

05-06-15, 08:07 AM
Wow! Do you own a TV? Read a newspaper? LOL!

Yes, I do. I just don't follow baseball.

05-06-15, 08:35 AM
Jugas solo Bakery o tambi?n Restaurant?

Los dos! Tambi?n juego Dragon Story y Castle Story :)

05-06-15, 08:42 AM
since we obviously have some argentinians here, can you share what the food is? (if you can't do it by the picture, i understand, but maybe when the recipes all have names?)

Sure! As Sb1957 said, there are medialunas (croissants). I'm not too sure about the other recipes, but I think the triangular shaped ones might be pastelitos (a kind of puff pastry with quince jam inside) and the ones in the middle (the little bowls) might be natillas (a type of custard).
We'll be able to say more when we see the actual update, of course. :)

05-06-15, 08:43 AM
Why do I feel like it will be a box?:confused: That's a pretty update though.

05-06-15, 09:19 AM
Why do I feel like it will be a box?:confused: That's a pretty update though.

I'd prefer if this were a box not a goal (I would not buy the box) but only time will tell!

05-06-15, 09:45 AM
I like the bakery displays. They have all matched very well since the urban update. My bakery is running out of room though...still saving for the 6 million coin expansion. No idea how I will get any after that. I am thinking 40 gems might be better for expanding after this.

05-06-15, 09:58 AM
I'd prefer if this were a box not a goal (I would not buy the box) but only time will tell!

We just had a box didn't we? The ballerina box.

05-06-15, 10:25 AM
Hmm, this does look very mismatched. I like the couple at the pink table, that would fit perfectly in an area where you have your shop set up as a bakery. I don't mind the tango dancers or the bakery display, but I like them all separately. I don't really understand the dog wearing a hat with a rope in its mouth, the wallpaper, the flooring, the ropes on the wall? Either way, you can just obtain all the items and use what you want and keep the rest in the storage, so it's not a big deal.

05-06-15, 10:35 AM
Its a box in RS so guessing that's the same here too..

05-06-15, 10:38 AM
Its a box in RS so guessing that's the same here too..

Bakery had a box like 2 weeks ago so we won't be getting a box

05-06-15, 10:47 AM
Hmm, this does look very mismatched. I like the couple at the pink table, that would fit perfectly in an area where you have your shop set up as a bakery. I don't mind the tango dancers or the bakery display, but I like them all separately. I don't really understand the dog wearing a hat with a rope in its mouth, the wallpaper, the flooring, the ropes on the wall? Either way, you can just obtain all the items and use what you want and keep the rest in the storage, so it's not a big deal.

The tango dancers, bakery display, the wallpaper, the flooring, ropes on the wall, EVERYTHING, is an Argentinian scene. The dog with a hat can be a gaucho dog, with a rope similar than those in the wall, that gauchos use in the pampas to sustain horses or cows. The wallpaper is the Argentine flag, and the flooring refers to the sun that Argentine flag has in the middle.

The confusion comes when S8 offers this articles to celebrate 5 de mayo, when this is a Mexican festivity that has nothing to do with Argentina. At this point S8 made a complete mistake.

05-06-15, 10:55 AM
The confusion comes when S8 offers this articles to celebrate 5 de mayo, when this is a Mexican festivity that has nothing to do with Argentina. At this point S8 made a complete mistake.

Yes! Another mistake!!! seriously guys.....you could run stuff by your community before going official with it >.< again, managerial mistakes........ >.< i kinda now get how come the politicians are so incompetent in the US, it seems to be the 'standard' for management >.> sad......

05-06-15, 11:01 AM
Yes! Another mistake!!! seriously guys.....you could run stuff by your community before going official with it >.< again, managerial mistakes........ >.< i kinda now get how come the politicians are so incompetent in the US, it seems to be the 'standard' for management >.> sad......

Hmm kind of insulting an entire country there aren't ya?

05-06-15, 11:03 AM
Hmm kind of insulting an entire country there aren't ya?

well....sorta :P

05-06-15, 11:05 AM
No goals for BS this week as well.

05-06-15, 11:06 AM
So then there are no goals this month in either game?

05-06-15, 11:07 AM
Bakery updates usually release around 2:30 pm Eastern. So, that's about 25 minutes from now. *fingers crossed*

No goals for BS this week as well.

05-06-15, 11:08 AM
No goals here either!!

05-06-15, 11:09 AM
No goals which is disappointing, but on the up side 4 new recipes!!

05-06-15, 11:09 AM
So then there are no goals this month in either game?

The 'goals every first Wednesday of the month' thing hasn't been exactly consistent through the years, sometimes it's the 2nd Wednesday so we're probably getting back to back goals for BS and RS next week instead.

05-06-15, 11:10 AM
well....sorta :P

Well that's not judgy at all :p

I don't think I would equate the poor management and customer service of this company as the standard by which all companies in the US are managed.

05-06-15, 11:11 AM
must say, LOVE those tiles! good job S8!

05-06-15, 11:11 AM
Bakery updates usually release around 2:30 pm Eastern. So, that's about 25 minutes from now. *fingers crossed*

The update is here already and it's not a goal. And BS' update time is 11am PST or 2pm EST, not 2:30pm. :)

05-06-15, 11:11 AM
No goals in BS either....at least we have new recipes unlike RS where there is zilch! I'm disappointed that there are no goals. Would like TL to explain why....

05-06-15, 11:14 AM
I don't have anything yet and it is 2:15 est. Hmm I will shut down and restart, see if anything comes up.

05-06-15, 11:15 AM
Well that's not judgy at all :p

I don't think I would equate the poor management and customer service of this company as the standard by which all companies in the US are managed.

unfortunately i have met rather few that were the opposite. sure they exist but i havent encountered that many.

05-06-15, 11:16 AM
No goals in BS either....at least we have new recipes unlike RS where there is zilch! I'm disappointed that there are no goals. Would like TL to explain why....

cause its either 1st or 2nd week :) we re in the first week now....... so.....we ll get rs/bs goals next week.

05-06-15, 11:18 AM
Not thrilled with these gem prices. And this is coming from someone with three Lotus Fountains.

05-06-15, 11:18 AM
I don't have anything yet and it is 2:15 est. Hmm I will shut down and restart, see if anything comes up.

I just checked and the new stuff as well as new recipes are all in my tabs. I didn't get a pop-up with the "Hooray" message, though.

05-06-15, 11:18 AM
Theres new recipes on the White Oven on BS. (Not the quillcakes from the Poets update)

05-06-15, 11:19 AM
Interesting. My game generally doesn't get the weekly updates until the half hour. But nothing seems to be consistent with the new S8 any more. <shrug>

At least the folks who observe the Argentine holiday have an update in plenty of time to enjoy it.

The update is here already and it's not a goal. And BS' update time is 11am PST or 2pm EST, not 2:30pm. :)

05-06-15, 11:24 AM
Well and I guess we now have found out that after a goal you had better buy what you want immediately
or they will disappear with no notice. I've never encountered a company that seems to want to go out of its way to antagonize its customers.

05-06-15, 11:26 AM
Well and I guess we now have found out that after a goal you had better buy what you want immediately
or they will disappear with no notice. I've never encountered a company that seems to want to go out of its way to antagonize its customers.

this made me laugh XD
it just keeps getting better doesnt it? seems like they're trying to step it up, week by week XD

05-06-15, 11:27 AM
Well and I guess we now have found out that after a goal you had better buy what you want immediately
or they will disappear with no notice. I've never encountered a company that seems to want to go out of its way to antagonize its customers.

what she said. especially over incredibly stupid stuff that does them no good.

05-06-15, 11:31 AM
The tango dancers, bakery display, the wallpaper, the flooring, ropes on the wall, EVERYTHING, is an Argentinian scene. The dog with a hat can be a gaucho dog, with a rope similar than those in the wall, that gauchos use in the pampas to sustain horses or cows. The wallpaper is the Argentine flag, and the flooring refers to the sun that Argentine flag has in the middle.

The confusion comes when S8 offers this articles to celebrate 5 de mayo, when this is a Mexican festivity that has nothing to do with Argentina. At this point S8 made a complete mistake.

Ahh, gotcha! Thank you for explaining it to me :) Definitely strange of them to offer an Argentina update around Cinco de Mayo, but maybe they did this because they already offered Cinco de Mayo goals a couple of years ago? Who knows haha.

05-06-15, 11:31 AM
this made me laugh XD
it just keeps getting better doesnt it? seems like they're trying to step it up, week by week XD

Yeah really. If they used all the free time they seem to spend coming up with ways to peeve off players and used it for, oh I don't know, THE GAME. Just think how awesome that would be.

05-06-15, 11:32 AM
Tango dancers for 24 gems? Yeah, I don't think so. The baker at fifty gems, eh, considering the Sakura treat stand with the same design is thirty five, and that's pink and thus more desirable. :p I might have considered it normally, but I spent a lot of gems early this year when I was buying up everything bakery related as there used to be relatively few such 4x4 displays, and now regret it because there's so many big food displays available that I should have been more selective for design. The couple at the table and the 1x1 food display are nice coin items though, and yay new recipes.

05-06-15, 11:33 AM
Lol what a good dream deekathleen.

05-06-15, 11:36 AM
Lol what a good dream deekathleen.

Lol :0)

05-06-15, 11:40 AM
Hmm kind of insulting an entire country there aren't ya?

They're insulting 2 countries, Mexico that would never celebrate their festivity with this stuff and My Argentina which correct festivity is on 25th May " Dia de la Revolucion de Mayo" ( Revolution of May day)

05-06-15, 11:43 AM
Hahaha let it rein with items for the gems, congrats TL, I have this game enough

05-06-15, 11:43 AM
Usually RS is first week of the month. And BS is 2nd week but last few have been same time with RS. So technically we should have goals in RS for sure this week. But we don't so that's strange. But BS could have been goals today or next week. So having no goals in either game is unusual.

05-06-15, 11:44 AM
when does the new goal start for Bakery Story snd Restaurant Story ?

05-06-15, 11:48 AM
when does the new goal start for Bakery Story snd Restaurant Story ?

Doesn't look like there will be a goal this week. Check your design tab for the new content and your oven for the new recipes and you should see it.

05-06-15, 11:50 AM
I was really expecting new challenges this wk since for the longest time now we've been getting both RS and BS the 1st Wednesday of the month. I'm not sure y they chgd w this month. O well I've learned to expect the unexpected.
Thx TL for nothing once again.

05-06-15, 11:51 AM
They're insulting 2 countries, Mexico that would never celebrate their festivity with this stuff and My Argentina which correct festivity is on 25th May " Dia de la Revolucion de Mayo" ( Revolution of May day)

deekathleen's post wasn't in response to this update, although your point still stands.

24 gems for the dancers? darn it. i wanted them, but not that much!

05-06-15, 11:53 AM
24 gems for the dancers? darn it. i wanted them, but not that much!

same here!

love the new recipes! ^^ just spotted them. again gj S8

05-06-15, 12:38 PM
So glad that this wasn't a goal! Hopefully next week we get cute stuff.but lately TL is nuts with all the weird stuff going on.We'll see.

05-06-15, 12:40 PM
deekathleen's post wasn't in response to this update, although your point still stands.

24 gems for the dancers? darn it. i wanted them, but not that much!

Thank you :0)

05-06-15, 12:48 PM
New items:


and recipes:

Please help me if I miss something...


05-06-15, 12:55 PM
So 50 gems for the contador de pan, why the jack is that price so high ????? I think a reasonable price is 35 -38 gems max.

They give stuff always jacking up the price! Only plus is new recipes which I always welcome.

05-06-15, 01:06 PM
I found new versions of BS and RS in the Google Play Store, under Storm 8.

05-06-15, 01:09 PM
Well and I guess we now have found out that after a goal you had better buy what you want immediately
or they will disappear with no notice. I've never encountered a company that seems to want to go out of its way to antagonize its customers.

What do u mean? Did something like that occur and when

05-06-15, 01:18 PM
I saw no tango dancers in fact No goals

05-06-15, 01:28 PM
I had odd thing happen on my android ph, the menu (goals) popped up but was blank. I thought my ph was acting up, so I clsd & restarted, then menu (goals) was gone.

05-06-15, 01:32 PM
What do u mean? Did something like that occur and when

just this week, all the baseball content is not longer available for purchase for those who did those goals last month. no warning, just gone.

05-06-15, 01:45 PM
In fact, in Mexico we never celebrate this day, we celebrate our independence on September 16th, but I think the game is not oriented for us mexicans living in Mexico, lol!

They're insulting 2 countries, Mexico that would never celebrate their festivity with this stuff and My Argentina which correct festivity is on 25th May " Dia de la Revolucion de Mayo" ( Revolution of May day)

05-06-15, 01:56 PM
Considering that last week we droids got no update neither in BS nor RS - and we are still waiting for the usual pop up in both.... - the good news this week is there is noboring goal :)
New recipes are always interesting esp international ones most players are not familiar with
as for items they might seem gem heavy but well gems are always on sale....

05-06-15, 02:05 PM
I only purchased the Argentine lovers. I refuse to spend 50 gems on the contador de pan - that price is a bit too high IMO.

05-06-15, 02:11 PM
where did the baseball content go???????

05-06-15, 02:14 PM
There is an explanation about it on the bugs thread.

05-06-15, 02:27 PM
:( People complained before, when TL was running things? Well they will have tons to be unhappy with now. Goals have been bland and lacking Artistry, the updates have been Gem gouging to say the least, and now, when we were suppose to have our usual first of month goal...NOTHING! I have been contemplating quitting for at least three months and so have A LOT of my neighbors. TL needs to take back over. At least the goals came like clock work and their seemed to be some talent/vision behind the decorative design. Maybe the company needs to quit taking Hawiian Vactions. In what Universe does a company pay its workers to "pimp their desk" or take them on Vacations worth thousands of dollars??!! Please give us our game back and quit holding it hostage with gems!

05-06-15, 02:38 PM
Looks like new recipes to me. Anyone else see that?

there are 4 new recepies!! and thay look so lovely!! this is probobly just an update sence we have new recepies at basic oven,dosen't look like goal!

05-06-15, 03:21 PM
Maybe the company needs to quit taking Hawiian Vactions. In what Universe does a company pay its workers to "pimp their desk" or take them on Vacations worth thousands of dollars??!! Please give us our game back and quit holding it hostage with gems!

I thought I was the only one who was wondering this. Beer and ramen noodles.

05-06-15, 04:50 PM
What happened to the baseball appliances?! They just vanished without any warning whatsoever!! Please bring them back and if you want to remove any items from the market, please put a timer on it, so that we know how long until they vanish.

05-06-15, 05:30 PM

The recipes all look delicious to me. :o

05-06-15, 06:24 PM
I'm a little sad because we have no goals yet, it's a little boring just to cook stuff.
The recipes are pretty good though. We have alfajores, which are basically two shells (more cookie-like or cake-like, depending on the region) with a filling in the middle. The filling is usually dulce de leche, but there are also alfajores with fruit jams. There are also cuernitos (it means "little horns"), a slightly salty kind of biscuit made with lard, and medialunas (croissants). The last recipe is arroz con leche, which is a sweet rice porridge made with milk and spiced with cinnamon and vanilla. I think arroz con leche doesn't really belong in a bakery, it's more something that grandmas used to make, but the others are great.
Nice to see a little argentinian culture in BS! :)

05-06-15, 07:29 PM
Thanks for explaining, I wish I can taste the real alfajores, it sounds and looks yummy.

I'm a little sad because we have no goals yet, it's a little boring just to cook stuff.
The recipes are pretty good though. We have alfajores, which are basically two shells (more cookie-like or cake-like, depending on the region) with a filling in the middle. The filling is usually dulce de leche, but there are also alfajores with fruit jams. There are also cuernitos (it means "little horns"), a slightly salty kind of biscuit made with lard, and medialunas (croissants). The last recipe is arroz con leche, which is a sweet rice porridge made with milk and spiced with cinnamon and vanilla. I think arroz con leche doesn't really belong in a bakery, it's more something that grandmas used to make, but the others are great.
Nice to see a little argentinian culture in BS! :)

05-06-15, 08:52 PM
I didn't know arroz con leche was popular in Argentina, here is also as you said something mom or grandma would cook as dessert. Since is not a cookie or something with bread I don't think it belongs to a bakery. I love alfajores, they are a must after some empanadas at my fav argentinian restaurant!
I'm a little sad because we have no goals yet, it's a little boring just to cook stuff.
The recipes are pretty good though. We have alfajores, which are basically two shells (more cookie-like or cake-like, depending on the region) with a filling in the middle. The filling is usually dulce de leche, but there are also alfajores with fruit jams. There are also cuernitos (it means "little horns"), a slightly salty kind of biscuit made with lard, and medialunas (croissants). The last recipe is arroz con leche, which is a sweet rice porridge made with milk and spiced with cinnamon and vanilla. I think arroz con leche doesn't really belong in a bakery, it's more something that grandmas used to make, but the others are great.
Nice to see a little argentinian culture in BS! :)

05-06-15, 10:41 PM
I'm a little sad because we have no goals yet, it's a little boring just to cook stuff.
The recipes are pretty good though. We have alfajores, which are basically two shells (more cookie-like or cake-like, depending on the region) with a filling in the middle. The filling is usually dulce de leche, but there are also alfajores with fruit jams. There are also cuernitos (it means "little horns"), a slightly salty kind of biscuit made with lard, and medialunas (croissants). The last recipe is arroz con leche, which is a sweet rice porridge made with milk and spiced with cinnamon and vanilla. I think arroz con leche doesn't really belong in a bakery, it's more something that grandmas used to make, but the others are great.
Nice to see a little argentinian culture in BS! :)

Thanks for explaining! Sometimes I wonder if some of the food in bakery story is made up! I'm happy to hear that this really is food that comes from Argentina! I love finding out about food from other countries ♡♥♡

05-06-15, 11:13 PM
I'm a little sad because we have no goals yet, it's a little boring just to cook stuff.
The recipes are pretty good though. We have alfajores, which are basically two shells (more cookie-like or cake-like, depending on the region) with a filling in the middle. The filling is usually dulce de leche, but there are also alfajores with fruit jams. There are also cuernitos (it means "little horns"), a slightly salty kind of biscuit made with lard, and medialunas (croissants). The last recipe is arroz con leche, which is a sweet rice porridge made with milk and spiced with cinnamon and vanilla. I think arroz con leche doesn't really belong in a bakery, it's more something that grandmas used to make, but the others are great.
Nice to see a little argentinian culture in BS! :)
I so agree with you!!we want chalenges ...someting to be fun to play!!love allways new recepies but goals are amazing to play!!!

05-06-15, 11:31 PM
I would love a goal! Do we get those monthly or randomly? If this isn't a goal do you think we will get one for May? I do think the dancers and argentine lovers are absolutely adorable! I wanted to purchase the large display (forgot the name) but it's 50 gems which is just too much imho. No one on my neighbors list has bought one yet. I'd like to see what it looks like in someone's bakery before I even think about spending 50 gems on it!

05-07-15, 01:20 AM
Usually 1 goal per month on the 1st Wednesday, probably it will be on the 2nd Wednesday this month.
Don't think too many players will buy the large decor "Contador de pan" @50 gems, it is similar with another decor "Fall Baker" which cost 28,500 coins only, it is orange in colour to match the Fall theme, and a salesgirl instead of a boy here.
You can carefully place it in your bakery to preview it, but be VERY careful not to tap more than once otherwise or you might have bought it.

I would love a goal! Do we get those monthly or randomly? If this isn't a goal do you think we will get one for May? I do think the dancers and argentine lovers are absolutely adorable! I wanted to purchase the large display (forgot the name) but it's 50 gems which is just too much imho. No one on my neighbors list has bought one yet. I'd like to see what it looks like in someone's bakery before I even think about spending 50 gems on it!

05-07-15, 04:07 AM
Bakery Story
Release Date: 5/6/15
Hola panaderos! Want to add some Latin spice to your Bakery? You?ll have the most liveliest of parties with the Tango Dancers display in Bakery Story!
Prepare for a joyful festival with these new items:
Contador de Pan
Gaucho Lasso wall decoration
Facturas Case


05-07-15, 04:17 AM
There is a spring one that is almost the same too. It was like 35 gems I think. 50 is way too much imo.

05-07-15, 11:36 AM
thanks for the foodie info xyn25! alfajores sound so yummy, especially with the dulce de leche. normally i eat that with a spoon, but if it has to be served between a couple of cookies instead, i suppose i'd survive. :)


so they do listen sometimes--there was also that reference in the march teaser about macaroon wallpaper that was totally macaron wallpaper, but it was named correctly in-game after people here pointed out the error.

05-07-15, 01:37 PM
:( People complained before, when TL was running things? Well they will have tons to be unhappy with now. Goals have been bland and lacking Artistry, the updates have been Gem gouging to say the least, and now, when we were suppose to have our usual first of month goal...NOTHING! I have been contemplating quitting for at least three months and so have A LOT of my neighbors. TL needs to take back over. At least the goals came like clock work and their seemed to be some talent/vision behind the decorative design. Maybe the company needs to quit taking Hawiian Vactions. In what Universe does a company pay its workers to "pimp their desk" or take them on Vacations worth thousands of dollars??!! Please give us our game back and quit holding it hostage with gems!

TL left? When? :confused:

05-07-15, 01:53 PM
Why wasn't there a goal for all of us mothers? Restaurant Story and Bakery Story didn't have something fun for us mothers? Any reason why?

05-07-15, 01:57 PM
I completely agree. I was shocked there wasn't a goal for Mothers Day. I am not buying any more gems. A lot of my neighbors feel the same. No goals just displays to buy! Not much fun anymore.

05-07-15, 02:24 PM
I'm a little sad because we have no goals yet, it's a little boring just to cook stuff.
The recipes are pretty good though. We have alfajores, which are basically two shells (more cookie-like or cake-like, depending on the region) with a filling in the middle. The filling is usually dulce de leche, but there are also alfajores with fruit jams. There are also cuernitos (it means "little horns"), a slightly salty kind of biscuit made with lard, and medialunas (croissants). The last recipe is arroz con leche, which is a sweet rice porridge made with milk and spiced with cinnamon and vanilla. I think arroz con leche doesn't really belong in a bakery, it's more something that grandmas used to make, but the others are great.
Nice to see a little argentinian culture in BS! :)

LOL, so now we have 2 croissant recipes :rolleyes:

05-07-15, 04:19 PM
Why wasn't there a goal for all of us mothers? Restaurant Story and Bakery Story didn't have something fun for us mothers? Any reason why?

I completely agree. I was shocked there wasn't a goal for Mothers Day. I am not buying any more gems. A lot of my neighbors feel the same. No goals just displays to buy! Not much fun anymore.

um…so you agree with yourself then? i guess that's better than not agreeing with yourself.

also, calm down. goals will in all likelihood be released next wednesday. it may not be a mother's day goal set, but it will be something. and if you don't like those goals, there will be different ones next month.

TL left? When? :confused:

it was a re-branding. storm8 used to have games under the storm8 brand, the TL brand, and shark party. now they're all storm8 games.

05-07-15, 06:23 PM
I'm glad you guys liked my little description of the recipes :) alfajores are indeed yummy and yes, apparently now we have two recipes for croissants :P
It's great that they removed the reference to 5 de mayo, it feels like they care.
Hopefully next week we'll have goals?

05-07-15, 07:54 PM
cute update, whenever we get tiles with designs i usually mix them with plain tiles so it's not too crowded or hard on the eyes. But hopefully our goals will not consist of any more bread recipes :p

05-07-15, 08:52 PM
I was really enjoying the LTOs. It gave us a chance to grab something we may have missed, or if we didn't like anything from the update, we had something else offered to us that was exciting, it changed it up a bit and I miss it! TL/S8 is so predictable for being unpredictable. I'm not surprised at all that there were no goals or that Easter and Mother's Day were completely overlooked. (Re-releases for Easter did not count in my opinion. It's not hard to give us one or two new items for a holiday.. look how much winter stuff we got, my goodness.) I've been very bored with the game for weeks now, but I am happy for new recipes, which give me something to do while I wait for worthy content to purchase, but I'm just really picky anyway and I personally don't understand all of these weird themed updates (sports.. in a bakery.. really?) But hey, don't quote me, my bakery is called the Enchanted Forest.. who has trees and knights in a bakery besides me? LOL

05-07-15, 09:25 PM
Hi Sb1957. Your thread #131. If you like to see the full picture, maybe you can take a look at thread #8 at page 1. Post by twospoons that picture is big and clear.

My thread #37 at page 4.

05-08-15, 03:37 AM
Hi Sb1957. Your thread #131. If you like to see the full picture, maybe you can take a look at thread #8 at page 1. Post by twospoons that picture is big and clear.

My thread #37 at page 4.

Hi Bakerling, I wrote to Frozen Turtle explaining the mistake they made and they changed the text. What appears in my thread #131 was copied from the blog.


05-08-15, 06:51 AM
Siii. Totalmente. Que pena que TL haya cometido el grav?simo error de no investigar primero las fechas. Xq no es la primera vez que pasa, lo han hecho con otras fechas de otras culturas y siempre hay quejas por este tema. Por favor TL, t?mense el tiempo de, por lo menos, googlear lo referido a ciertas costumbres de cada pa?s Y evitar as? el enojo de los jugadores. Respetennos un poco m?s. Gracias.
Ponganse las pilas!

Sb1957 said:
05-05-2015 11:09 PM
Quote Originally Posted by karyandfashion View Post
Siiii, al fin nuestro turno! Tango! Tango! Tango!
Jajajajaja!! Fana total!!!

05-08-15, 06:57 AM
Jajajajaja!! Fana total!!!

Siii. Totalmente. Que pena que TL haya cometido el grav?simo error de no investigar primero las fechas. Xq no es la primera vez que pasa, lo han hecho con otras fechas de otras culturas y siempre hay quejas por este tema. Por favor TL, t?mense el tiempo de, por lo menos, googlear lo referido a ciertas costumbres de cada pa?s Y evitar as? el enojo de los jugadores. Respetennos un poco m?s. Gracias.
Ponganse las pilas!

05-08-15, 11:13 AM
Guys mother's day box on sale 18 gems !!!

05-08-15, 11:44 AM
thanks for the heads up! it's not my cup of tea, but it's good to know to watch out for tricky popups!

05-08-15, 11:56 AM
thanks for the heads up! it's not my cup of tea, but it's good to know to watch out for tricky popups!

Yes! Haha. It almost caught me just now. Wasn't expecting it and caught myself just in time. :rolleyes:

05-08-15, 02:02 PM
um?so you agree with yourself then? i guess that's better than not agreeing with yourself.

XD I'm dyin!

05-08-15, 08:46 PM
I am happy that now Android Users can also install Poet's Cafe version Bakery Story.

For Android Users: FREE 6 GEMS for install Poet's Cafe version Bakery Story. Add 2 new recipes in easy oven(Quillcakes, Crow Pie)

05-08-15, 09:22 PM
Yes. Is the Mother's Surprise. I like the the Mother's Gazebo best. With 18 gems, we cannot guarantee that we will get Mother's Gazebo.

Mother's Surprise
Common (4th Prize, 54%) - Craft Flowers.
- Mother's Day Cake
- Bed and Breakfast Table
- Tall Flowers*
Uncommon (3rd Prize, 35%) - Butterfly Lantern
- Flower Planter
Rare (2nd Prize, 10%) - Flower Wagon
- Flower Baskets
Exceptional (1st Prize, 1%) - Mother's Gazebo

This Mother's Surprise is taken from the thread: Bakery Master Box List.

05-08-15, 10:08 PM
Bakery Story
Release Date: 5/6/15
Hola panaderos! Want to add some Latin spice to your Bakery? You?ll have the most liveliest of parties with the Tango Dancers display in Bakery Story!
"Latin Spice"? Argentinos are not known for spicy food, or are they talking about tamarindo and canela? Lol
I can see why some people think TL/S8 should have done more research.

05-09-15, 02:36 AM
Yes. Is the Mother's Surprise. I like the the Mother's Gazebo best. With 18 gems, we cannot guarantee that we will get Mother's Gazebo.

Mother's Surprise
Common (4th Prize, 54%) - Craft Flowers.
- Mother's Day Cake
- Bed and Breakfast Table
- Tall Flowers*
Uncommon (3rd Prize, 35%) - Butterfly Lantern
- Flower Planter
Rare (2nd Prize, 10%) - Flower Wagon
- Flower Baskets
Exceptional (1st Prize, 1%) - Mother's Gazebo

This Mother's Surprise is taken from the thread: Bakery Master Box List.

Yeah I also really like the mothers gazebo, I was really happy when TL had it on sale for only 13 gems over Christmas! Not sure anything else in the box is worth 18 though

05-09-15, 03:55 AM
I got 4th place - breakfast in bed table :(

05-09-15, 02:19 PM
"Latin Spice"? Argentinos are not known for spicy food, or are they talking about tamarindo and canela? Lol
I can see why some people think TL/S8 should have done more research.

I'm from Argentina, is very disgusting to see this "mistake" and this lack of interest by S8. We must decor with everything they send about U.S.A. celebrations and habits, but once they send something related to Argentina, first they confused with a Mexican festivity, and then they corrected with "Latin Spice"????? PREPOSTEROUS!

05-09-15, 03:42 PM
Maybe they are referring to the dancers...since they are mentioned in the statement. And no one forces you to decorate with anything. In RS there was a scroll in Korean tbat had the incorrect word on it....no.one was outraged...it was pointed out and corrected. I play one game, obviously geared towards the male gender. Every time I accomplish something, some scantily clad female bunch of pixels flirts with me...so be it. In other words, it is a game. Also, South Amerca, at least in the US (the people I know anyway) equate that with hot, spicy...some foods, the weather, the dances...etc.

05-09-15, 07:04 PM
Maybe they are referring to the dancers...since they are mentioned in the statement. And no one forces you to decorate with anything. In RS there was a scroll in Korean tbat had the incorrect word on it....no.one was outraged...it was pointed out and corrected. I play one game, obviously geared towards the male gender. Every time I accomplish something, some scantily clad female bunch of pixels flirts with me...so be it. In other words, it is a game. Also, South Amerca, at least in the US (the people I know anyway) equate that with hot, spicy...some foods, the weather, the dances...etc.

South America is very big my dear, there are many countries all of them with different cultures, but what wasn't mentioned this week was that every article and recipe, the wall and floor decoration, everything belongs to Argentina. No one knows that, because nobody mentioned it.

05-09-15, 08:31 PM
Add me daily tipss id ferenciaf

05-10-15, 08:32 AM
boring!nothing is happening in the game.these boxes are not so fun to me!

05-10-15, 05:44 PM
I would have liked to see things for May Day, like a maypole, lots of red and white, etc.

05-11-15, 09:33 AM
I can't remember,do we get a preview of the goal or just have to wait till the day it comes out?

05-11-15, 11:08 AM
we get previews....like every week.

05-11-15, 12:59 PM
Greeeeeeaaaat. First thing in the morning got caught in a gem trap. Spent 18 gems accidentally on that dumb box. Craft flowers. How frustrating.

05-11-15, 02:35 PM
we get previews....like every week.

I'm sorry, I meant do we get a goal preview the day before?

05-11-15, 02:44 PM
yes, like every week.....we get previews. irrelevant if its weekly update or the monthly goal. both are shown the day before as a preview. ^.^

05-11-15, 02:53 PM
yes, like every week.....we get previews. irrelevant if its weekly update or the monthly goal. both are shown the day before as a preview. ^.^

Okay thanks. :0)

05-11-15, 04:16 PM
Greeeeeeaaaat. First thing in the morning got caught in a gem trap. Spent 18 gems accidentally on that dumb box. Craft flowers. How frustrating.

Happened to me this morning as well. It's really frustrating.

05-11-15, 05:26 PM
Still no goal and no preview terribly disappointed

05-11-15, 05:49 PM
I'm a little sad because we have no goals yet, it's a little boring just to cook stuff.
The recipes are pretty good though. We have alfajores, which are basically two shells (more cookie-like or cake-like, depending on the region) with a filling in the middle. The filling is usually dulce de leche, but there are also alfajores with fruit jams. There are also cuernitos (it means "little horns"), a slightly salty kind of biscuit made with lard, and medialunas (croissants). The last recipe is arroz con leche, which is a sweet rice porridge made with milk and spiced with cinnamon and vanilla. I think arroz con leche doesn't really belong in a bakery, it's more something that grandmas used to make, but the others are great.
Nice to see a little argentinian culture in BS! :)

Rice pudding is a southern American dish too. If it's sweet it belongs in a bakery! These gem prices are all over the place. And like mentioned before, this is from someone who has no less than $1000-2000 worth of Decor in storage from four years of playing.

Give us different shapes of displays! Stop with the same outline from the fall baker goals. And when we can buy items similar for coins or less gems, why give us the twin, with new colors and a much higher price?

Right now I'm just trying to master recipes and sell food from counters that are mismatched and driving me nuts! I don't have any eagerness to visit and tip neighbors or design my shop.

I appreciate our getting goals and whatnot but we need more dimension. Like community goals on the other games. New floors. More out of box sales.

05-11-15, 07:32 PM
Still no goal and no preview terribly disappointed
Goals and updates come on Wednesdays so the previews come on Tuesdays PST...sometime in the late afternoon I believe.